Tell me

Nico's POV

I was in the hallway next to Leo's locker, again. I'm very worried about him, it's been 2 months since his mom's death and I haven't seen him since he left the hospital. 2 months, 6 days, 7 hours, and about 48 minutes without seeing my Leo.

I know he still goes to this school, I ask the secretary every day but he never shows up. I called him, no answer, I texted him, no answer, I even visited his foster mom's house, only Teresa answered saying that Leo's busy and to get out of her property. I hate that woman.

"Hey Nico," I heard Hazel say, "Are you waiting for him again?"

I sighed, "You know I am Haze, I know he will come...someday"

Hazel looked at me sadly, "Nico...I-...I think he's not coming back.."

I looked at her dumbfounded, "Really? You too?" She sadly nodded.

"Nico, he's mom died, he went to foster care, he probably changed school." She tried to reason with me, but I wasn't willing to listen. She was the last one besides me that thought Leo was coming back, now is just me..

"I can't believe you're saying this Hazel. You know I ask the secretary every day about Leo, and she always says the same thing. That no, he didn't change school, he's just not coming. But he will, I know it"

Hazel just looked at me sadly and left. I know Leo is coming back, he just needs time to accept his mother is gone, I understand him.

The bell rang, signaling it was time for class, I sadly looked at Leo's locker, I guess he's not coming today either.

(Skip classes to lunch)

I was at the table eating and chatting with Percy and Hazel, constantly glancing around for any signs of Leo, when I saw a guy, he was wearing jeans and a grey hoodie, with the cap on. I frowned, he wasn't here at the beginning of classes, and there was something telling me to approach him, so I did.

I stood up from my seat, excuse myself, and made my way to the guy, he was looking at the floor, his head down, sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria. I placed my hand on his shoulder, he flinched, and I immediately put my hand away, he slowly looked up and I saw some part of his hair, it may not mean that much but his hair is very unique, it was.., "Leo?"

He looked up completely and saw me and my eyes widened, he looked horrible.  "N-Nico?" He said. He had a red cheek, his eyes were bloodshot, his hair was messier than normal and he looked tired, and..."Oh my god, is that a black eye??!" I asked, extremely worried. What happened to him?

Leo's eyes widened in panic but he played it off, "Oh I was just too dumb, I fell down the stairs. Can you believe it?" He laughed, but I could tell it was fake.

"Leo, what happened, and not lying." I firmly said.

He sighed, "I'm... I'm telling the truth" he looked nervous and panicked, constantly glancing around, as of waiting for someone to charge in and attack him.

I looked at him in disbelief and sat beside him, he throw me a glance and for a second, I saw fear in his eyes but as soon as I saw it, it was gone. I softly placed my hand on his cheek, making him look my way, I caressed his cheek "Hey.. you ok?"

His eyes filled with tears, his face crumbled, and he shook his head, pulling me in a hug and burying his face on my shoulder. I hugged back and started saying sweet nothings to calm him down, I thought he was still sad about Esperanza, but I could tell there was something more.

"Let's go to the bathroom ok?" I said softly, he nodded and let go of me, taking my hand and quickly heading to the bathroom. Luckily the bathroom was empty, as soon as I closed the door, Leo burst into tears.

I immediately went to hug him, "Oh Lee-lee, you need to tell me what's wrong, I hate seeing you like this."

He just kept crying, "I-I wan-nt my m-mom! W-why d-d-did she l-leave?" He sounded so heartbreaking, I held back tears.

"Life is cruel Leo, but you need to accept it, to let go. I'm here ok? You're not alone." I tried to reassure him, and it seemed to work because now he was only silently sniffing.

I broke the hug and took his face with both my hands and looked deeply at him, his eyes looked tired and filled with pain and fear, his black eye looks recently, like 2 or 3 days ago, and his red cheek started forming into a bruise. He closed his eyes and leaned into my touch, looking for comfort.

"Leo, listen to me," I said, and he slowly opened his beautiful chocolate eyes, "Tell me what happened"

"I t-told you, I fell down the stairs" he said, I shook my head.

"No, something else happened, I see it in your eyes." Immediately his eyes stopped showing any emotion, looking almost lifeless. I got more concerned by the second.

