District 1

A/n : First fanfic, please don't judge me if it's terrible. It might take a little while to get to the games because I want to include the parade, training, and interviews, so please bear with me. If you see any mistakes please comment so I can fix them. TW: Blood, gore, murder, sadness, fear, and violence. If these trigger you in any way, don't read this story. Also, I'm not Suzanne Collins or Rick Riordan or I'd be either Supervising the Percy Jackson TV show/writing Solangelo book or whatever Suzanne Collins does.

The stands were silent as the district escort, Aphrodite, plunged her hand into the girls reaping bowl. She made a show of it, circling her hand in the thousands of papers with the names of District 1 girls. An ominous cold wind whirled around the crowd. Reyna stood their, silently praying it was her that would be picked. If she were picked, she wouldn't have to go to the games. Someone would surely volunteer for her. If she wasn't picked, she would have to volunteer herself. Bring honor to your family. They all say. Don't let us down. Reyna had never understood the appeal of taking another life. She would avoid it at all costs.

"Juniper Greenleaf (Get the Lotr reference? No? Ok)" Aphrodite said, her voice echoing around the crowded square. Aphrodite was what you would imagine someone from the capitol to look like. Skin died pink, hot pink hair, purple irises, way to much makeup and strange clothes. She spoke with that stupid capitol accent that would give you a migraine if you listen to it for too long. 

Juniper was a small girl, maybe thirteen, with long brown hair and alabaster skin. Her eyes were a peculiar emerald color and she had flowers tucked into her hair. Reyna was struck with a spike of fear. She had to volunteer and honor her mother's reputation as a victor. But more importantly, keep her secret. Bryce was standing in the boy's section, muddy green eyes glittering with malice. If she didn't volunteer, he would go to the peacekeepers and spill her secret. A crime as big as what she did would result in a violent execution. So she did the reasonable thing. 

" I volunteer!" She yelled over the crowd. All eyes turned to her. She suddenly felt self conscious. Her purple dress swayed in the wind and her black braid shook over her shoulder. She held her head up high and walked over to the stage. She was above average height, standing at 5'8, and looked intimidating with jet black eyes. She was, after all, eighteen and had a fair share of fights that had given her muscles. She stepped up the stairs and was careful not to slip on her dress. It would look funny if she slipped and fell on her dress while she was receiving what many people in District 1 would think of an award. (A/n: *Cough* Jennifer Lawrence at the Oscars *Cough*) 

" So, what's your name?" Aphrodite asked her. 

" Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano" Reyna said, scowling at Bryce.

" I guess your trying to impress your mother I see. Couldn't let her have all the glory. What a shame, it is, what happened to your father." She said in a honeyed voice. Reyna gave a stiff nod. " Well, my dear," She said to Juniper, " Off to the crowd. Better luck next year! Any may the odds be ever in your favor!" She called all cheery. " Next, the boys." Reyna didn't dare hope that Bryce would volunteer. It would feel grate to strangle him right now. Aphrodite reached deep into the bowl. She pulled a peace of paper out and read the name. " Austin Lake." She called out. A boy around sixteen emerged from the crowd. He had darker skin and long black hair. He wasted no time on getting to the stage, when a voice cried out, " I volunteer!"

Jason Grace pushed his way to the stage. Reyna had a few classes with him. He's not a total bloodthirsty airhead. She thought. He climbed up the stairs and stood next to Aphrodite. " I'm Jason Grace." He said. Reyna knew that he was strong and was incredible with using the sword with both hands. His only downfall was his glasses. He was almost blind without him. Reyna felt sick to her stomach though. Her and Jason use to be best friends. She even had a crush on him in Middle School. She knew why he was doing this. He was trying to protect her. But she didn't need protection. Jason was like a loyal dog. He would sacrifice himself for her. And she would do the same. 

" Now, shake hands!" Aphrodite said in a chipper voice. Reyna turned to Jason and took his hand. She looked into his azure eyes that had a clear meaning in them. Win.

A/n: Well, that was the first chapter. I'm not going to do every single reaping, that would take to long. So instead I will switch POV's during training and interviews so you will hear from everyone. Also, I'm not Suzanne Collins or Rick Riordan or I'd be either Supervising the Percy Jackson TV show/writing Solangelo book or whatever Suzanne Collins does. If you want to skip all this stuff and just go to the Games skip to the chapter named The Start. I highly recommend not skipping it because it might not make as much sense.
