First Love

TW: Mild swearing

I was walking to my next class, Charms, when I accidentally tripped on the stairs. Thankfully, someone caught me.

"You ought to be more careful," the guy laughed.
"Well, I'm lucky you caught me," I smiled.
"My name's Caractacus Phelps," he said.
"Louise Scamander," I replied, "You're the prankster guy."

"And you're the niece of Newt Scamander."
"That's me."
"Why don't you go to the courtyard after class? I'm going to pull a really funny prank."

So, I listened to him and went to the courtyard. I saw a boy in first year walking around with green hair. He didn't notice until Caractacus gave him a mirror. Everyone began to laugh including me.

"Nice prank over there," I laughed.
"Thanks, wanna come to Hogsmeade with me, tommorow?" he asked.
"Sure," I smiled.


I was in the Great Hall eating my breakfast when I got a note.

Meet me in the courtyard
Caractacus Phelps

I smiled and nodded at him.

I went to the courtyard. There was a ton of other people there.
"What's that?" someone asked, pointing at the sky.
I looked up. It was fireworks.

Louise Scamander, will you go out with me?

I smiled and looked around for him. I spotted him and rushed over, wrapping my arms and kissing him. Everyone cheered.


"Hey, watch this," Caractacus whispered.
A girl walked by the Great Hall and was dunked in liquid glue. She began to cry and ran out in tears.

"That's not funny," I said.
"What's wrong with you today? You always laugh at my jokes," he said.
"Funny ones, you humiliated the poor girl."


"Why are you still dating him?" Andrea asked.
"I still love him," I said, "I think he's just trying to find some new pranks to do."
"Life isn't all about pranks," Edith said, "He's changed, he's not the boy you fell in love with 6 months ago."

"I'll change him, I promise," I said.


I went into the Great Hall and everyone was staring at me. I was suspicious so I slowly sat down next to Caractacus.

"Why's everyone staring at me?" I asked, "Are you pranking me?"
"Of course not," he smiled, "You're the only person I don't prank."


As I'm walking to class, I hear people whispering.
"I feel so bad for her."
"He's such a d*ckhead."
"Why would he cheat on her?"

I had a feeling that these whispers were about me so after class I went to Caractacus' dorm.

I opened it and he was there on the bed with another girl, making out.
"Glad to see that I'm not paranoid," I said to get their attention.

"Louise, I didn't mean to," he said, "It's just a joke."
I gulped down my tears, "A joke? You're pathetic, I'm not laughing."

I slap him and then run out into the bathroom. I heard someone enter. It was Edith and Andrea. They went over to hug me.
