These memories kept haunting me I want too know everything. "That fight wasn't that bad they started too look around then just stopped when Phoenix came downstairs like they didn't really care about it at all" "I'm getting these memories" I confess.

"Oh" my mum looks at me "I trained for nothing" I say as well "your a lot stronger now that's all that matters" Nate says "nate I want you too try and unlock them" "my memories" "no you can't you'll hate me" my mother says.

"Why can only Phoenix remember" "she said she loved me" "wait" Nate looks at me "your memories are all over the place that day she was at a lake but another memory shows her crying because she's all alone"

"If I go any deeper there's a lock" "mom what's going on" "you know what" "I'm leaving" "come on guys we should go back too school we can figure it out there" I stand up.

"Don't we need too help your-" "why should we she's keeping more and more secrets from me I'm getting so confused" I say.

"So I'm going" "ok" snow smiles we go back too school and I see Phoenix she looks sad looking at me I smile slightly feeling bad about not remembering "ahh" I shout feeling something.

"Im sorry you got attacked by the dragon" I say "it's ok we both did well be strong together" "does yours hurt" I ask "no daddy managed too save me I haven't seen yours were is he" "taking too mama" "who was the dragon" "I'm not sure peacock" "oh" I frown "it's ok"

Back to reality
"You ok" I see Phoenix snow and flower also Nate checking my temperature "I'm fine" "I saw it again" "a memory" "Phoenix the dragon attacked us both didn't it" "yes" "was I the dragon" "I don't know" "I feel ah" "I need too go too shadow weaver" I do a tracking spell leading me too her.

"Hey" "your back everything ok" "do you know how too recover  memories" "no I don't I'm sorry" "I-" started too break down crying.

"I'm so confused" "I ah" "there's a pain in my brain" "ahhh" I then grew wasn't sure how but I grew more and more then shadow weavers face I could hardly see "y-your a-a d-dragon" she says.

Phoenixes pov
"I need too help her" flower and snow look at me in shock "we used too be best friends with her" Nate says "with Emma too she really does love her" "wow so much love and hate" "stop reading my mind" I frown "go too her quickly" Nate says.

I run into shadow weavers class then there's a dragon the dragon who attacked me long ago "peacock" I stutter.

She started too crash throughout the school "stop" I say everyone is screaming not knowing what too do.

I turn myself taller too reach her. "Hey" I say "come on" she flops too the ground "I'm not letting you leave me again I've been pretending too hate you forever" "I don't know if you understand me but" "Ahhh" the dragon helps someone used a spell on her making her have a massive hole in her tail.

"Ahhh" she cries out "no no it's ok" "please don't leave me" "we may not be close but we used too be please remember" she turns back into herself with a massive hole now in her leg.

"Hey there" "healio" she says her god flashes going around her "it's not going too work" "oh peacock" "hey Phoenix" she mutters.

"Yeah" "remember the lake some of my memories there all there why" I ask "because that's our lake" "oh" she says weakly "can you take me there" she says weakly. "Your weak" "so" "take me too the lake please" "fine"
