Chapter 16 - Veronica

February 16th, 6:00 PM - Campus Starbucks - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


Another week had managed to roll around concluding her third week on the job. Thanks to midterms and assignments, Azura was left to watch over the studious engineer who merely went from their room to the library and back.

But with Friday marking the end of the long brutal week, he was found seated at the same table with his usual crew.

She was perched a good distance away where she had a clear visual of him and everything around him. With the latest beats headphones perched on her head, she wasn't like the other students listening to music or watching movies. In her headset, the deep husky voice of her tech support, Michael, came through every now and again.

"Seems like plans are being made for later tonight."

She shivered slightly upon hearing his voice.

That voice always has me feeling a type of way. I should get him to talk dirt-.


"Yes, thank you for the heads up I'll take note of the details."

"Copy that."

Within a few seconds, a set of voices replaced Michael's. Given that Chloe was missing today, there were only three others that accompanied Preston today.

"We should go to the movies today to celebrate hell week number 1! What do you guys say?" She knew the voice belonged to Naomi and she silently gagged.

"I'm down," came a male voice that Azura knew wasn't Preston's. Jamal.

She waited, for Preston's answer which didn't come right away.

"Preston, are you okay to go? I know you said you have two lab reports due next week."  Veronica.

Azura rolled her eyes at the mom friend who seemed to baby Preston too much for her liking.

"Yeah, but I think a break would be nice. Which movie do you guys wanna watch?" Azura's eyebrows rose upon hearing his response. She hadn't expected him to agree especially since he would be stuck with two girls. She continued to listen quickly typing in the location, time and movie into her phone. She tuned in for a few seconds until the group dispersed.

"We'll have someone track him tonight," the deep voice assured her.

"Thanks, Michael, I'll keep you posted if anything changes."

"Copy that." With that, the voice left her and Azura was finally alone. She packed up her stuff as she glanced every now and again at the red dot that moved in the direction of their dorm. Slinging her bag on she followed him.


She sat in the parking lot, watching through her tinted windows as Preston and Veronica stood in front of the theatres, waiting for the last two members of their group to join them. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the distance that he placed between himself and Veronica, making her feel slightly better about the way he often acted towards her. After his confession, and Mano blowing her off, Azura restored to continuing her surveillance and protection from as far as possible.

Preston seemed to notice this change in behaviour because he began to get comfortable within their living quarters. She learnt of new habits that only started to surface earlier this week. For instance, singing in the shower. When she had first heard it she had to silently tiptoe towards the door and place her ear against it. Though muffled, she was able to make out a rather in tune and melodious voice. If she had to compare it, she would say it reminded her of Frank Sinatra.

"He's getting a phone call, the Caller ID is Naomi."

"Get me audio."

"Live audio in, 3, 2 and 1."

On cue, Azura heard Preston's greetings on her car speakers as she watched on.

"Naomi, where are you? The movie's about to start."

Rustling, another voice, and a yelp were heard on the other line before Naomi's breathless voice came through. "Uh, yeah...hey Prez."

He responded back but his own voice had turned weary.

"I'm really sorry but Jamal and I have to get a rain cheque. You and Veronica have fun though!"

Preston didn't obediently accept this change in plans, for reasons only Azura was aware of. "Wait, but this was supposed to be our night out. You were the one who wanted this and you're backing out now?"

"It's not that big of a deal. Besides your tickets have already been paid for. Now enjoy the movie, but put Veronica on the line real quick."

Azura watched as Preston's frown remained on his lips as he handed the phone over to a clueless Veronica. She watched as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, his shoulders tensed.

"Naomi? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." But the rest of Naomi's words were muffled and a giggle escaped from Naomi's lips.

"Naomi...omg" Veronica's voice dropped several decibels and Azura watched as she inched away from Preston. "Are you with Jamal right now?" she hissed.

Another round of giggles was heard, and Azura could only pity the girl in front of her as she watched her become visibly frustrated.

"I swear to god, if you think this is you doing me a favour, you're not!"

Uh oh, mom's mad.

Naomi, finally sobering up, managed to jumble up an apology, though Azura wouldn't call it one. "Sorry for trying to look out for my friend who's been pining after a guy for almost a year now. You were too shy to make a move, so I made it for you. You'll thank me later, now enjoy it!"

The line went silent and Veronica pulled back the phone dumbfounded. She darted glances towards Preston who was too busy staring at the ground. Azura felt like she was watching a pair of preteens as the nervous girl placed a hand over her chest.

Wow, they might just make each other pass out in fear.

"Michael, I need to hear what they're saying."

"On it."

And once again like magic, Azura had access to the conversation. She mentally cringed as Veronica inched closer and quietly called for Preston. It took her at least three more tries before her voice was loud enough to get Preston to stop inspecting the dirty cement floor and to stare at her.

"So um, Naomi's not coming."

"I'm aware."

Azura was used to Preston's flashes of anger or sass, but she didn't think he would show that side to the girl in front of him. The girl almost shrank back and Azura had to remind herself that it was her roommate who had the track record to flee the scene.

"Right, well we could still -"

"Sorry, Veronica but I'm headed home. I'm not in the mood to watch anything now." He offered a small smile, before stalking off in the direction of the bus.

Veronica rooted in her spot seemed to take a few seconds to reload before running after him. "Wait, Preston!"

As she reached to hold his hand, Preston jumped back in fear staring at her with wide eyes. The bewildered gaze reminded her of a skittish cat.

