1 - Moving Day

It had been one year since Peeta and I grew back together. The both of us had been living in my house for that whole year. We made beautiful memories in that place, but both Peeta and I knew that with our newly blossoming relationship, we needed some sort of update. And the idea of a new house was the only thought ringing in my head. Peeta agreed.
His realistic imagination drew up the idea of building our own home right in the middle of the meadow. He was so specific about the whole thing that he drew out an amazing picture. It took up two whole pages, and it was so realistic you could feel yourself there in that very moment you looked at it.

"I truly don't mind, Katniss." Peeta said as he finalized the house sketch. "If you want to move to the city, then that's just as good as the meadow."
Inside I knew just how bad he wanted that house in the meadow. Inside I also wanted the house in the city.
"Look at you," I said as I approached Peeta and pointed at his detailed drawing, "you've put so much interest in it."
Peeta chuckled. "It's just a sketch. I make them all the time."
I laid my hands on his shoulders. "It does look beautiful."

Peeta pointed towards the upper left of the paper, "Up here will be that small pond, you know the one with all the waterlilies. . . I just have to sketch that in."
"You really don't have to make it that detailed."
"No, I want to." He picked up the graphite pencil and began to lightly create an asymmetric circle that resembled the oddly shaped pond in the meadow. His brows furrowed in concentration; it was a normal mannerism when he drew.

"Okay, I'm all done--take a look at it." Peeta stood up and gave me the completed sketch. He wiped his graphite stained palms on his pants while he waited for my opinion.
I looked up from the paper and concealed a smile. "You know what?"
"What?" Peeta asked anxiously.
"You win," I announced, and broke into a smile along with Peeta, "let's move to the meadow."
"Are you sure, Katniss?"
"Positive. Trust me."
Before he could respond, I threw my arms around is broad shoulders and kissed him on the forehead.

Peeta wrapped his worn hands around my face and looked me happily in the eyes. "When should we move?"
I shrugged, "The sooner, they better."
"Are you sure you want this?"
"Of course I am."
"Then how about I go get the wood and supplies from that carpenter shop down the road?"
"That would be great." I replied, still grinning along with him.
"After that, I'll stop by the bakery and steal some bread, and I'll make dinner when I get back. And, of course, after dinner--" Peeta slid his hand down the small of my back and winked--"we'll discuss all the 'plans'." 
