"So how's things" flower looks at me "all you've been doing is working out and practicing" snow adds "I know but I can feel it I can feel the magic" "your so stressed" Nate touches my head "your sweating" "I'm fine" I stand up.

I felt slight faint "oh god" I mutter I do a healing spell making me go too peacock. "Ah" I smile "better" "you need too stop" "come on rest it's the weekend" "fine" "I'm going too get coffee"

"Ok see you" Nate smiles "I'm worried about her" flower mutters "she'll be ok she's strong" snow says.

I go downstairs too get coffee seeing Noah and Ethan messing around honestly I don't know much about them but there so close Ellie and Phoenix walks in by them.

Honestly I didn't know what they would do on there free time it's Been week since our fight and I still haven't gotten attacked by the coven.

I grab my coffee and go until "hey peacock" Phoenix says "what want me too kick your ass again" I smirk "you so-" "did" I smirk.

"I just want too drink my coffee" I say "why you blue" Ellie asks "huh oh" I look at my feathers on my arm.

"Oh maybe it's" "oh it means stress or sadness" Ethan says "huh" they all look shocked I wasn't sure why.

"Yeah I like mood stuff" he says. "Uh I'm going" "why you stressed peacock" "why do you care darling" I smirk "bye"

Phoenixes pov
She's stressed not surprised she knows we will attack. Honestly her mother stole something from us and I'll get it back no matter what. And I'll get her back too even if I have too pin her down.

Emma's pov
I'm stressed of course I am I'm overwhelmed with thoughts of what will happen too me honestly my life is so filled with stress I feel like I will break I'm getting attacked for something I haven't done or don't remember my mother is ignoring me and I don't know why I'm getting worried but still..

"Hey I'm bac-" I felt faint then it was black. I yawn slightly waking up again "hey" I mutter "hey there you kind of fainted" "oh" "ok" I yawn "imma sleep flower can you hugs me your always so warm" I smile.

"Sure" she hugs me making me happy snow hugs me too and Nate smirks jumping on us "I love you guys" I smile slightly "we love you too" I was ready too go into a battle even though I didn't know what it was for but as long as I'm protecting my friends and myself it's ok because In the end I want too be good for something.
