14 - Waiting For You

Only one month passed. I was nine months, and it was April 1st. Willow would be due any day now. The anticipation and nerves had gotten a hold of me as I woke up and got read for the day. 
 I stood up and held onto my protruding stomach as I walked to the bathroom. 
I reached into the shower and turned the knob to the hottest temperature. Steam began to fill my pours as I took off my clothes and stepped inside. I sighed in enjoyment. The hot water temporarily eased away my worries. At least until I stepped out again. 

I stood there thinking of the baby, and what she'd look like, and be. It was a frightening thought to know that any moment I could go into labor. Especially with Peeta not being here. I rolled my eyes and pushed that thought away as best as I could as I rubbed the shampoo into my tangled dark hair. 
After I conditioned my hair, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.
Once I was dressed, I combed out my hair and let it down so it could naturally dry, then brushed my teeth, and walked out into the kitchen. I grabbed a leftover cookie and sat on the sofa.
I turned on the television and flipped through the channels. I regretted doing that once I flipped onto the Capitol News.   

"Katniss and Peeta, the Star Crossed Lovers have been seen doing some action. Take a look at Katniss' stomach, according to sources she is nine months pregnant! Us fans are all awaiting for the day when she gives birth to her daughter. Stay tuned for updates!"
I became furious. Hearing the latest gossip about myself was enough to set me off.  Every time I would watch that channel I just became more and more hesitant to walk anywhere in public.

Calm down, Katniss. Thankfully books always calmed me down, so went rummaging through the bookshelf as a motive to console myself.
"You're still here." I said when I began to pull out the Memory Book. 
I delicately opened it, revealing all the memories from several years back. I opened up to the page of Rue. I read the message I wrote about her: "Such a waste of a good heart"
I flipped to the next one. It was Prim's page. I slide my hands over her face.  Prim: "My little duck"
Then there was Cinna's page: "Girl on fire"
Then Finnick's page: "Came so close to freedom"

I closed the book quickly before I got too caught up in the memories. Willow started to kick harshly inside my stomach. "I know, I know, you're antsy." I smiled as I traced circles on my stomach. "Don't come too soon, Willow." 
