knock knock

Thomas: knock knock

Newt:who's there?

Thomas: Thomas

Newt: Thomas who?

Thomas: isn't asking questions my job?


Crank:knock knock

Minho:whos there?

Crank: noses

Minho: im not going to open the door unless you tell me

Crank: give me your nosey

Newt: knock knock

Thomas: who's there?

Newt: will

Thomas: will who?

Newt: will you marry me


Newt:knock knock

Thomas:who's there?

Newt: please

Thomas: please who?

Newt: please tommy please


Minho:knock knock

Alby:who's there

Minho: griever

Alby: minho this isn't the time for your jokes

Minho:no. There really is a griever


Griever: knock knock

Ben: who's there

Griever: griever

Ben: grie-

Griever: *staby staby