"S-sorry. I just wanted to give your phone back."

He took a few seconds before he grabbed his device out of her hands. Another dead smile that didn't reach his eyes was offered.

"Right, uh, sorry about that. I have a lot on my mind right now. It also doesn't help that I'm annoyed with Naomi for bailing on us. I was already feeling tired on my way here but I made an effort because it's been a while since we hung out as a group. It just makes me feel like this was a waste of time."

Azura winced, biting her thumb as the words fell out of the boy's mouth.

Veronica nodded mutely, giving Preston the chance to exchange a short goodbye before continuing on his way. As he left, without looking back once, Azura watched as the girl's shoulders slumped in defeat.

Damn, I kind of feel bad.

But she didn't have the time to console a heartbroken college student and quickly called Preston's cell.


"Hey Preston, it's Azura."

"Oh...hey. How'd you get my number?"

She heard the slight suspicion in his tone. "Housing services, Ms. Jordan?"

"Oh right, sorry."

"All good. Anyway, I was calling to see if you wanted Pizza tonight. I just finished a movie and am headed back to the dorm."

She watched the retreating figure paused. "Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, I'm at the TD Banks branch. Why?"

"Funny story, I was there actually but I didn't end up watching a movie."

"That's weird, but I'll hear your story on the way home. I have a car, so I'll pick you up. You still in the front?"

She expected the denial but wasn't about to take no for an answer, easily insisting that she would drive him back.  "Oh wait, I think I see you. Hold up."

Starting her engine, she easily reversed out of her spot and drove up to where Preston had resumed walking. Rolling down her windows, she flashed him a grin. "Hi."

It managed to make him smile a little as he gave his own quiet hello. "Come on, get in. We're going the same place anyway."

She waited for him to have the silent debate in his head until he finally caved and rounded the car. Waiting for the passenger seat door to open, she turned around in her seat as he slid in the back seat.

"I don't recall agreeing to be your Uber driver."

"Please." She knew he was on his last thread and decided to let him be, as she placed the stick into drive.

She pulled out of the cinema parking lot and started their quiet drive back. She glanced every now and then at her rearview mirror as the boy had his head rested back on the seat with his eyes closed.

"So about that funny story?" she prompted.

Just when she thought she was going to be ignored he spoke, not moving an inch from his position. "It's dumb."

"Okay, so tell me your dumb story."

He heaved a sigh, rolling his head forward and finally meeting her eyes through the mirror. "I almost got set up to go on a date."


"Yeah. My idiotic friends, set me up to watch a movie with Veronica and I'm annoyed. I've been doing everything in my power to keep her at bay because I didn't want to lead her own or give her mixed signals, but now I've been made an ass."

She frowned as she watched the oncoming traffic, waiting for her chance to take a left turn. "Wait, you know Veronica likes you?"


"How? I thought you were oblivious to these kinds of things because you hate girls."

She stole another glance and watched as the boy massaged his temples. "I don't hate girls. Believe it or not, I find girls attractive and I want to end up being in a relationship one day. But that has to be on my own accord, not through some stupid set up. And my fear just makes me hyperaware of how girls interact with me. I mean I may not always be right, but when I get a hunch that a girl's crushing on me, I try to make things platonic so that I don't lead them on. Not only would it be a dick move, but things would also get messy."

"What a gentleman," she mumbled.

His tired grin made her pause as she took note of the way the smile wrinkles on the sides of his lips formed.

Shaking herself lightly she proceeded to satisfy her curiosity. "So you don't like Veronica then?"

He hesitated, dragging out his answer. "It's weird. She's actually the first girl who I tried to picture myself with? I dunno why, but I think it's because she's always been kind, and empathetic towards me. She's kinda shy too and never really oversteps her boundaries so I find myself not having to be too wary of her. But now I've ruined it because I was a jackass who left her with a sad excuse."  He let out a groan as he covered his face. "You should have heard me, I was so rude."

Oh, I heard you.

"Okay, so short answer is you like her. Why not try and go on a date then?"

The suggestion was immediately shut down as he shook his head. "No, I can't. I literally cannot."

Azura was unimpressed a frown forming. "Why? You've managed to sit here, in this car, with me even if it was in the back seat. And if the movie is too close for comfort, maybe you can do a walk in a park with coffee."

She heard yet another sigh.

"I don't know. If I break that friendship bond, I have to make up for it by acting more intimately with her."

"Okay, so you're scared to touch her. Like what are we talking about here? Holding hands, kissing, sex?"

"I can't do any of that."

Again Azura had an internal battle to not let her jaw drop at the realization of how pure of a soul this boy behind her was.  My god do I feel dirty.

But she erased the thought, not allowing this odd and one of a kind boy make her feel bad for pursuing what she had every right to do.

"So do you want to have a family? To fall in love, and all that other good shit that comes after school?"

"Yeah, I really do. I'm not sure how as of now, so all I can do is hope that one day, a girl will come along who will be able to break this fear."

Yeah...okay, keep dreaming kid.

But Azura didn't have the heart to stamp all over his wishful thinking and kept her thoughts to herself.

It took Azura a second, and maybe in hindsight, she should have rethought it, but she proposed her plan in a heartbeat. "I'll help you."

"Huh?" The adorable confused expression only made her smile.

"I'll help you," she said, determined. As they pulled into their parking spot, she put the car into park before turning around to directly look at him. "I'm going to help you get over your phobia."

Word Count: 2353
