Chapter 9

"What could you possibly need help with Miss al Ghul. What sort of help do you need from me, that you even come alone in the dead of night." The irritation clear in his voice.

"Our children are presumed dead. It was a neat trick really. They took every single tracker off them, throw them in a fire, then vaporized every piece of evidence that traces back to them. Everyone at the league thinks their dead, even my father. I need your help to find them." Now this was a shock, he almost choked on his spit.

"What do you mean our children." He said in a deadly calm voice, venom dripping in his voice. She will never admit that she shivered just a little bit. She will never admit that she was scared for just a second. She knew she had to turn this around really quickly, and luckily she knew how to do just that.

"Don't be so shocked beloved. You have met them. Exactly five years ago." And this was the truth. A truth he refused to believe, a truth he chose to forget, and now, now his on the receiving end of karma. Fantastic.

"Where do I start."


You know when they say that the first days of training are painful, yeah who ever said that had their story straight. Physically they were fine. Emotionally they were fine. They were just mentally drained, and it was understandable. You have to have the mental capacity to meditate, while soaking in the knowledge of the Order.

When Fu said that they were going to be learning about the Order, he didn't necessarily say how he was gonna do it. The Order and the League had very different ways of gaining knowledge. So here they were, sitting in the lotus position, meditating while the kwamis were floating in front of their respective holder reciting their knowledge telepathically.

"I think that is enough for now. Everyone take a brake, and I shall see you all in an hour. Go bond with your kwami, get to know them. Zahra and Amir I need to have a word with you for a bit." With that Kagami, Nino and Damian left the room with their respective kwami, while Marinette and Jason stayed behind with Master Fu.

"Is every thing alright grandfather?" Jason asked once he made sure that everyone else was out of earshot.

"No, it is not. I need you two to suit up in your formal Order mission gear. Your father is on your tail, and I need you to shut it down. The mission you are going to face is far to complicated, and I don't need your father on your tails, causing you more stress. At the moment he is at the JL watchtower. I will teleport you there. Wonder Woman will recognize the gear, so you will be safe. Be back in half and hour. Understood?"

"Understood." They said in union, before they left to go and change, and ten minutes later they back in front of their grandfather.

"I will be on coms, so just say when you are done." And with that he opened a portal, and his grandchildren walked in. Thank Alfred for the intel.


"-and that's it from my side. Anyone else want to add something, before-" Superman said before he got cut off by two figures walking out of a portal. At this everyone was on guard, ready to defend themselves just in case of danger.

The figures just stood there looking amused by all of this. "We come in peace." The female said, the amusement dripping from her voice, and this did not make the heroes any less calm.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Batman said, weapon at the ready. They didn't reply, instead they just looked at Wonder Woman, who by the way looked very shocked to see these two people.

"They are from the Order of Guardians. They pose no threat, so stand down." This shocked everyone, but they did as she said. "What crisis is going to happen, that the Order has to get involved, and do you need help?" Wonder Woman said, worry evident in her voice. This did nothing to calm everyone else.

"Princess Diana, we are in no need of your aid, but your offer is most kind. I am Marinette Zahra Fu, current holder of the Miraculous of creation and good fortune, leader of the new team."

"I am Jason Amir Fu, current holder of the Miraculous of distraction and chaos, second in command. We have a message from the current guardian. The JL will take no part in the up coming crisis, for your involvement will be the cause of the distraction of this and every other universe." Tikki and Plagg just sat on the shoulders of their holders, smiling at each other. They knew exactly were this was going. Plagg just chuckled, he lived for chaos. He is chaos after all.

Diana looked like she wanted to protest, but knew that they were right. Anything that has to do with the Order, is not to be taken lightly. So all she did was bow in the style of the Order. A sign that she respected their decision. The twins bowed in return bowed to the Amazonian princess, a sign of gratitude.

The dark knight however did not like the fact that they were told to sit out of an event, that could possibly end all life, something he vowed to protect at all costs. "Who are you to tell us to sit on the side lines. Last I cheaked no one gave you the authority, to tell us what we can and can not do. Especially when it comes to lives on the line, or I don't know the God damn universe." Batman said as he took a step forward. Several members agreeing with this.

