Chapter 42 - Drugged

April 4th, 9:58 AM - University of Chicago - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


"You really don't have to come you know," Preston told her for the third time as he stood near her. Staring down at her, she had to shield her eyes from the blinding sun to look back up at him. "I'm fine Preston, don't worry."

As per her renewed mission, she had to be extra cautious with Dano on the loose and as a result, accompanied Preston whenever possible. It was the better alternative in comparison to lurking in the shadows. However, her energy level had depleted faster than usual today and it was all thanks to her menstrual cramps.

Making their way into the library, Azura's eyes were peeled for any suspicious activity. However, instead, she caught sight of something worse. 


With no energy to sass the girl or listen to her be her mother hen like self around Preston, she slowed her steps, allowing Preston to go ahead of her. But to her surprise, he noticed when she was no longer beside him and turned around to beckon her forward.

She gave him a slight shake of her head hoping he wouldn't push the matter further. "You guys talk, I'll give you some privacy."

"Privacy? For what, we're just friends. Besides, you already met Veronica before, remember. Just come say hello."

Before she could try arguing again, Veronica was already approaching them leaving Azura with no time to escape. Sighing loudly, she tiredly acknowledged Veronica but made no move to expand on that greeting. 

Veronica appeared unfazed and simply smiled in response, greeting them both.  Azura's eyes shrivelled into slits, suddenly suspicious when she didn't sense any malicious intentions.

"Did you get the same book for SCI2391?" she asked, glancing at the book in Preston's hand. Soon the pair were engaged in an in-depth discussion about the course, professor and assignments. When her phone buzzed she shifted away but still kept her eyes glued to them.  She had expected it to be Mano with an update but did a double-take when it was an unknown number.

Contemplating on whether to answer, she cut it close and answered on the last ring. Tentatively placing it against her ear, she waited for the voice on the other end to speak first.

"Y-you need to leave from the dorm."

Her entire body stiffened when she heard the fragile voice that was trying its best to not break.

"I don't have long, and there are too many eyes and ears around me. Just know that they're on to you. Leave right now because they're on their way to your location. He knows about you."

The short and rushed sentences poked at Azura's nerves. Something was very wrong and with the little information, she was receiving she had to make the safest move.

"Rosa, where are you?"

But the woman ignored her request and gave her a final warning. "You have 10 minutes, please listen to me."

"Wait, Rosa tell me where you are?" But no response came after and the dial tone was the only thing that sounded back. Pulling her phone back to her, she stared at it mutely as Rosa's words rang in her head.

He knows about you. You have ten minutes. Ten minutes.

Quickly dialling Noble's personal number, she chewed on her lip impatiently as she waited for him to pick up all while staring at Preston. When she heard the voicemail she cursed before trying Amir, already moving towards Preston. When Amir also didn't answer she stuffed her phone into her pocket. Taking a breath, she waited near the pair of friends who were still enjoying their amicable discussion.

Whatever I do, don't stir panic. You need to keep him calm for things to work out. You only have about 9 minutes now.

Mindful of the time, she tried to speak, but at the same moment, a sharp pain stabbed her in her lower abdomen, making her take a moment to recover. Squeezing her eyes shut as she waited for her muscles to relax after that wave of pain, she opened them to see a concerned Veronica, who was watching her with a frown.

"Azura, are you okay?"

Being called out during her momentary weakness by a mere civilian made Azura force herself to stand tall. Just as she was about to brusquely brush her off,  Preston was already by her side, his hand delicately placed on the small of her back. "Azura? What's wrong?"

Hesitating for a second, she decided to use this opportunity to her advantage. "Sorry, I'm not feeling that great. Is it okay if we head back to the condo now?"

As expected he didn't deny her request and agreed immediately. "Yeah for sure. Why didn't you tell me sooner? Are you okay to walk back?"

His concern managed to do the trick in elevating her spirits, even if it was a little bit.  She couldn't help but tease him back. "If I said no, what were you going to do? Give me a piggyback ride?"

When he stilled for a second, Azura realized that he actually was considering it, and she could help but laugh. "No, don't worry. I can walk."

As she looked away, her smile faded when she saw Veronica's gaze on Preston. It seemed to have a longingness to it, but it quickly disappeared when she caught her looking. Azura half expected the girl to grimace but instead, she smiled another genuine smile. "You should head back then, hope you feel better Azura."

Giving them a wave, Veronica left first, leaving Azura to stare after the girl she had judged too harshly. Damn, maybe she isn't as annoying as I thought.

They left right after, Preston practically gluing himself to her side, whilst tossing her cautious glances as though he was expecting her to fall over. Thankfully the library wasn't far from their dorm unit, and they were inside their room within minutes.

"Why don't you use the bathroom and I'll warm up a hot pack for you."

"Thank you," she said, allowing herself a split second to stare after the kindhearted boy before making haste to escape to her room.

She already had a plan in mind, and one she could only pray was foolproof. With little to no information on how many people we after her, it was too risky to move Preston. She would act as the decoy and lure her pursuers away from the dorm hopefully giving her team enough time to execute a safe extraction. Grabbing her Bluetooth device, she called for Mikael.

