Chapter 16: The Head In The Fire


I had a great time with Blaise that evening where he told me about his mother. She had married a lot of wizards but they had died mysteriously, leaving behind sums of money. I told him about my life at Beauxbaton- about those frilly uniforms and pampered students. He was surprised at this- he thought I loved their 'upper-class' behavior.

"But I think this is better," he immediately said, seeing my frown. "To be honest, I don't like people who brag."

"How have you survived in Slytherin, then? Especially being friends with my brother?" I asked, genuinely astonished.

"I mind my own business."

I gave him a soft smile. He may be a snake, but he wasn't dark. He had the house's qualities of determination, resourcefulness, and slyness.

I saw a group of students crowded near the notice board, reading a sign, next morning. Curious, I went up and saw Umbitch's new educational degree. My blood ran cold as I linked it with the events at Hog's Head.

"No group, team, organization, society and club are allowed to be formed..."

Somebody had snitched us. I needed to find the traitor. It could that Chang's friend or Smith- no not Smith. He was loyal, being a Hufflepuff. But Hermione had placed a jinx on the sheet, right? We could know whoever had spied.

But then a horrible thought struck me- What if they thought that I had betrayed them?

No, I had to make them believe that I wasn't the one. Maybe I could drink Veritaserum or Mione could check me up with that jinx. But one thing was clear; I needed to spy on that toad. And I knew perfectly well how to do it.

I went to my dorm and picked up a muggle camera that I had bought in France. I knew that technology and magic didn't mix but I had found a way around it.

Tapping the camera with my wand, I said, "Fiat Magicae"

The camera turned on and the battery changed to infinity sing. Yep, it won't stop now!

While everyone was at breakfast, I snuck into the toad's office and set the camera in a proper place. Turning it into video mode, I made provision to see it in my dorm television. Yes, folks, I have television. I turned it invisible and went to have a quick snack in the kitchens.

Now, I would only need to speak to the trio during Potions.


I couldn't believe my eyes when I wasn't able to find Stella in the great hall at breakfast. She hadn't deceived us, had she? No, No, she wouldn't. I knew her perfectly well- okay, maybe not perfectly- but I knew that wouldn't do this. But where was she?

It had a very difficult matter, convincing Ron and Hermione to give her a chance. I had practically threatened them by saying that I wouldn't teach them. But when they had finally met her properly and got explained for her behavior, they had begun to accept her a bit. It even eased me- knowing her reasons.

"She gave us Harry," snarled Ron. "She was just being nice to us to get the information. We should never have believed her."

Hermione too didn't look pleased- I wasn't either, but somehow I knew that she hadn't done this. I don't know, it was my inner voice or something. I remember it being angry when I saw Stella with Blaise that day. Ugh! I didn't know what it was.

I knew Hermione felt heartbroken. She had given Stella a chance and it looked as though she had broken it.

"No, she couldn't have done it. Absolutely not," I exclaimed.

Hermione gave me a pitying look before saying, "Harry, I know you trust her but she has done it. She is just like Pettigrew."

I was aghast. How could she even compare my angel to that monster?!

Wait- MY?!

"Don't you dare!" I snarled in a deadly tone that made her anxious.

Fuming I made way to History of Magic. I knew that Stella hadn't betrayed us- betrayed me. I just needed them to understand this.

Throughout the class, Hermione kept glancing at me that I ignored. I was thinking about Stella- about her voice, her laugh, and her stunning grey eyes. I was forced out of my daydream by a poke in my ribs.

"What?" I snarled.

She pointed out at Hedwig who was outside the window. I noticed that she had been attacked and took her to Grubbly-Plank. After some words with McGonagall, I read the note.

"Today, same time, same place"

Hermione and Ron said about owl interception and someone reading our letter. Our previous disagreement had vanished until we saw Malfoy gloating about seeking permission for Quidditch.

"Why don't you and your snake sister shove off?" Ron shouted.

That was it!

But before I could retort, an angelic voice said, "I didn't realize I saw missed so much."

We turned to see Stella looking at us with an amusing face. When she looked me in the eye, I knew she was pleading me to believe her. I nodded my head and she smiled in relief. I did too automatically. I saw Ron and Hermione who looked surprised and happy, seeing her spotless. I knew that they really liked her and didn't want her to be a traitor.

Malfoy started to speak about me being carted off to St. Mungo's for 'mental people.' Neville had lost it when he heard so, Malfoy had commented about his parents. After Snape took off points from Slytherin, I glanced at Stella to find her speaking with her twin. He seemed shocked and even looked guilty. Seriously? How's that possible?

We had Umbridge in our class inspecting potions. I wanted to speak to my god-father about our meeting and all. But when the time came, he already knew about it. Apparently, I was still being followed. He wanted us to practice spells and jinxes so that we could defend ourselves. I felt relieved that someone was supporting.

