The Guessing Games (Magnus)

While we all ate dinner, everyone tried to talk to Max. It became a nodding and shaking her head game "Do you like your new family?" Nodded. "Did you like the silence city?" Shaking her head. So on and so fourth. This went on throughout dinner.

After dinner, we showed Max around the Institute. After that she went into a room we gave her and drew in her notebook she brought. The adults sit in the library "Your daughter hasn't spoken and made human contact since she's been here." Jace says. "She's just got to warm up to us" Alec said. " Well, I'm worried about her" Isabelle said. " I'm with Izzy on this one" Clary said. Maybe Izzy and Clary were right, maybe we should worry. I realize that we may never hear Max talk or hug her. Then I started to worry.

A while later, we tuck Max in goodnight in her own room. We don't kiss her, we just told her we loved her. Ten minutes later, everyone goes to bed. Alec and I stay up taking in our room. "Do you like your family?" I ask. "I love my family! I love them so much!" He says. "well most of them anyway." He mumbled. Then I start to worry "What happened?" I ask. "Can I tell you?" He asks quietly "Of course!" I say. " I think my dad hates me" he said. "Your dad doesn't hate you" I say. " Well I never told anyone this but, a few months ago, I overheard my dad talking about me to his friend. He said..... He said he could care less about me, he doesn't care about me." Alec couldn't look at me. I couldn't believe this. Robert Lightwood said that about his son. His son. I was so upset, I felt my blood boiling. I took my hands and made Alec look at me. He had tears in his eyes. " It shouldn't matter who you love." I whisper "You have a whole lot of people that support you, your mom, Izzy, Jace, Clary, and Simon. They all love and support you. Plus you have me and an amazing daughter. We all love you so much" Alec was crying at this point. I pull him into my arms and let him cry. A few minutes later I laid him down on the bed and ran my fingers through his hair. I knew this relaxed him, and sometimes made him sleepy. "I love you Magnus" he said sleepy. I chuckled. "I love you too" I say and kissed him on the nose. "You should sleep" I say. Alec nodded and rolled over and I keep running my fingers through his hair until I hear very soft snoring. I roll over and start falling asleep. Before I do, I hear thunder in the distance.
