The Eye

A/n: Another short one, I'm sorry.

Ethan crept up behind his prey. He has been stalking Malcolm for several hours now. He took out the sword he had stolen in the Cornucopia. 

" If you insist on sneaking up on people, at least be quieter." Malcolm said, eyes never moving from a neon green tree. 

Ethan snarled. "If you want to survive, I'd recommend not insulting your potential allies." He retorted.

Malcolm snorted. " Oh, please. If you had wanted to be allies you wouldn't have been stalking me, rather obviously might I add." 

Ethan took mild offence. " Your bluffing. You didn't know I was there the whole time." 

" But I did. You can't fool a genius like me."

" Your no genius. You insult the enemy. That's like, the dumbest thing you can do." 

" Oh really, than how can I tell your from District Three just by your voice. It's rough and horse from the filthy air. Mother issues, most likely. Would do anything to impress her? Including killing defenseless helpless children?" Malcolm said, his eyes never once leaving the tree.

Ethan was shocked. All of those thing were true. If he didn't get Reaped, he would have volunteered to make his mother notice him, to be proud of him. He kept a poker face. " You did your research then. You can't tell all of that from someone's voice alone."

" So your admitting I'm right then?" Malcolm said. He could practically feel Ethan roll his eyes.

" I'm just saying your just a nobody, an unlucky soul that was Reaped for the Hunger Games. And that your a prick." Ethan sneered.

Malcolm smirked. " Are you calling me a liar? Oh, you wound me." 

" How the hell have you survived this long? It's a well known fact that people who piss other people off in the Hunger Games generally don't last long." Ethan said.

Malcolm finally turned around. " Than I'll make history." He pulled out a knife and threw it at Ethan. He dodged, but it scraped him across the cheek, leaving a line of blood. Malcolm pulled out more knives and through them at Nakamura. He ducked and dodged. For once, he was happy that he was a Techie, as a child he would have to go behind machines to clean and would have to dodge sharp object traveling quickly. And it helped that Malcolm's aim was dismal. I guess being in the science district doesn't require a lot of physical activity. One of the knives got lucky and grazed his arm. Ethan took out his sword and swung it in a wide arc, missing his head in a fraction of an inch. Malcolm cut Ethan's wrist with a knife, causing him to drop his sword. Malcolm flipped him on the ground and took out his last knife and stabbed it into Ethan's left eye. Ethan's mind went blank with pain. Dimly, he was aware of Malcolm carving out his eye. Ethan screamed. He felt around on the ground until his fingers found something metal. One of his knives. Ethan grabbed the knife and stabbed it into Malcolm's side. Malcolm yelled and fell off of him. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" Malcolm yelled at the top of his lungs. 

" History repeats it's self yet again." Ethan looked down right deadly with one eye glowing with malice, the other a bloody socket. " The hero kills the asshole." He dug the knife into Malcolm's eye. " Have you ever heard the saying, 'an eye for an eye?'" He carved out the eye. " Well, now it's for real." He slammed the knife into Malcolm's forehead, a killing blow. 


Malcolm Pace is dead.


And so is Ethan Nakamura.

When the boys were arguing, an unknown presence watched it unfold from the tree tops. She watched as eyes were ripped from skulls, and dropped on the ground like an egg. She waited for the fight to be over before she made her move. When Ethan murdered Malcolm, Annabeth Chase blew a blow dart from the treetop, instantly killing Ethan. She climbed down the tree and robbed the corpses of their weapons and food. She shoved it in her bag. She stood up and skittered away when the hover crafts came to take her District Partner and the other tribute home.

A/n: Did anybody see that coming? I honestly didn't until I wrote it. Comment who will win!
