
Dedicated to ThePaperKitten

~Newts POV~

We had done it. We had managed to find paradise. The safe haven we were promised back before the scorch. And it was all because of Tommy. If it wasnt for Tommy I wouldn't be here, if it wasnt for Tommy I wouldn't be alive. I would have died a crank, but I didn't. Because Tommy had talked me out of making him kill me and had later on found a cure for me. He had been the reason WICKED had found the cure and it was something I could never repay him for. the reason for this was simple. H-

"Oh God. I just realised. Here we are, in paradise and guess who we have for a cook! Frypan! I had enough of his slime back in the glade and I wasnt even there a week!"

I laughed. There was a way I could repay Tommy: find a replacement for Frypan so he can have good food.

"Now now Thomas the foods not that bad" Chuck giggled as Thomas tackled him to the ground, tickling him till he klunked his pants three times. I thought happily of the glade, of when Chuck arrived and the putrid stench that arose when we opened the door of the box.

Just then Minho comes running over, close to tears an urgent look on his face. He had just been running the safe haven with Alby and Ben, trying to find supplies and anything we could use to restart our lives.

"Guys, I've run the whole paradise. Theres no hair gel!"

I laughed, as did Gally and Teresa. Tommy had forgiven Teresa in the end (much to Brenda's disappointment). He believed she was only trying to save him in the scorch, after she rescued him from having his brain torn out by Ratman that is. Nothing was official, but I had always shipped Thomesa.


"I'm sure we will find some" I reassured Minho. "And until then we will be able to laugh at your bed hair."

"Fight me."

"Noh." I run away. My leg had now healed, the medicine WICKED has given me after the scorch took care of that and I could now run just as fast as Minho. I ran through the brilliant green fields, the small forest of trees and kept running, Minho right behind me.

This was like the glade, except this was paradise. No walls, no lies, no giant spiders trying to kill us. Just us, the gladers, and all the other immunes and cured we could pick up. We had everything we needed here to set up life again, start a new generation, safe from the flare and the disease of the outside world. We had built up a world where we lived before, we could do it again. We had everyone here to help us;we never left anyone behind, we never gave up, and we kept fighting till the very end to get here. We had made the impossible possible. I was the happiest and safest I had been in a long time. And it was all thanks to Tommy.

Thanks to ThePaperKitten for the amazing idea, it was a happy ending so yeh it counts as happy. I think that went okay anyway.