"Leo.. you need to tell me, please. I can help, I'll do anything you want but please tell me the truth. What happened?" I begged him, he knows I never beg.

He hesitated, but shook his head, "I c-can't tell you A-Angel"

I nodded in understanding and smiled a little, I missed being called that. My hands still on his cheeks, I leaned to him and softly kissed him, he kissed back eagerly and deepened the kiss, I didn't complain. But then he broke the kiss and smiled at me, a real smile.

"I missed you Neeks." He said, I smiled widely. "I missed you too Lee-lee, you have no idea" my smile faded and my face turned serious, "but you need to know where were you in the last 2 months. I called you, texted you, I even visited your house, you never answered. So, tell me Leo Valdez. Where were you?"

He sighed and looked down, "When I left the h-hospital to T-Teresa's h-house, I um... broke my phone and uh.... I didn't want to see anybody so T-Teresa didn't accept g-guests"

That was a lie, he was a terrible liar, just like his mom. I sighed, this will be harder than I thought, "I know that's a lie Lee, but I won't force you to tell me. Tell me when you're ready ok?" He nodded and gave me a grateful smile.

We kissed again and the ball rang, well time to get back to class.

(Skip school again)

Leo and I were walking to the exit of the school, "Hey you should come to my house" I suggested.

He immediately panicked, "No!!!" He yelled, I stared at him surprised and concerned, "I mean, not today Neeks," he said, softly this time.

But he didn't fool me, he was scared to not go to his foster home but why? I wouldn't say because he loved it there because he didn't suggest me coming to his house, he acted almost as if something would happen if he doesn't go, now I'm getting scared.

"Ok Leo, I know I said I wouldn't force you to tell me what happened. But something is clearly wrong, you left for 2 months and when I see you again, you have a red cheek and a black eye. Then I asked you what happened, you lied. You need to tell me Leo, I want to help" I told to him in a worried voice.

He faked a smile and said, "I don't know what you're talking about Neeks, I said the truth."

I glared at him and immediately his smile dropped and sighed, "Look Nico, I'll tell you, just.... not today. Ok Angel?"

He knew I couldn't say no to him when he calls me that, 'Dam you Valdez' I thought, sighing in defeat and nodded.

He looked behind me and his face turned pale, "U-um A-Angel, wh-why d-d-don't we go t-to the p-park?" He suggested, stuttering. He looked terrified but tried to play it off.

I looked at him worried, "What? What's wrong?" I asked, and then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I tensed. I turned around and saw Teresa Wilkes, her blonde hair in a low bun, wearing an elegant red blouse and some dark jeans and her icy blue eyes staring at me.

She smiled sweetly, "Hello there. It's nice to see you again umm, what was your name again?"

"Nico Di Angelo, Leo's boy-"

"Friend! Y-Yeah, he's my f-friend. B-Best friend a-actually, right Neeks?" Leo interrupted me, I looked at him confused. He looked at my eyes clearly saying: Just play along, please.

"Right! I'm Leo's best friend" I said.

He gave me a grateful smile and then gulped, seeing at Teresa's direction. I turn to see her, but I only say her smile. She turned to me.

"Well, it's nice to know Leo has a best friend. Do you tell each other everything?" She asked.

I straightened my posture, "Every. Single. Thing." I said firmly. Leo's eyes filled with terror and he quickly shook his head.

Teresa's smile widened, "That's wonderful dear, but Leo and I really need to go. He's probably hungry and he gets in a bad mood if he's hungry. Isn't it Leo?"

Leo rapidly nodded his head, "Y-Yes m-ma'am"

I frowned, "Ma'am?" I asked. Teresa laughs, "Oh don't worry about that Nico, it's our inside joke."

I looked at Leo with hurt. We didn't have an inside joke, "Oh.." I said, "Have fun then.." Leo just kept his head down.

Teresa placed a hand on his shoulder, making him flinched. "Well, we better go, goodbye Nico."

They started walking away, her hand still on Leo's shoulder. He looked back at me quickly and when our eyes met I got the message: Help me

Hey guys! I'm sorry for updating lately, school has been hard. I hope you like this chapter. Thanks for reading! Bye!

-Susy_Valdez21 (1741 words)
