Chapter 50

Rina did not know what she had just dreamed about. However, this dream seemed so real to her. As if she had really experienced this day.

Her dark eyes focused on her hands, which she had briefly closed into a fist and opened again. She had practiced the training with her chakra again and again. Day after day she had done her best to get exactly what the dream had brought before her eyes.

With her fuzzy memories she still knew exactly that it had never come to this training. The boy she had named Shisui-nii died before the training could begin.

A tugging in her head, her hand automatically slid there as she squinted her eyes. It was hard for her to think and remember.

Inside, it was clear to her who Shisui had been. She also knew what had happened to her clan and just wanted to forget that night. Rina had no room to worry about it any further.

Her task had the highest priority and had to be finished as soon as possible. But this dream also had something good. Rina now knew what she had to work on and looked at the katana of the former Uchiha.

A family heirloom, as Zetsu had put it. With it, Rina could certainly work well and use her full power.

Since she was not supposed to leave Amegakure anyway, unless it was required of her, she would have nothing to do. So she could fully concentrate on the training and bring her chakra to unite with her body.

According to Madara, Amaya always got out of control when something emotional happened. She could work on that as well. Rina would do better than the former Uchiha. Well, as long as the chakra would play along. As long as it didn't take over her body, the Uchiha would have no problems.

Determined, Rina got up, put on fresh clothes and grabbed her katana to go train. A training that would surely take longer than expected.

As soon as she had managed to get her chakra into this katana, she would thank this Shisui several times in her mind. Without him and without this dream, she would die of boredom here in hiding.

Pulling the katana from its scabbard, Rina activated her sharingan before she began to forge her chakra. But hers was not as blue as Amaya Uchiha's had been.

Her chakra lit up in a green color, which was very rare among the Uchiha clan. And Madara had seen this when he had briefly observed her as he had passed by the hiding place.

"This looks promising..." the Uchiha muttered before disappearing again. With their help, it would be easier to activate the endless Tsukuyomi.
