9 - So Many Plans

"Making plans I see?" Peeta said once he woke up. I looked over to see his eyes squinting as the bright light blinded him. His blonde hair was tousled from sleeping and the bedsheet was pulled away, exposing the skin of his strong back.  He was so darn cute when he woke up. 
"How did you know?" I teased him with a smile. 
"I'm excited," he said softly. I nodded and ran my hands through his tangled hair as I thought of wedding dresses.
"How are we going to buy all this?" I asked curiously.
"Well, when I told Effie about everything last night, she said that she would be more than happy to help arrange the making of tuxedos and dresses for us. They would be great quality being made in the Capitol. "

I considered that thought. "I just don't want her to turn it into some crazy Capitol design."
"Don't worry, as long as we specify exactly it is that we want."
I nod and mark that off on my notebook. "Great. Could the bakery supply the deserts and food?"
"Of course!" Peeta replied.
"Okay," I scribble some more notes onto the paper. Now for the hard part. "Where will it take place at?" 
I look over at Peeta who is furrowing his eyebrows in thought. "Hmm. . . How about here in the meadow? It would be simple, beyond beautiful, and we could do it right near the waterfall. You know how pretty it is over there."
The waterfall. Some of our first dates happened there, and it was a stunning place. The best in the entire meadow.   

"That sounds amazing. What date should it be? I think sometime in January since it's November now."
"I like January."
Prim was brought to my memory all of the sudden. January was her birth month. "How about January twenty-second? It's Prim's birthday that day. We would always talk about each other's wedding, so I think it would feel right to give her the honor of our wedding day on her birthday."
"I think that's a beautiful thought." Peeta met my eyes and smiled a content smile. 
