Chapter 18

"Red sky at night, sailors' delight. Red sky at morning, sailors' take warning." A fare warning really, he should have payed attention to it when reading the book. "Heed the siren, of the burning sky. Hell freezes over as the mother of Death ascends with the warmth of her ever burning furnace. A furnace of power, distraction and death. Lost souls sing her praises, enemy armies weep in fear. Hel, Queen of Death."

The ground rumbled and the ocean split open, with those last words. The sky turned crimson, the sun seemed to heat up more at it's three o' clock position. An hour till dusk. "Alhami and Huli jing, you will stay behind with the queen and her army. Alhami you will be the commanding officer. You have one job: Send the army of the dead to the graves they have escaped." Her tone had taken an hard edge at that last sentence. The consequences of war, will make even the brightest of souls dark. "Tatsu, Musiba and I will face Hel. We got a hour till dusk. Hazun saeid."

It was then that they heard an eerie cackle, and there she sat, Hel, on her most valued guard, Garmr, the blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate. A nasty piece of shit. Time for work. The three made their way to the shore line, while the rest of their team and the Amazons watched and waited for their part. "Musiba you'll take her left, close range fighting. Tatsu will go with her dead on, use your fan. I'll be on her left from a distance. Remember she's a weapons master, we mostly use magic until we have weakened her enough to fully use both our weapons and magic. Tatsu, five minutes till dusk is the only time gap you have to create the fire." The second and third nodded at their leader before they all rushed into battle.

Hel cackled as she saw the three figures rush to her. "It took Odin centuries to kill me. What makes you so sure you'll be cable to do the same?" She said as she dodged the sword and surujin coming at her from both sides, but she didn't have time to dodge the swipe that went to her legs. As she stumbled backwards she pulled out her daggers. She blocked the sword, span around with her opposite arm outstretched to make a swipe at the girl with that fan, then ducked under the incoming surujin. The two fighters stepped back to gather their footing giving her enough time to whistle for her army.

"Well shit." Alhami sighed to himself as he heard the shrill sound of the whistle that called to the army of the dead. "I need one row of shields on the front, swords will be behind the and a second row of shields behind them. Archers must stay atop that hill at all times. Set those arrows alight. Everyone else stays between the second row of shields and the hill. That is the battle. The army is to not set foot on the hill." As the Amazons got into position, he turned to Wonder Women, Huli jing, Queen Hippolyta and General Antiope. "You go for the head or heart. I was told that five minutes till dusk we draw back. Good luck."


Pigeons were used to send letters centuries ago. It would take days to receive news, so people thought of different, faster ways to communicate, and so over time pigeons messaging became meaningless. Forgotten really. That is why it is such a shock to see a pigeon fly straight through the kitchen window and lands smack in the middle of the table while they were having lunch.

"What in the twisted Topsy-turvy Hogwarts shit is this?!" Wally says hysterically as he pushed back from that table like everyone else. Tim snickers as he calms down from the loud shriek he let out. Dick and Babs roll their eyes in amusement.

"It's a pigeon. A pigeon with a note at that." Babs said as she reached for the bird.

'When you get this letter, you should have three hours until four o' clock. Lift the EMT before then. Good luck.

A. Pennyworth'

"It's Alfred. He wants us turn on the power before four o' clock. We should do it now. We need petrol for the manual generator and like ten minutes to plug it into the computer."

"Well shit." They all turned to Dick with questioning gaze. "The only functional manual generator is in storage."

"And?" Babs asked.

"Storage as in four stories, below our ground floor." Dick said with a wince. "Like under the waterfall."

"Why?" Dick didn't look at them, instead he looked at the bird as if it the most interesting thing in the world. "Babe, why is the generator below ground?" Wally asked as he stepped closer to his fiancé.

"I shut down the manor electricity and then hid the generator because I felt bored. I was thirteen."

"Dude!" "Why are you like this!" "Did you get it on tape?" Was shouted from the three other occupants in the room.

"I was bored! Leave me alone!" He shouted back, face red with embarrassment.

"Okay mister boredom. Come help me bring it up." Wally said as he took his hand with a chuckle.

"Don't make out!" Babs shouted after them. She was rewarded with a middle finger and a giggle after the sound of a hand slapping ass.


"You're pests, the lot of you." Hel said as she dodged rapid bolts of dark magic. "Do send my regards to Plagg." She said with a humorless as a bolt hit her.

"He asked that I give this to you in return." Musiba said as he blast another cataclysm at her as well as kick her in the stomach before he picked up his blade again and rolled out the way of the bolt of lighting that was shot by Tatsu.

"Taunting the enemy cousin. You are a stupid type of brave." Came a voice over the coms that buzzed to life.

"Alhami. How goes it on land?" Yùnqì said as she sent a blast of pink energy and her surujin at Hel.

"Oh you know, ripping hearts and making heads roll." He replied with a grant.

Musiba snorted. "Tatsu cover me." As soon as a gust of wind was blown at Hel as a distraction, he ran behind Hel, blade raised, he sliced her back.

"You insolent bra-" She was cut of by the surujin that stuck in her arm. She let our a scream when the blade in her arm vibrated with a steam of burning magic. When she could finally stand up that blade was ripped out her arm and a blast of water knocked her down again. She was weak and Garmr had been electrocuted and a wave of water had thrown his dead body back to hell. Her army was getting killed faster than it had ever been and she wanted to scream. "Brats! You imprudent brats!"

"Kagami. It's time Xīn'ài." Marinette said softly next her, tears in her eyes. Kagami nodded.

"Go back to shore." She said with a sad smile. All she could do is smile. "Mari netto o aishiteimasu." And she turned back to Hel who was still on the ground breathing heavily.

As the twins made their way back to shore they saw the troupes stand at attention as they all watch what was about to happen. It was dusk. Nino and Damian met them as they finally touched land, when a bright light was shot up into the air.

"Yoake ni oki, yūgure ni shizumu. Watashi no tame ni shin'ainaru doragon o sodate, soshite saigo ni watashi no shin'ainaru doragon o watashi no tame ni settei shimashita." And just like that a dragon made of beautiful orange and red flames raised from where a warrior once stood, and when it breathed it breathed gold flames that where so hot that it could be felt form the land.

It breathed until Hel stood no more and when it stopped only gold ash was left. No warrior and no dragon. The silence was deafening. They watched as the dragon kwami flew back to shore and floated in front of the army.

"It is done." And one by one every warrior kneeled for their fallen comrade. The war is over.


1374 words


Xīn'ài - Beloved [Traditional Chinese]

Mari netto o aishiteimasu. - I love you Marinette. [Japanese]

Yoake ni oki, yūgure ni shizumu. Watashi no tame ni shin'ainaru doragon o sodate, soshite saigo ni watashi no shin'ainaru doragon o watashi no tame ni settei shimashita. - Raise at dawn, set at dusk. Raise for me my dragon dear and finally set for me my dragon dear. [Japanese]

