Chapter 3: Beauxbaton School Of Magic

  Stella found all her dreams come true in the four years she had been studying at Beauxbaton. The Palace of Beauxbatons was a beautiful chateau surrounded by majestic gardens and fountains magically created out of the surrounding mountain. In the dining chamber, wood nymphs serenade the students while they eat. During Christmas, the hall is adorned with great, glittering, non-melting ice sculptures. They had huge classes and adept teachers. The school offered the following subjects: Defence Strategy, Transfiguration, Herbology, Muggle Studies, Potions, Charms, Astronomy, History of Magic, Personality Development and Alchemy. She had already completed the subjects till the NEWTS levels and she had aced all of them.
Stella, however, was not fond of their uniform. Pale blue robes made of fine silk, they only added to her discomfort, along with the compulsion of wearing high heels.
During her four years at Beauxbaton, Stella had developed a new identity for herself. Playing pranks with people under an alias 'The Dark Angel'. Teachers were never able to catch her. She would either use her metamorphagus powers and turn into someone else or some animal or else she would cast a disembodiment charm upon herself. In fact, nobody even suspected her. She had a very clean record. All the teachers, as well as many students, loved her. She had a bold personality laced with sassiness. She was brave and selfless, witty and knowledgeable, loyal and hardworking as well as sly and cunning. She stood up to bullying and those people usually became the victims of her pranks.
Once a group of boys were commenting on girls, they ended up next day dressed in girls' uniform. They weren't to come out of it until they apologised to all the girls in front of the whole school. Another time, she got so fed up with wearing heels that she changed them roller skates. All the students and teachers would be seen trying to skate and falling. This lasted for 3 days.
Throughout her journey, she always kept in contact with Dumbledore. She saw him as his grandfather. He would often tell her stories about his childhood. He told her about his family and Grindelwald; how he is the current possessor of the elder wand. In turn, Stella too shared her stories. She told him about her days in school, her freedom and pranks. She trusted him enough to tell him about her wand as well. It felt good for both of them to be able to talk to someone without any difficulties.
However, the major part of their plan started in her fourth year. Dumbledore had informed her about his views of Voldemort getting stronger. It was time for her to prepare. She was terrified of the news but was willing enough to risk it. She had to go to Hogwarts in case He returns and she had to come up with some way for changing her parents' minds. Her parents had never been prouder of her. Stella always got O in all her tests and there never got any complaints about her. Since four years, she had been winning the duelling championship. She wanted to try out for the Triwizard Tournament, however, the age restriction plummeted her hopes. She was turning into a beautiful lady who commanded respect and recognition. They felt that they had put her in the correct school.
Apart from thinking about some story to convince her parents, she had been studying Tom Riddle's part for four years. She had learned all his weaknesses and strengths. She knew about his history and character. She knew what pleased him and what displeased him. She knew about his Horcruxes and along with Dumbledore she had been trying to find it. She was going to play a good role in his downfall.
Moreover, in these years, she had developed many new spells. Some were complex hexes and curses, transfiguration and charms spell. When she informed Dumbledore about it, he was very impressed and suggested her to make a diary about it. She also had made different types of potions. One of them was the 'moonstone potion' that she had specifically made for Remus Lupin. She had heard about him from Dumbledore and had wanted to help him. It took her almost two years to attain perfection on the potion. The potion cannot cure lycanthropy but can reduce the pain of transformation as well as keep the werewolf's mind sane. She had not yet been able to show this to the professor but was planning on gifting it to him.
She was also working on various other projects, like a spell to reverse the dementors kiss, spell that can stop the killing curse, etc. The later spell had been made, but she had not practised it with anyone, no matter how many times Twinkle wished to sacrifice herself for it. Twinkle, her personal house elf was her best friend. They worked together, pranked together and experimented together.
In her fourth year, during June, she received a Patronus message from Dumbledore while she was in her dormitory sleeping. It made her blood curl.
"Lord Voldemort has come back. He had taken Harry's blood, he is stronger now. You know what to do."
She immediately began packing. Now was the time for major action to start.  
