Special Chapter #4! Explosive Hearts


Whelp, here's the 150th Votes Special. And um, it is kinda late. Sorry for that guys

All Staffs are busy because of School Shiz. But anyway, summer is always at our side.

Do ya know what it means?


Now, let's stop this chatter and begin our today's special Chapter!

Having a Date to CC's Image and most admired mob, Cupa the Creeper


[Y/N's POV, At Your House]

You are at downstairs drinking your coffee while watching the beautiful weather

Steve and the Girls are in a Mining Task. But you heard some strange noises in the first floor

You stood up, left your coffee to the table, and go upstairs

You go to your room and see Cupa still in her bed

You thought that she's with Steve lately

You go to her and sit to her bed

You put off her hood and pat her head

Then you kneel to the floor and touch her cheek using your right hand and pat her head using the other

As you do this, your memories with your little sister goes back.

Cupa's eyes slowly open. Her cheeks slowly gets red

Cupa: ...

Me: oh um... Did i woke you up? Sorry it just that i feel comfortable when i do that

Cupa: no no, it's alright.

You can feel her hot breathing. Her face is a bit red.

You then hold her hand using your right. She jumped a bit and blushes even more

Cupa:wh-what are you doing....?

Me: i remember something everytime i do this...

Cupa: your past?

You nodded

She then holds your Right hand using both of hers

You sighed

Me: i just... Can't stop thinking of my Family... Do you... Have a Family?

Cupa: i... Don't know. I was raised by the Lord himself

You stood up and let go of her hands.

Me: anyway, go down. Lets have Bekfast

Cupa: hey, why do you always say "Bekfast"? Its breakfast, idiot

Me: what did ya say?

Cupa: n-nothing...

You go to her bed, hug her tight then tickle her to her ears and neck

Cupa: s-stop!!! W-waah!!

Me: i don't like what you said

Cupa: the what? Idiot?

You tickle her again. She's laughing and wants you to stop.

Later, you go downstairs. She follows

You grab some Cookies and threw it to her. One of the cookie hits her head and puts her down.

Me: headshot!

Cupa: meanie!

You sit to the chair. She also sits. You take a sip to your coffee and continues to watch the beautiful grasslands as the wind goes and the grass follows its wave

Cupa: so um, where's the other princesses and Steve?

Me: on a Mining task.

You stand up and goes to the door

Cupa: where are you going?

Me: outside. Just want to get some fresh air

You open the door and take your leave

You go to the tree, a few blocks far to your house.

You lay down to the grass and stare at the beautiful skies where the clouds are forming some Animals (Sheeps etc.)

Suddenly, Cupa heard a Meowing sound of a Ocelot. She quickly stood up and go to you

Cupa: Y/N!!!

Me: what?... Oh sht! No! Don't jump to me--

Its too late. She jumps to you and hug you while you are resting at the grass

Me: grgrghh... Ouch. What happen?

Cupa: i-i heard an ocelot... Inside of your house

You mimic the meowing sound of an ocelot

Me: Meowwww~

Cupa: eeeep!

She jumps a bit and hugs you even tighter. She leans her head to your chest

She's Clinging into you. You can see her face a bit blush and also a face of fear.

Me: heheh. Got you

Cupa: hrmph! Stop doing that!

Me: the what?

Cupa: mimicking a Ocelot gives me the chills

Me: and why are you... Clinging to me?

Cupa: i can't help it...

Me: okay, you can stay like that if you want to

Cupa: ...

She moves her head a bit and stare at you while she's hugging you

You just let her be. You lean your arm to the back of your head, like a pillow.

Staring at the wide blue sky with few clouds forming different things or animals

Cupa: um... Y/N... Have you... Ever thought of having a girl in your life... Again?

Me: hmm?... Uh, well, sort of. I already told you guys why i don't want to be in a new relationship.

That painful moment of my life... Teach me to never fall in love again

But i can't help it. Especially if the girl you didn't expect will come and will join you wherever you are.

Cupa: so you're saying that... You like someone... Close to you?

Me: sort of.

Cupa: who?

Me: hmm... Lets see.

She's a very powerful fighter that put me down to the ground by a strong blow

Cupa: uh.... Who...?

Me: and also, she's afraid of cats

Cupa gasped. She blushed a little.

You pat her head.

Me: how can i stop myself from falling... If the girl i admire is always in my side and never left me alone?

Its like... I've been trapped... By your charms

Cupa became more red. She stops hugging you and sits instead.

Cupa: y-you are just... Saying those words because i make you do...

Me: nah. I'm telling you the truth.

Aren't you feeling the same?

Cupa: n-no...

Me: what?

Cupa: i-i mean yes. Yes i do...

Me: it doesn't feel like you really do

Cupa turns. She's blushing even more. Her hands are in her lap

Cupa: you are not serious either!

You get up and hold her back using your arm and drag her closer to you. Her right hand is holding your arm, while the other is in your left shoulder, stopping you from going closer

Cupa: s-stop! Whatever you're doing!

Me: what if i tell you that I'm serious?

Cupa: h-huh?!

Me: i don't want to lie to my friends. But, for me, i do not see you as a friend, but a Girl that i want to spend forever with.

Cupa: stop saying ridiculous words...

Me: hmm, i guess you don't feel the same feelings i have

Cupa: i-its just that... I'm not so convinced... There are many princesses living in your house. And one of them comforts you more than me

I still don't think if you're that serious...

Me: alright then, maybe this will work

Cupa: h-huh?

You put yourself closer to her

You touch her cheeks using your hands and kiss her to the lips

Her eyes widened. Her cheeks became more redder

The time seems became slower. The whole place became white

Leaves slowly falling, flower petals starts to float to your side

Few seconds later, she didn't stop herself. She closes her eyes

Then you let go. The whole place gets back to normal. Except that leaves from trees are still joining the air and the petals floats to the whole place

The chill breeze of air joins in and makes a wave to the grass

You look at her. Her face became even more red. Her hands are in her lap

Me: so, does that count?

Cupa: i-its my... First... Kiss... My heart... It beats so fast like crazy... What is this?

Me: that's what you call Love. You can't prevent it. But you can see it and make it grow

Cupa: b-but... I'm still a mob...

Me: so what? I don't care.

You shall be my Princess, and i shall be your king

I promise you that I'll do whatever you want just to make you happy. And i know that you won't do the same as that guardian that i have a relationship with, few years ago

You changed me, you know that

Cupa: ....... I..... Uh....

You put her close to you again and look to her eyes. She became uneasy and her face is red. She tries to hide her face using her hoodie, but you put it back

Later, she faints because the moment is getting more intense

Me: Cupa? Hey, wake up. I can't believe that she faints

Hey! Cupa! Heyyy!!!!

Ryugaku: darnit! Too many ants! I'm fakening having diabetes because of this. Well, It is I and my Sister, Murasaki, who made this Special Chapter

But guys, Special chapters doesn't have any impact to the story. Its like a trial version on how the princesses react if you tell them what you really feel

For instance, lets just call it like a "Dream"