"Mikael I need all eyes and ears on campus grounds for the next," she paused, quickly checking her watch, "7 minutes."

"Copy that, is everything okay?" He probably sensed the urgency in her tone and was ready to offer all the support he could from his hand.

"No. My cover's blown and Dano's men are after us. Target is going to be placed in the vault. Requesting extraction immediately," she spoke as she gathered any equipment she could carry whilst hiding confidential files and tools in her hidden safe.

"Copy that, requesting for backup. Team Alpha's ETA is 10 minutes," Mikael instructed. But Azura didn't have that kind of time. Right now her priority was Preston.

"No can do Mikael. I'm going to be leaving Target 102 behind. Send Alpha to him and then come to me next. But call a Code Black if you don't hear from me or if I go out of range in an hour from now. But you make sure that Team Alpha gets to the target ASAP. "

For once the calm voice in her ear didn't provide his affirmation quickly. Calling a Code Black meant that an agent was killed in action, an extreme scenario she was proposing. But like every good agent, one had to be prepared for the worst even if it meant death.

"Mikael, I don't have another choice. Just make sure to inform Mano, Amir and Noble. And give me updates when you see any vehicle approach our building."

"Copy...copy that."

Letting out a breath of relief knowing that Mikael would be quickly working to ensure that her requests were completed at record time, she turned around just in time to see Preston, poke his head through.

"Hey, I brought you some soup..." he trailed off. He stared at her with questioning eyes, giving her outfit a scan. "Um, are you going somewhere?"

Azura sighed, beckoning Preston to come closer.

Throwing open her closet doors, she quickly worked to reveal the hidden door at the back. It led to the secret compartment inside her closet that was big enough to fit an adult.

"I need you to get in Preston," she said as she took what he was holding. Her instructions were simple and to the point, hoping that it wouldn't cause any misunderstandings.

He remained rooted in his spot making no effort or attempt to follow her instructions.

Instead there and asked dumbfoundedly, "Excuse me?" 

"I'll tell you my answer to your confession if you get in," she bribed hoping it was enough to make him comply. But with the entire situation at hand, even her bribe wasn't enough to capture Preston's attention.  

"Wait what? What is going on?'re not making any sense! How do you even have this compartment?" He seemed frazzled as he stared between her and her closet.  

Sighing in slight annoyance, she tried to think of what other excuses to use without giving away more information. "Some bad people are after me...for money."

"Money?" he echoed back in confusion. 

"Yes, I borrowed money to pay for my mother's treatment but haven't been able to pay it back and now these loan sharks are after me." It was a cliche story used in every riches to rag story for all she knew, but frankly, given the circumstances, it was also the best. 

Preston approached and without hesitation reached for her hand. Giving it a squeeze, he searched her face with concern. "Azura, I, I don't understand. What's really going on, I swear you can tell me."

She gave him a sad smile, want nothing more than to give him a hug and say everything was fine.  Removing his hands, she reached over to open the door wider.  "I can't tell you anything else. Just listen to me, this once. Last time, I promise. I'll answer all your questions in a few hours, but right now I need you to get in and stay quiet. Only come out when you hear three knocks."

He stared at it with each second making Azura's stomach churn.

"Four men have breached the building," Michael's voice warned her.

She gritted her teeth as Preston stood there unmoving. "Preston, please!" She expected resistance, but not this! He was being stubborn and she didn't have the energy or time for it.

He held on to her hand again, refusing to let her go. "No, I'm not going to do this! I need to know what's going on. I want to show you that I can help you Azura. You can trust me, I swear!" His voice matched her desperation telling her this could not be done the easy way.

She couldn't help the frustrated cry that escaped her lips. Desperate times call for desperate measures and she did something she had sworn to never do him. She grabbed his face in her hands and spoke her apology through her eyes for what she was about to do next. 

Without a second to waste, she placed her lips directly on his catching him in surprise. It was understandable that his reaction was delayed, but with each second her mind screamed at her telling her was about to pull away. 

Yet he was still standing there, only kissing her back. She wanted their first kiss to be under better circumstances, and she could only pray that this wouldn't affect him psychologically later. 

As he deepened the kiss, her hand felt around before it found the drawer to her night table. Pulling it open, she hurriedly patted around till she found the tiny caped syringe. With a single flick, she uncapped it before stabbing it onto the side of his neck.

It took a few seconds before the contents were emptied into his bloodstream and she threw the syringe away just as he pulled back from the sharp pain.

"What the fuck was that?" His hand grazed the side of the neck and she could only give him a sad smile as he stumbled forward.

"I'm sorry Preston. But I had no choice, I have to protect you, and this was the only way."

"P-protect me?" His words started to slur, and the effects of her sleep drug effective immediately.

Guiding his drowsy body, she got him inside the closet compartment. His eyes at that point had started to droop and she gave him another chaste kiss. "I like you back more than you know it."

Closing the door quickly, she locked it before placing her clothes back.

"On the elevator, just passed the 3rd floor."

"Copy that. As soon as you lose my signal, start the timer till you need to call it in." 

With that, she left the condo, prepared to greet her assailants.

Word count: 2229 
