What person are you?

Satanic fan:
•newts dead oops
•*didnt really get over it but hides it*
•newt fell from heaven, in this case, a wall too
•250 lmao
•not even sorry
Thomesa shippers
•320% done w/all of you
•*has a phobia of rocks*
•even if they don't ship newtmas they have to because newtmas took over the fandom
Newtached fans (too attached to newt)
•is pitied by the whole fandom + themselves
•worst enemy is James dashner
•is depressed
•newt is their precious angel
•will fight you if you try to hurt newt
Whos ships arent acknowledged by the fandom
•hate all of you
•sits in the corner alone and Cry's because no one knows about their otps
Newtmas shippers
•250% of the fandom
•is savage af
•they'll give you a fucking onion and tell you it's newtmas proof
•newtmas is real
•will fight you
Trenda and Thominho shippers
•is quiet af
•will not fight you
•their ships were the only ones to survive the maze runner series

Two Qotd today!
1. From the above what type of person are you?

2.What's your favourite joke

1.I think I'm a mix between satanic fan, newtmas shipper and newtached fan because I love newt (obviously) newtmas is real and I would actually give someone an onion and say it was proof and as you probably know satanic because I'm always making jokes about 250 and I want to say I'm sorry and thank you for still being my frein and reading this book

2.friend: why do you like the maze runner it's shit
Me:*glares and gives friend a twenty minute lecture
Me: and you see this *holds up knife* if you day that again it might accidentally stab you

Okay that wasnt a joke...but it's the best I've got