"We are the ones that know more about this crisis than you do. We are the ones who have presented this information to you and are simply asking you to sit out, before you kill yourself going into a fight that has been on going before the dawn of time. We are the ones that are completing the last of our training to fight something worse than all off your worst nightmares, combined. So I ask in the kindest way possible, get off your high horse, and stand, pardon my language, the fuck down, and for once let the people who actually know what their doing handle it. The end of the dinosaurs and the sinking of Atlantis is nothing compared to this up coming crisis. Last I checked, we're the ones you chose to forget five years ago. We're the ones you left to the hands of our mother, knowing very well Miss al Ghul is not the most caring person. We're the ones you left to the claws of the Demon Head. We're the ones to tell you that your search is over. Tell Miss al Ghul that you have found us, and that we have no intention of going back to the League of Shadows, or any intention of staying with you, father. If anyone in this room, or anyone or team who is associated Justice League, gets in the way of the Order, I will personally end you with the most chaotic magic in existence. Heed my warning heroes of Earth, and stay out my way Mr Wayne."

By the end of Marinette's rant, everyone was shocked or positively petrified by this sixteen year old. Jason and Tikki put a hand on her shoulder, and Marinette seemed to calm down a bit, but the anger was still evident in her eyes.

"Princess Diana, I trust you will make sure no one attempts anything?" Jason said looking directly at the demi-god. All Diana could do was nod. "Do tell your mother that the time has arrived, so she must prepare. We will be keeping in touch." With that the three bowed to each other, and a portal opened up behind the twins. "Farewell everyone." Jason said, a smirk playing on his lips, as he and his sister walked into the portal, leaving a dead silent room.

"I believe that concludes today's meeting." Superman said numbly. Everyone just agreed as they walked out the room. Before Bruce could walk, Diana grabbed his arm and dragged him to a different room.

"What is it Diana? I don't need you to rub anymore salt to my wounds." Bruce said forcefully.

"I'm here to warn you to stay out of their way, because knowing you, you did not care for their warning. They are going to be fighting gods. Two of the most evil gods in any Earth's history. But not just any type of gods. Gods that rules hell. I warn you, no one in this room is trained for this fight. Let me put it in perspective for you. Think of every single villain that you have fought and every single villain every single hero and vigilante has fought. Combine them all. That is an equivalent to one god. The miraculous team are train by gods, they are the match for these gods. Those creatures on their shoulders, those are Gods called Kwami. The Kwami help train the new holders along with the guardians. If they are asking for my mother to prepare, it means it is time I return home to help hold the line against Hades. But that doesn't mean I won't be watching you. Stay put." And just like that she walked away, leaving Bruce in his thoughts. Just fuck this week.


"I'm guessing it well then." Master Fu said as he saw the smirks playing on his grandchildren's and. Plagg's lips, while Tikki just smiled.

"Better than well. I shall go and make a decent lunch for everyone before they starve." Jason said as he and Plagg left the room. They can hear Plagg saying something about loving cheese. Nothing new there.

"They won't be on our tails grandfather, the princess will make sure of that. She is also going back to Themyscira to help hold the line for the first waves of attack. I asked Tikki to create hidden cameras in the whole tower, and on the bats to make sure they don't go searching for us. Jason asked for Plagg to destroy the ones bats put on us." Marinette said as she sat down again, Master Fu following suit knowing there is something more bothering his granddaughter.

"What's on your mind Zahra?"

"I finally faced my father. I faced the man that left us five years ago to my mother and the demon I called grandfather. He chose to forget us, claiming that he is no father. The same man that adopted a whole army of children. He turned his back of his aldam, his qarib, his al'usra, but instead I'm not sad or angry. I feel lighter, I feel ready to enter this fight, and I can do it knowing that I stood up to the man I called father. Thank you for giving me and my altaw'am that chance. Also thank you for leaving Damian out of this confrontation. He was still young, and I want him to face Bruce when he is older. His been through a lot for his first ten years of his life."

"All three of you are very strong, but I want you and Amir to talk to Adil about what happened today. I want you to tell him the whole story of why you hate your father, but don't force your opinions on him. Let him make his own opinion, when he finally meets the man. Now go change and go and relax. Today has already been tiring. Tikki make sure she takes it easy."

"Yes Master Fu." Tikki said smiling at her holder with pride. With that she and Marinette went to the kitchen were everyone was.


2000 words


aldam - blood

qarib - kin

al'usra - family

altaw'am - twin

