Emma's pov
"Please Phoenix wait ahh" I fall down.

"I love you" Phoenix says she kisses me. "Phoenix I'm not in love with you I I goodbye" I run away "we need too go you need too be protected" my mum says "what" "your the key you need too forget" "I want too forget" I say "what" "Phoenix is going too be broken I want her too forget too" "I don't think" "please"

My memory she kissed me and I left her well I'm not leaving her again.

"Phoenix" I hug her "what you doing I meant too be mad at you" "going on a date with a girl way better looking than me" "your jealous" I smirk "im not I maybe like her" "you don't like her" "no yeah I don't"

"I know you kissed me the night I left" "you haven't gotten one of them in months" "I know but" I touch her hand "I was selfish" "you" "I asked too I wanted too forget because I didn't want you too hate me" "you" "you loved me and I was selfish" "I'm the key too something" "that's why I had too go away but I'm not sure what yet"

"We'll figure it out" she smiles "hey there" Lilith says "hey" "I got you both a coffee" "I'm ok thanks" we both say.

"We were kind of having a moment" Phoenix says "yeah ok" she walks away. "I don't like her" I smirk at her "oh because she asked me out" "uh duh" "so jealous"

"Bye I've got too go" I say "what no" she frowns "I need too study" "maybe" "we could go too the lake" "and have a sleepover" "oh so sneaking out" I say "too study" she smirks "fine"

"Yes come on" she grabs my hand doing a spell taking us too the lake.  "Lumos" I say I put fairy lights and lighting the lake up nicely.
Then cast a spell making a tent and we go inside.

"So peacock" she smirks "yeah" "why didn't you leave" "what" "why you still here after you found out I kissed you" "because" my mind wanted too say I want too taste your lips again but instead I said "your my friend" "just a friend"

She goes closer too me. "Just a friend" I stutter slightly "ok" she smirks. "Wait" I say I hold her hand.

"I want too uh" she kisses me I gulp slightly I pin her down this kiss feels different from when we were young I didn't understand it then but I do now.
