Chapter 48 - Find Him

April 5th, 6:11 AM - Unknown Location - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


She's not sure how she moved that fast, but the thought that fuelled her actions revolved around escaping and a certain boy.

The second those words left the intruder's mouth, Azura bolted away from the window, lunging at him. Her eyes found the gun he was reaching for and she knocked it out of his hold.

They fell into a heaping mess, hands and legs flying in chaos as the other tried to gain the upper hand. Azura waisted not a second, landing a solid right hook to the head. She gained a few precious seconds as the man tried to recover.

Hands frantically searched for the gun, and as soon as the cool metal handle grazed her fingertips, she snatched it.

Not realizing what she had in hand he advanced, arms open and ready to strangle her but she brought the gun around in a fluid swinging motion. A satisfying sound was made as metal made contact with flesh, right on the side of his temple.

The force of the hit knocked him out. But just before he crumbled to the ground, she caught him, not allowing any sound to come from his fall.

Gently placing him down, she gave him a pat-down, only to find a knife. With that in one hand and the gun in another, she finally acknowledged the woman who was gawking at her.

Shaking the strands from her dishevelled she asked sarcastically, "What? You believe me know when I said I'd knock you out?"

Rosa visibly gulped making Azura roll her eyes in response. "Alright, how many men are in the house, aside from this guy?"

It was slow and came with hesitation, but at least she provided a number. "Uh, um....five? But that could have changed! They could have got more of the guys to meet up here," she worriedly added. But that information didn't phase Azura.

Taking out the magazine to find a full clip, she nodded, now more confident than before with her plan.

Alright, I can do this.

"Okay, right now, we have the element of surprise, but only if we act now. I need you to pay attention, and move close with me."

Only looking behind her once, Azura slowly pushed open the door. With each silent second, she became daring and moved further and further out of the room. Every time she cleared a bedroom, her heart would jump into her mouth as though embracing for a shot to fire at her. But as she came out of the last guest room, not another soul was found.

Faint voices travelled up the stairs and Azura stilled, straining to make out the hushed words.

Fuck I can't hear anything. And if no one is upstairs then that means everyone's on the main floor.

It was a suicide mission in actuality. She was about to prance down the stairs with only a handgun and go up against a handful of armed gangsters.

Just don't get shot. Don't get shot. Don't get shot.

Pushing away any doubt, she grabbed the shaking Rosa and tiptoed to the top landing of the stairs. Her breathing quickened, and her lungs seemed more constricted than usual, but she steadily clutched onto the gun ready to fire at a second's notice.

As they inched down the first two steps, Azura froze when they heard it.

Fucking hell, why are they announcing their arrival, Jesus surprise my ass!

The wailing sounds of the siren reached Azura's ears, announcing the arrival of the police. It should have calmed her but her angst continued to rise as she tried to predict the outcome of such blatant confrontation. 

Shooting out her hand to stop Rosa from moving any further, she urged her back up the steps and into the very room they had started off in.

"Change of plans, she began, as she dragged the unconscious man's body out of Rosa's room and into another. 

Wiping her hands on her tattered jeans, she came back into the room to find Rosa still frozen in place. 

"Rosa, listen. They're probably going to start shooting at -" and before her words could be completed the first gunshot echoed through the air. 


"Well the shoot-out has started and I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire so stay here until I can get things under control. No one is going to come upstairs right now, and if they do just play dumb and act like you have no idea where I am. Take cover under the bed if you hear gunshots near you and stay. To. The. Ground." Her words came out rushed but she enunciated the last words, an important reminder of how to stay out of harm's way.

"W-where are you going?" Rosa asked, flinching as another round of gunshots were fired.

"Back downstairs. I'll come back and get you when it's safe, but don't even think about coming down. Am I clear?" she asked, her tone mocking that of a stern motherly figure. 

Another set of shots were heard, but this time mixed with loud shouting. Azura's entire being itched to get down to the main floor and finish this once for and all, but the woman in front of her refused to let her go.

Her clammy hands wrapped around her wrist, as she pleaded with her eyes. "But--" Rosa tried again, to either stop her from going or to buy her boyfriend sometime. Either way, Azura didn't want to hear it and silenced her with an austere gaze.

"Stay here. I'll come back, promise."

Closing the room door behind her, she gripped the handle of the gun tightly, as her light footsteps maneuvered back towards the stairs. Peeking underneath the banister, she watched as a man ran to the front with a shotgun in hand. From her vantage point, she could barely make out the living room let alone the front door, preventing her from figuring out the entire layout.

The police should be calling SWAT soon if they're overwhelmed. But that's not likely to happen until later which means their ETA would be another 10 minutes, enough time for them to make an escape.

Chewing on her bottom lip, she waited with great anticipation for an opening before she could reach the bottom of the stairs, undetected.

Her mission was to find Dano. If she caught him then it would be game over. Counting to three in her head, she kept low as she reached the bottom of the stairs and took cover behind the couch.

Gunfire was being exchanged at a faster and frequent rate with each minute telling her that the police were finally fighting back. With the sound of her heartbeat hammering in her ear, she got up again and moved into the kitchen. With her gun held at shoulder level, she cleared the small space. The same emptiness greeted her as she checked the backyard and the laundry room.

Shit, was I too late, is he already gone?

Before she entertained that thought, her focus zeroed in on the remaining door she had yet to check. The longer she stared at it the more agitation caved in around her. Taking a deep breath she crouched the ground, her eyes darting between the door and the closest man who was firing a gun. On the balls of her feet, she lunged forward, leaping behind the half wall. 

Landing on her hands toes, with one hand on the ground to balance herself, she stared at the door handle in front of her. 

Another deep breath and on the inhale, her hand reached up and grasped the cool metal handle. Her wrist snapped to the side and she thrusted the door open in a flash. 

Bullets whizzed above her head, unable to land a hit on her as she remained in her crouched position. Her own gun had already fired as well, the slight recoil from the bullets leaving the barrel , sending a small ripple through her arm. 

The person didn't expect an attack from low ground and as he was hit by the two bullets she fired, he staggered back. His once pristine white shirt, slowly seeped with a red hue as he slid down to the ground.  

Word count: 1388