"I have something important to tell you," said Sirius, seriously. "I know the person who snitched you to Umbridge."

He had our undivided attention now.

"Dung saw her."

"Her?" asked Hermione.

"Yes, she was Stella Malfoy," he said grimly.

We all took an intake of breath. No, this was not possible. She hadn't betrayed us- at all. Why did I need to convince everyone about her trust? Just because she is a Malfoy!

Before I could say something, it was Ron, to my surprise, who defended her, "No, Sirius. We have been with her. She won't betray us- we even have proof, don't we, Hermione?"

"If she spoke to Umbridge before we got her to sign the sheet, she would not have been affected the jinx," she said frowning.

"No, Sirius- believe us- she won't do it," I pleaded.

"Harry, why are you so confident about her? After all, she is a Malfoy and is in Slytherin," he said, confused.

"Sirius, even your whole family was in Slytherin- but you turned out to be different. She is just like that. We shouldn't judge the person based on their families," argued Ron.

Sirius was stumped by this comment, clearly not thinking like this.

"And your sister Andromeda Tonks was also in Slytherin but she doesn't follow dark arts," added Hermione.

Sirius was silent for a while, deep in thought, and then finally said, "Okay, maybe we are wrong. But she was in Hog's Head that day. Dung told us, but there was something off about him, though."

"What?" I asked, ready to defend Stella at any cost.

"I remember Dung asking me about James's old watch. I was planning to give it to you, but he said he needed it at any cost. So, I gave it to him. He said he wanted to know about the person who was so interested in it. He might be someone considering harming you. But when he came back home, he didn't remember any of it. His memory had been modified, definitely," he said, frowning.

"Then, someone must have confused his memory- making him see Stella, instead of that person," I offered.

"Yes, maybe," he said slowly.

"Maybe, she was the Dark Angel," Ron said.

We looked at him, confused.

He quickly added, "See, she has been pointing herself to be a Slytherin especially through that howler. Maybe, she was the person who was asking Dung- you know wanting to gift Harry something special. And when Dung saw who she was, she transformed his memory make it Stella Malfoy."

"That is a logical explanation. What do you say Sirius?" asked Mione.

"I think- "Sirius broke off with an alarmed expression. A hand, belonging to Umbridge was trying to seize something- as if she knew where Sirius's head had been.


The cameras installed in the toad's office were supposed to send me signals on my watch if she did anything suspicious. I got my first signal just after the bell rang for my first period. I was still in the kitchens. I quickly saw by my wristwatch that the toad had captured Hedwig and was reading the note.

Poor bird! She looks shaken up.

The note read- Today, same time, same place.

It meant that Harry had been communicating with somebody- most probably Sirius. But how and where? The toad seemed to be facing the same dilemma. With my train of thought, I arrived at Transfiguration late.

"I apologize, Professor McGonagall. It won't happen again," I said, after class.

"Be sure to remember that Ms. Malfoy. Now leave for your next class," she said sternly.

I arrived at the dungeons hearing Ron saying to my brother, "Why don't you and your snake sister shove off?"

He was thinking that I had betrayed them. I said, "I didn't know I saw so missed."

I saw them looking surprised as well as relieved. I looked at Harry, giving him a pleading look- asking him to believe me. His trust was everything to me it felt.

He nodded without any hesitation. My spirits lifted instantly. I gave Ron and Mione a small smile, which they responded as well. Yes! I had gained their trust! Yippee!

Draco in the meanwhile started saying about the addled people in St. Mungo's to which Neville responded violently. I remembered his parents being there due to our dear aunt, Bellatrix. After Snape's 'just' treatment, I spoke to Draco.

"You do realize why he acted like that, don't you?"

"No, I don't," he replied.

I sighed and said, "Our Aunt Bellatrix tortured his parents to insanity, Draco."

"Oh," He looked sympathetic but then it turned into malice after a second.

Before he could further think about torturing him, I said softly, "Imagine me or mother being there- with no recollection as to who you are or who you are to me, Draco. Neville suffers this- it is not something to mock about." I had spoken in a soft manner which I knew would make him think. He looked guilty now- thinking about his actions. My brother still has hope.

I had forgotten about that note by the evening and I saw peacefully sleeping when my watch started buzzing. I got up half-heartedly and saw the toad was inspecting the fireplace.

I was now awake as though someone had drenched me in cold water. I now understood the note's meaning. Sirius was contacting Harry through the fire-place and he had done this earlier as well.

Seriously, Sirius? Couldn't you use something less traceable- maybe like a two-way mirror or something???

I quickly went to the fireplace and pointed my wand and said, "Conflictatus." This spell was supposed to distract Umbridge for a while.

I knew he would have understood by now that someone was interfering with the floo network- he was going to get out. Today has been highly eventful.
