
" 'Akh, 'ukht are you in here?" The youngest of the three asked. It had taken all his self control to not jump when he suddenly heard his older siblings voices.

"Yes we are. Why do you even ask, knowing that this is our room and we are usually here around these hours?" Said the very amused voice of his older sister. She honestly found her younger brother's antics quite amusing, but never judged. It was the only time she got to see this side of him, when all three where alone.

"I knew you were here, I just wanted to double check just incase you weren't." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. His older brothers eyes softened. It wasn't hard to read his younger brother, well it wasn't hard for him and his twin sister. Too anyone it would look like his younger brother was doing it out of embarrassment, but to them it was because he was anxious and scared.

"Come here Damian. Tell me, why are you so anxious?" Jason, the oldest of the three asked. No one but his siblings has seen this side of him. He was seen as the strong, confident, fearless, and a little bit arrogant brother. He was seen as the shoot first ask questions later kind of guy, so you would never expect him to be soft, gentle and level headed. This side of him is only reserved for his twin sister Marinette, and younger brother Damian. This gentleness was trained and beaten out of them so they can be the perfect leaders, the perfect heirs.

"I don't know. I mean I do but I don't. I guess I was scared you would leave without me." He said as he walked over and sat on his brothers lap. You could hear his voice getting lower and lower as he carried on speaking, it was almost hard to hear.

"We won't leave you Damian. We could never. You're our brother. Remember, Ohana means family and family means nobody get left behind. Or forgotten, okay?" Marinette said as she held his hands in his. All he could do was nod his head in agreement. He feels a bit embarrassed now. How could he forget.

"Okay, now onto business. Who is carrying the bag with food, and who is carrying the bag with clothes and tech? I got the bag with the weapons." Jason asked his siblings. They had been planning this for two years. They would have done it sooner, but the twins had to wait for Damian to be at least ten.

"I got the bag with the clothes and tech, are you okay with carry the food bag Damian?" Damian nodded once again. He wasn't a very vocal person. He in fact is the complete opposite of what outsiders see. Damian is seen as the arrogant, egotistic, ruthless, strong headed demon of a child, but really he is the softest most kind, gentle, and shyest person you will ever meet. The personalities of these three are all one big facade, a facade that has kept them alive. A facade that they are so ready to throw away. This is the facade that their own mother has built, the facade to be the perfect heir, a facade that they hated with their every being. They want to be able to show emotion, they just wanted to be kids, to be normal. They wanted to be able to make mistakes without being punished brutally. All they want is to be human. Was it so much to ask for two sixteen year olds and a ten year old.

Unfortunately, they grow up in the League of Assassins. They didn't get that choice. "Okay Jay, Dami all the bombs are in place. We have ten minutes to get to the tunnels, where the car is before the bombs in our rooms, the control room and all the guard towers are. Remember, only once the bombs got off do we drive off. Understood?" Marinette explained as she set the timer. Marinette was the strategist. The tech genius, the organiser, the insomniac of the group, but she is also the funniest, sweetest ray of sunshine you will ever meet. To everyone else she is the the complete opposite. She is cold and dangerous.

"Understood. Let's get out of here." Jason said firmly. The only way out of the league is by death, so that's what they are going to do. Well more like fake it but yep, that's the plan. They bomb their was out of there. Marinette made the bomb power really powerful, so that when you check the site all you see is ash to the point that you won't see the difference between burnt wood and a burnt body.


Ten hours later, they were still on the road. Damian asleep in the back while the two in the front discuss their next move. They would go to Paris, home of their grandfather Wang Fu, bother of their grandmother Melisande al Ghul. Mari did some digging on their grandmothers past and she found this bit of information. The league doesn't know about this so they were safe. They had conceded going to their father but that was too obvious, plus they wanted to hide and with their father being so famous, it was guaranteed that they will always be in the spotlight. They didn't want or need that. They also didn't like their father (a story for another day).

With a plan in mind, they set corse for the nearest airport to catch a flight to Pairs. They were in for on heck of a ride.

Words~ 936



'Akh - brother: Arabic

'ukht - sister: Arabic
