
"Welcome to detention!" I shouted, "You will be sat in silence writing an apology letter to whatever professor gave you this detention, there will be no talking, you will sit in silence."

"Good job," Minerva McGonnogal whispered.
"Thank you," I whispered back.

Half an hour into the detention, I heard faint whispering. I noticed a boy handing a note to a girl.
Minerva grabbed the note and read, "Meet me by the Black Lake at curfew, well, you will not be doing that Mr Reynolds."

"You couldn't have let them off," I whispered.
"Teenage love," Minerva sighed, "I never had a lover at Hogwarts."
"I had and I never want to remember that day again," I smiled, "Caractacus Phelps."

"Oh," Minerva squirmed.
"Right, he cheated on me, said it was a prank and couple of years later, proposed to me at Slughorn's Christmas Do," I explained.

"Please tell me you didn't say yes," Minerva said.
"Of course I did not," I said, "What about you? Have you had romances after Hogwarts?"

"Yes," she explained, "Dougal McGregor, a muggle boy, I love him still but I had to reject his proposal, I saw what happened to my parent's marriage and didn't want the same."

"Did they divorce?" I asked.
"No, my father just found it hard to keep magic secret, I saw the toll that it took on him," she said, "I didn't want that, but, Dougal's married now so it worked out for him."
"I'm sorry," I said, "That must be hard."
"Yes but I'm happy, I think," she said, "I could've never asked for a better home."
