Chapter 16: Y/N's Mod items

Y/N and his team goes to Cobbald town to accept task and claim resources as prize

The enemy Legion are moving in Cobbald. Well prepared for combat. All armed, all armored.

Mizure watched them moving towards Cobbald using her Cauldron that lets her see in different places using this cauldron

She quickly go to Y/N and his gang for help. They then built Cannons and mini gun dispensers for better defence

Taskmaster, an elder golem of Cobbald, builds Golems to defend the front lines and act as bait.

Y/N, after building Cannons and helping the golems to where they must stand by and wait until they saw an enemy, He goes to the mountains and heads to a forest. He assumes that the enemy will appear in this Forest.

But, the others didn't know...

[Y/N's POV]


This is boring...

Mizure spotted an enemy heading to Cobbald but not even a single mob spawned tonight. I wonder why?

Is it because i already captured the princesses? Well, "captured" sounds brutal to me so i let em free and do what they want

That bastard Lord called Herobrine... I wonder how strong he really is

I can't wait to fight him. I'll use everything I've got just to bring back my family

And to let everyone do as what they wish and create their own adventures


Everything went upside down when someone stole the Respawn crystal, and i think that he's the one who done that.

All new exciting experiences went nothing but danger and death

Fun that used to be done everyday... Evolved to conflicts




Now... I have new friends... They are my new treasures to protect

I swear... That my treasures won't get stolen by a mere Lord

[Mob Horsemen Legion. POV of their Commander]

I did a miscalculation, we'll arrive in Cobbald any time now.

I guess i won't kill that creeper when i go back.


Z. Horseman: Sir! Birch forest spotted! When we cross that forest, we will go down to the mountains then arrives in Cobbald!

Me: perfect

[POV set: None]

Y/N sat in a tree stump. Shining his Samurai Mask.

He heard loud movement sounds. He quickly stood up.

The enemy arrives in the entrance of the forest and they saw Y/N standing in front of them. At least 30 blocks far

Commander: so, you must be the Conqueror? Yes?

Y/N: and all of you are soldiers of your Bastard Lord?

The commander puts out his two sword weapons. He pointed one of his swords to Y/N.

Commander: you have a sharp tongue. Able to disrespect and make fun jokes against his name...


The enemy Zombie Horsemen and Skeleton Horse Archers begin their attack

Zombies Riding an undead horse, Well armored and Armed, Attacks Y/N.

One rushes to Y/N. He draw out his sword from his scabbard the swings his sword. He hit the undead horse, the Zombie hit him too in the shoulder, luckily, his Armor includes iron shoulder guards.

Y/N dashes to the Unhorsed Zombie and cut its head off

Another one charges to him. It swings its sword then Y/N parry its attack. It charges again to Y/N. He dodged it then swing his sword, cutting the Zombie in half.

The Skeleton Horse Archers, 16 of em, Aims at Y/N. Then shoots their arrows to the sky heading to Y/N.

Y/N slices the incoming arrows. A Zombie horseman charges to his side and hits him in his right hand

Y/N took damage, but he can still fight.

Commander: Conqueror, why not ask for help in Cobbald?

Y/N: hehe. I don't wanna. I don't want to see anyone of them scream in pain or fear.

Commander: oh they will be

The commander charges and readied its sword. Y/N parried the attack of the Commander, but he didn't know that the Archers already begin their attack

In over 16 arrows fired by the skelstons, 13 of them are blocked. While the 3 have been pierced at the back of his Armor. He dropped to his knees

Commander: hey! How about that?

Y/N: khhh.... Then... I'll wipe out those sticks at your back

Commander: sticks?

Y/N dashes forward. The commander swing his twin blade to him but he dodged.

He jumps high. The Skeletons are reloading their bows.

Y/N landed in one of the Skeletons' head then swing his sword. He cut off 3 skeletons' heads.

One of them shoot, but he slice the arrow coming to him. He counterattacks by kicking the skeleton
and attacks it directly to its bone chest.

Y/N: they maybe well armored, but Iron swords can pierce through Leather.

Archers, Human or Mob, requires light weight armor to do their job.

Too heavy will result to errors and even death...

Commander: Y/N L/N. The very first Conqueror of 21st Century.

[Back at Cobbald]

Mizure calls the others to find where Y/N is. They are now in the Road, leaving out town.

Mizure: sir Steve, we must find Y/N immediately

Steve: i know!

Yaebi: why are you mad? Something's wrong?

Steve: Of course!!!

Y/N sneaks to go out of town to meet the enemy himself

Cindy: w-what?! That's ridiculous

Cupa: I'm sure he can handle the enemy by himself. He's a conqueror and also excellent in combat

Steve: yes you can call him that.

He was entitled "the Conqueror" because he captured 15 Cities in just a week 3 years ago by his lonesome

Andr: WHAT! H-HOW?!

Steve: he has the ability to use any kind of modification items.

Each modification items have rules to follow and consequences to receive

We have found 4 modification items to our adventures

First Mod Item: The Samurai Mask. 1st Rule, can only be used its true power once worn by a soulless human. Meaning its true power can be unleashed when you wear it to someone that died a moment ago.

2nd Rule, can use its resurrection effect once per 3 months

Consequence: once used and unleashed Its full potential, the owner's soul will be controlled by a Demon, killing anything for a day.

Second Mod Item: Never breaking Pickaxe. A Iron pickaxe that never breaks

1st Rule: it cannot be used to mine Redstone, Lapiz, Gold, Quarts, Emeralds and diamonds

Consequence: when you use it, your overall EXP gauge Won't increase for a week.

Third Mod Item: Demon Katana. A blood red colored blade that puts "Weakness" to anyone it cuts. Activating its true form will change its image. A 5 feet long sword with blood red colored blade.


Consequences: health points decreases ( in the game, your total hearts will be decreased by 5 )

Defense decreases by 75%

Other mod items wont work when you activate its true form

And lastly, the 4th Mod Item: Eye of knowledge. A Navy blue ender eye that can be used to yourself to achieve knowledge up to your limits.

1st Rule: effect last for 3 days. Cannot be deactivated

Consequence: the user will vanish all of its emotions ( happiness/ Joy etc ).

The user will treat anyone like strangers.

The stronger the item, the higher the risk and consequences

Yaebi: well, that's a strange consequence

Steve: yep. Once he used that, then you girls cant talk or sleep or hug him.

Andr: so... That means...

Steve: you girls can't be in his side for 3 days. Its a torture for you girls right?

Mizure: then where are those items?

Steve: all of them are in Y/N's pocket

When he captured 15 cities, the enemy reclaimed them

He fought against one of the strongest Zombie Warlord of this world and known to use Mod items

The very first Mob as powerful as Y/N..

And he is...

[Y/N's POV]

Me: Horsemen Legion Warlord, Garius... Long time no see
