Chapter 77

How ridiculous these shinobi were. Hard to believe that they really worked together to win this war. How ridiculous they were to think they could win.

No one would stand a chance against the Juubi who followed the Uchiha. Obito had made the right decision then to get her on their side. Rina was easily manipulated if the truth was twisted and her memory sealed. Unfortunately, the seal was loosened again and again, which is why Rina was sometimes unstable.

Only thanks to this Hyuga she could pull herself together again. Jealousy can do quite a lot. This became clear to Obito again quite quickly. He knew this feeling only too well. Back then it was the same with him when Rin had never returned his feelings. The jealousy of Kakashi was great and yet he had somehow managed to fight with him in a team.

By Rina having an ancestor and carrying the blood of an Otsutsuki, it would be different. The Otsutsuki had been the truly gregarious ones. Indra was a good example of taking revenge or showing the others how weak they were.

Obito neither Madara knew how the son of Amaya and Indra had been. Nothing was known about Takeru, who had continued the family tree. Perhaps he came more after Indra and had demonstrated his power. A power which Ashura should have gotten a grip on. Or he was like Amaya. A nice person who had lost control because of his feelings.

And there Rina showed that one could have a little of both. She showed her power with the help of the Juubi and her chakra. But she also had her feelings which she could not control, which was why she had attacked the Hyuga.

No wonder Naruto stood in front of this girl to protect her in the worst case. An act which had not been good. Finally, Rina would only feel more hatred for the Hyuga because of it.

A tremor brought Obito out of his thoughts. Rina had again asked the Juubi to form a Bijuu ball. Like a pet, the Juubi followed and directed his next attack at the shinobi.

But then he faltered as the shinobi from Iwagakure applied their earth jutsus. So they tried to bring him down to the ground, how interesting.

The tremor alone caused Rina to falter and she was distracted for a brief moment before the bijuu bullet missed its target and was hurled into the sky.

The ground beneath her feet cracked, so she felt the air around her and was just able to hold on to the juubi, which was covered in a thick layer of clay and attacked by fire.
