Chapter 6: Y/N's Back Story

Cindy, the Skeleton Princess, decided to Join Y/N's team. They are inside of the Cave. A small cave when you look outside, but once you get in, its huge enough to spawn an Army.

They've been there for 10 hours. And Y/N always have his watch ( in Minecraft: its a Clock. But who the hell will bring a huge Clock if you could just minimize it like a watch?)

Its 10:34 PM. Its time to rest.

[Y/N's POV]

We mine a lot today. 2 stacks of Iron bars, 32 Gold bars, 12 Emeralds and a stack of Redstone. Not bad actually.

Emeralds are the currency of this world but it's useless by now. We haven't visited villages for a year now.

We didn't bring the bed so we're just gonna rest at the floor

I place some blocks as a cover. Steve is already sleeping. I didn't put my attention to him for just a minute and now he's snoring.

I lay to the ground. And so does the Princesses. Well, i know that Princesses must sleep in a comfortable bed but... We don't have any.

I then lay their heads to my Arm. Like a pillow. They aren't that heavy, and i can move my hand so its fine.

Cindy is the one close, Yaebi is right next to her. And I guess she's sleeping now too.

So only I and Cindy are awake. I take a peek to her face and... Her cheeks is red too. Just like Yaebi.

Me: your cheeks are Red

Cindy: w-what?! No they're not.

She then covers her face with her hands.

I move a bit to her and let her lean to my chest. I can feel her head getting warmer per second. Is she sick or...?

Me: i wonder why you're face turns Red... But i don't have any clue

Cindy: Erm....

Me: well. I'm exhausted. Take a Rest now Cindy. We'll leave tomorrow morning.


She became silent

I keep my self awake for 5 minutes. Then noticed a Sleeping Breathing sound. Not just Yaebi. But to hers.

Now that she's asleep, i can rest.

[ Dream]

My Mother, My sister and I are taking dinner to our house.

Our house is built to a Huge Village. Everyone is at their homes. Eating, Resting, and enjoys their peaceful Life.

Suddenly, the kitchen was blown up. Then monsters go inside.

An Arrow hits the back of my Mother. My Sister Ran due to panic. But stabbed by a kitchen knife holding by the Zombie.

I can't move. I can't scream. I can't take my weapon.

All I can do is to cry.

I feel my eyes letting out my tears running down to my cheeks

The monsters then grab the villagers and killing them one by one. All I can hear was the scream of the villagers. All of the golems died. Everything was in chaos.

Then all of them goes to me........



"Y/N.... Y/N wake up"

[Dream end]

"Y/N... Open your eyes... Y/N"

Someone is shaking me. I opened my eyes. Its a bit watery

Cindy: Y/N, are you alright?

Cindy, Yaebi, and Steve are staring at me. I can tell to their faces that they are worried.

Me: oh uh.... H--hello

Yaebi: why are you... Crying?

Me: me? Crying?

I feel something watery and cold running down to my cheeks.

Me: ... I... Have a bad dream

Cindy: nightmare?

Me: no... Maybe... It's about... Something... A memory...

Steve: oh. That again.

Me: yeah...

Cindy and Yaebi: ....??????

Cindy: what are you two talking about

Steve: its one of Y/N's painful memories. Its rare to him to dream about it but the outcome is this

Yaebi then puts her hand to my face.

I just let her.

Steve then took out the Furnaces and the crafting table and break the cover.

Steve: come on. We better go now.

Yaebi and Cindy assist me to get up. We begin to go and walk out of the cave

As I walk, I'm wiping my tears using my handkerchief. Yaebi and Cindy are staring at me with a Curious Face.

I take a look at my watch. 5:29 AM.

We walk out of the cave and goes to our house.

Me: Steve and Yaebi... Could both of you. Get me some leather... I'll make some clothes for Cindy

Cindy: me? But I like my clothes

Yaebi: those clothes will cover yours. And it also helps you to go out even when the Sun is at its peak

Cindy: oh so that's why you wear those clothes of yours. So your Zombie like clothes are still in?

Yaebi: yep. Stay with him. Inside of the house

We then go inside of the house.

I go upstairs. Cindy follows.

[My Room]

I lay down to my bed and wait. Cindy lay down to Yaebi's Bed. She's facing me.

[Time Skip: 1 hour later]

The Sun Rises. Yaebi goes inside of the house


She shouted from the ground floor. I lazily stood up and goes down. I grab the leather and place them near the crafting table.

I see Yaebi and Steve Sprinting. I guess that's the direction where they found the Jungle Biome.

I then Begin to craft Cindy's Leather Clothes.

[Another time Skip! 30 Mins]

I crafted a pair of leather gloves and leather shoes. I also craft some leather Arm plates and leg plates so she can block some projectiles when she's attacking.

Her light leather chest plate is under crafting. Its almost finish

[Cindy's POV]

I don't know what's happening to me! Why do I feel shy whenever I'm close to him?!

My cheeks is turning Red... Am i.... Blushing????

No... No no no! I can't fall.... To...

Urrrrrghhhh! The more i think about it..... It's just getting worse!

I stand up and go out of his room then go downstairs. I then saw him crafting the clothes that will cover me to the sun. And they're all... Beautiful...

Me: Y/N? You... Made these?!

Y/N: yeah... Don't you like them?

Me: they're beautiful. Where did you learn all this?

Y/N: my mother taught me when i was a kid. I'm the one that creates their clothes... Before...

Me: b-before?...

Y/N: my Family... They... .... They died

I gasp....

Me: i... I'm sorry...

Y/N: it's fine. It's not your fault...

It happens when I was 8 years old... We're having dinner... Me, my little sister... And my mother

We're talking about the day, and I'm planning to surprise them by showing them their new clothes...

Until... Something exploded to our kitchen

Me: .....

Y/N: then monsters goes inside... A skeleton killed my mother by hitting her to the Back! And my little sister is stabbed by a Zombie!

I didn't do anything! I'm just staring at them! I can't move my arms and legs! I can't even scream or yell for help!

Me: Y... Y/N...

His tears are falling down to his cheeks. Then to the floor.

Y/N: i want to die that day. But Steve grabbed me and took me out. He helped me to live.

I want to pay his kindness by joining him. Later on. As the time passes by. I decided to call him like my brother.

He's the only guy I have... The only Family I got... If he dies... I'll be alone...

[Y/N's POV]

Because of the pain in my chest... That painful memory... My Eyes are letting out tears going down to my cheeks down to the floor...

Cindy goes to me. She hugs me tight and wipes out my tears with her hand.

Me: i... Forgive me... For making you do this

Cindy: no it's fine... It's my fault.

Me: ...

Cindy: there-there.

She's gently patting my back. Later i feel fine. That heavy feeling vanished.

I then let go to her tight hug and continues to craft. After 5 mins, its all ready.

I handle them to her. She goes up and changes her clothes.

[Cindy's POV]

I don't know why I do that... But whatever it is, I help Y/N to be fine

This is the first time I hug a guy... My heart suddenly beats fast and I felt my face is heated up...

Guhh! What's happening to me!


