Chapter 34

Through the sharingan, Rina was able to escape the genjutsu and stood around ready to fight, just like Kakashi. "Good, you got away from it." spoke Kakashi who had knocked a shinobi away from him.

"It looks like an ambush.", he informed the Uchiha who knocked a Sunaninja away from him. "Rina, I have a mission for you. It will be a B mission, maybe a higher one."

"What can I do?" asked Rina, knocking the nearest shinobi off him with her fist. "The residents in the village will not be spared. Support the Jonin who are there.", he gave her the order.

"Understood!" said Rina, putting a shinobi into a genjutsu before jumping away. She hadn't noticed that Sasuke had been gone because of the fighting.

Her path led her into the middle of the village, which was also under attack. As fast as she could, the Uchiha used several fire jutsus to chase the shinobi from Sunagakure out of the village. In the process, she was looked at questioningly by some Jonin who would not have expected an Uchiha.

"Sensei Kakashi sent me.", Rina spoke out harshly to further avoid those stares. "Good, then we'll bet on you.", one of those Jonin spoke, giving the Uchiha a clear path.

Satisfied, Rina fought with full power and thus showed what she had learned. Both in Nin- and in Tai- and Genjutsu, the Uchiha had improved through the training. Her exam had been very helpful in this, and she was able to take advantage of what she had learned here.

"A snake!" some of the residents shouted when it appeared. "Jutsu of the flaming hell dragon!" came from Rina who sent it hurtling towards the snake.

An explosion was heard as the fire hit the scaly skin. Only unfortunately, her jutsu had done nothing at all. "Leave it to us!" shouted Shikaku Nara, who had appeared with his comrades.

But even they had little chance against this large reptile, which was unusual. A tremor caused Rina to sway slightly on the roof before she saw a large toad ahead of her.

"I'm right on time! I..the big Jiraiya!" the man began to say what didn't really belong here. But his appearance was just in time. Because of his toad, the Jonin had the opportunity to fight the Sunaninja.

"So you're the young Uchiha Naruto was talking about.", Jiraiya said with a slight grin. "Hn...", came bluntly from Rina who preferred to concentrate on the fight.

Hours passed in which every ninja from Konoha had tried to fight the opponents and protect the residents. Even Rina who had slowly noticed how her chakra went from then.

Her body trembled as she tried to forge more chakra. Her Sharingan had long since deactivated when it could no longer gather enough chakra.

"They're retreating!" a Jonin shouted as he could see the escape. An escape? Now? Why?

Something had to have been the deciding factor. Her eyes turned to the stadium where the main fight had been. On the roof, she had seen a purple barrier that had disappeared.

What did this mean?
