Chapter 14: Hogsmede Trip


"Dear Carina

First of all, Harry says, "Oh! It's on!" Next Ron says, "Bloody hell!" and now I am saying, "Ron!"

Yeah, yeah! Go ahead and laugh. This is us- the golden trio. I don't know if you know us that properly or not, but still.

Now, we are thinking about informing some trustworthy Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs about our mission. We have decided to meet at Hogs Head. I have double-checked all the school rules, so I know we won't be breaking them.

It would be great if you could join us, and still, keep your identity hidden. Also, I want you to sign your name on it. Maybe in your nickname but I need it; let's see how you escape then. This is a challenge, right? So forget our childish behavior.

By the way, half of this letter has been written by Ron and Harry. This is Hermione here. Anyways, we look forward to seeing you. And heck, that prank with Parkinson was awesome- loved it, even though we failed; but it was worth it- Ron here.


The Golden Trio

P.S: I like this nickname."

I had received this letter almost a week later. I had been growing impatient by then. Anyways, today was the day of the trip. I needed to attend the meeting and some make purchases while enjoying myself. Sounds like a lot to do.

So, I asked Dumbles to make Mundungus stack Harry. I would be able to make my purchases with him at Hogs Head. We would both be in concealed identities and he wouldn't know about me at all. He found it fishy at first- hiding my name- but when I threatened him to cut off the deal, he shut up.

I was going with Blaise as a date to Three Broomsticks. I agreed to go on a date with him for two reasons basically. First, some of the girls wanted to accompany me to Hogsmede and all, but I needed to be alone for making purchases. Second, I needed a distraction from Harry. Ever since that day, we glanced at each other often. He makes me BLUSH! Like seriously, I didn't even know that that was possible for me!!

When I asked Dumbles about it, he started laughing. I panicked because I had never seen him laugh, he always smiled or chuckled. He took deep, calm breaths and said, "Stella, for someone as bright as you, it looks like a joke you don't understand your feelings for a person."

I looked at him as if he had taken a Babbling Potion. I have FEELINGS! That was humanely impossible. I was definitely not going to have some boy, even if he was the most famous, most handsome, cutest boy ever, affect me like that. Nada, nada, nada.

So, when Blaise asked me, quite shyly I may add, "So Stella... umm, would you like to go to Hogsmede with me this weekend?" I replied, "I won't be able to be with you the whole time but I can get a drink with you. I will meet you there at 3?"

"Yeah, cool"

I had dressed up in a maroon knee-length dress with a brown scarf. I put on my brown high boots and looked at myself in the mirror. I changed my silvery blond her to caramel brown. I will just tell people I changed the color of my hair for the day.

As I walked into the common room, many boys literally started drooling over me. I ignored them all and my way towards the Great Hall. While Filch took my permission slip, many boys here as well, stared at me as if I was an angel. Okay, I was- agreed. Smug me!

I walked to the village alone with my thoughts. Nobody dared asked or followed me. Sometimes this was a boon as well as a bane. I knew I needed secrecy at the moment but I couldn't help but feel sad. I hadn't had a true friend all my life. People befriended me either for my family name or my talents. Whenever I made genuine friends, I had to hide my actual personality from them. I guess, this was the reason, why I depended so highly on my alias. The Angel made me- me. She was the reason why I hadn't buried myself in a hole.

Fighting off the loneliness, I went to the entrance of the Hogs Head. I pulled my cloak and hid completely in it. Two tables were occupied- one had two people arguing in strong Yorkshire accents, while the other had a witch covered in a vile. I knew that was Mundungus, as he had informed me about his 'appearance' in our conversation.

"The thief wizard," said I, sitting down across him. It was our code to confirm our 'identities'.

"The firefly," he said, in an attempt to pass off as a witch. I snorted and said, "Probably not a great actor."

He frowned and said, "Let's get over with this. I have some work to do."

"Sure. Did you bring the muggle watch I asked?"

"Yes. Mind you had to go through a lot to get the watch worn by 'James Potter'... Mind I asking, why such an interest in it?"

"Ah-ha, Dung; no questions. It has always been a part of a deal, hasn't it? Or have you forgotten how to deal?" I asked slyly, knowing this would shut him up. Boy, I was right.

"Fine... I just need my payment. Fifteen galleons..."

I scoffed and said, "Had I got this, I would not be trading with even Dumbledore for that amount. Seven galleons, that's all I can offer."

"No, ten galleons, otherwise I am calling off the deal."

I reluctantly paid 10 galleons and got the item I was looking for. I bargained with him, not because of any financial problem, but because I knew how big a thief he is.

After a few minutes of silence by which I had ordered firewhiskey, he said, "So who are you?"

"Dung, dung, dung... looks like you have actually forgotten about how to make a deal. Tut tut tut," I teased him.

Before he could respond, I said, "Tell you what, I will buy you a glass of firewhiskey and you won't ask any more questions."

He frowned but agreed. While I gave him his drink, I quickly erased his memory of me asking him about James Potter's watch. It wouldn't, after all, be good if someone saw the same watch on Harry. They might think it to be jinxed or something. The door opened and in walked the three people I was waiting for- the golden trio. They eyed us warily, especially Harry. When I heard his assumption of me or Dung being Umbitch, I couldn't help but snort. I passed it off as a cough to suspicious-looking Dung.

A while later, loads of students from Hogwarts arrived though none of them were Slytherins. Hermione started her speech but was intervened by Zarcharias Smith who didn't believe him. When Harry was asked the Kraken's return and Diggory's death, I couldn't help but look at Hermione. This was the very problem I had warned her about. People will come to hear his story and he would not want to discuss it- at least not now. Before she could say anything he said, "If you've come to hear exactly what it looks like when Voldemort murders someone I can't help you. I don't want to talk about Cedric Diggory, alright? So if that's what you're here for, you might as well clear out."

But nobody cleared. They discussed Harry's capabilities which left all of them, including me, impressed. Sure, I had heard all of this by Dumbles but then again- he was one heck of a guy. Suddenly, I had a burning desire inside me to call him mine. What is wrong with me?

I involuntarily growled slightly when Cho Chang complimented Harry. The way his face shone stirred something deep inside me- something I didn't know existed. Merlin, what is this boy doing to me?

Other than Zarcharias Smith being a prick, which he would be getting back for and Cho Chang's friend being slightly untrustworthy, I found Hermione's choice good. I also knew that Smith might be stupid but he wouldn't anybody- that was sure. Hermione pulled out a piece of parchment and asked everyone to sign on it. When the last guy, Smith signed it, I willed all my energy and concentrated hard on writing my name – 'S.Carina.M'- on the paper.

Hermione didn't even look at the sheet as carefully put it in her bag. Probably thinking I still haven't signed and would steal her bag to do so. I really wanted to see her expression when she would see my name.

After the meeting got over, everybody decided to leave in pairs of twos or threes. I couldn't help but glare at Cho who was trying to delay her departure. Why? Why was this bothering me so much? Is Dumbledore right? Have I developed fe-feelings?

Thinking about Dumbles words, I accidentally spilled the firewhiskey on my boots.

"Oh shit," I mumbled, oblivious to any company around me. As I pulled out my wand to remove the grease, the Black bracelet that father had given me, became visible. Engrossed in my thoughts, I didn't notice the look of recognition and curiosity in Dung's face. I just said my thanks and went out of the inn. As I pulled out my cloak, had I not been so careless, I would have noticed the horrified expression on Dung's face who thought I was spying on the trio.
