The arrival

A/n: Part 4! 

Annabeth was watching the Reapings over and over again. Searching for anything she could have missed. She wanted to know everything about her enemies so she could win. So she could go home. So she could see her cousin who was more like a brother, Magnus. She promised him that she would win. And one thing about Annabeth is that she never brakes a promise. She will go back and manage the orphanage with Magnus, not die in a stupid game. She kept reciting that to herself over and over again. Malcolm was staring at the window, looking aimlessly into the forests they pasted by. It was bugging her, how calm he was, like he just excepted his fate. Annabeth was getting frustrated at how long she was on the train. She just wanted the games to be over and done with. She was made at everything. She could win this. She knew  she could win this. She had too. 

"Annabeth, calm down." Malcolm called from the window, not even turning his head. Annabeth hadn't realized she'd been pacing until now.

" Shut up, Malcolm!" She yelled. Malcolm nimbly jumped down from the window sill and walked over to Annabeth and put his hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off. Annabeth was pissed. She was so used to problems that had one right answer and specific steps to anticipate what might happen. Unfortunately, humans have a mind of their own and can't be easily predicted. Annabeth sat down and put her head in her hands. Why did she have to be Reaped? She had her entire life planned out. Work at the orphanage, save up for decent schooling, design buildings for the capitol. Not that hard! But oh no. On her last year of being eligible for the Games she was Reaped. Her life was crumbling down around her. I will win. Over and over she repeated that to her self.


She kept strategizing on how to win the games until she reached the Capital. She would be lying if she said that her mouth didn't drop to the ground when she saw the architecture of the skyscrapers and towers glittering in the afternoon light. It amazed her. It was nothing like the bland square buildings and factories she had back in District 5.

The train silently pulled into the station. Her escort, Minerva, and mentor, Ivette Li-Sanchez, ushered Annabeth and Malcolm off the train. Annabeth was never into fashion, why focus on what your wearing why you could be studying or reading, but she was dumbstruck by what the Capitol citizens were wearing. Strange dresses and hats and Annabeth thinks she saw a woman wearing a dress made of meat, assaulted her eyes from every direction. They were all screaming and waving their arms, trying to make contact with the tributes. District 5 has done well in Games past. They tended to outsmart the enemy, and that's exactly what Annabeth and Malcolm planed to do. They were escorted into a car by Peacekeepers, Annabeth wasn't sure if they were there to keep Annabeth and Malcolm in, or to keep the crazy fans out. The fancy car pulled out from the station and drove around the city, most likely driving to the Training Center. Annabeth was marveling at the architecture of the buildings and finding ways to improve them. 

Eventually, the car stopped and the Tributes were escorted out and into separate rooms. The Peacekeepers left Annabeth alone in the room. The room was filled with mirrors, vanities and had a bath tub in the corner. She could see every single angle of her self through the mirrors. The vanities were stocked with make up, wigs, various beauty equipment, hair curlers, hair straighteners, you name it. After a few minutes, three people scurried into the room. Two females and a male. The first girl was gorgeous. She had ocean blue hair, diamond colored eyes, and fancy blue clothes. The other had green hair, rich coffee colored skin, emerald eyes, and green clothes. The male had pink hair in a bun, several piercings and pink clothes. They eased Annabeth out of her clothes-not with protest from the latter- and put her in a hot tub. The hot water felt nice on her skin. Her prep team was chattering and washing her hair and body.

" We are going to make you look like a princess!" The male squealed.

" How rude of us!" The aqua colored hair girl said. " We forgot to tell you our names! I'm Toffee."

" Percival." The male said.

"Peony." The green haired girl said.

"Annabeth." Annabeth said to be polite.

" Well Annabeth, we will make you pretty!" Toffee said. Peony then got out wax and started waxing Annabeth's legs. Annabeth gasped in pain.

" Beauty hurts, sweetheart." Percival said.

By the time her prep team was done with her, Annabeth had no hair that wasn't on her head. Her whole body burned, but she reminded herself that she would feel much worse in the Games. Annabeth always had a high pain tolerance, you get that when you work in science labs when things go wrong. Not that much has ever gone wrong with her before. Annabeth always triple checked her work before executing it.

The prep team exited the room. After waiting a few minutes her stylist entered. She had rainbow curly hair, red cat ears, a red cat tale, cat whiskers, and pink clothing.

"Hello, Annabeth." Her stylist purred. "My name is Candy and I am your stylist for these games." She gave a sickly sweet smile. " I hear your from the knowledge district, hmm?" She asked while circling around Annabeth, like a predator waiting to go in for the kill.

"Yes." Annabeth said curtly, resisting the urge to go well, duh!

" Then do you know who the Greek Goddess of wisdom is?"

"Athena." Annabeth said. Is she going to dress me up as Athena? Annabeth thought.

"Good. Do you know what her scared animal is?"

" An owl."

"Bingo." Candy said while scanning every inch of Annabeth's body. " See you and your District Partner in the parade as owls."

Oh boy. Annabeth thought. My stylist is a nutcase. This is going to be a long few weeks.

A/n: Tell me who you would like to see more of and who's POV I should write from. And question. Did anyone else cry at the Stranger Things Season 4 finally, or was that just me?
