Meeting each other

Nico's POV

I took a deep breath 'Ok here we go' I thought. "Hi, my name is Nico Di Angelo. What's your name?" 

The boy looked even more nervous playing with his hand and, "I uh, are you talking to me?" the boy asked. 

"Um yeah, I'm talking to you" I answered. The boy looked genuinely surprised, he's chocolate brown eyes winding, "Oh! Well, hi then" the laughs nervously.

 I giggled, liking the boy already "So, what's your name?". 

The boy starts getting more confident , "My name is Leo, Leo Valdez" 

I smile, "Well Leo, you want to be my friend?" Leo's eyes light up and he smiles the brightest smile I have ever seen, "S-sure! I'll love to!" My smile widened. I had a feeling this was the beginning of a great friendship.

We talked for hours, and told each other about everything. He's complete name is Leonidas Valdez but he doesn't like that name so he goes for just Leo. His favorite color is red and he loves helping his mom, Esperanza Valdez, in the machine shop they own, her mom is from Mexico, she migrated to Texas to find a better job and more opportunities, but she didn't find what she expected, no one wanted to hire an inmigrante so that's why she started her own business, that's where she met Leo's dad who was also Mexican, he helped her with the shop and fell in love, they had Leo and one day he just disappeared, like in thin air, of course Leo's mom was sad, but still manage to raise Leo and move to New York when they finally hired her as a mechanic. 

"We just moved last month" Leo said "I haven't made any friends because no one wanted to talk to me so I was surprised you came here" Then he smiled sadly at me. 

"Well Leo you don't have to worry about being alone anymore because I'll be with you every day!" I exclaimed excitedly. 

We laughed together until I heard someone, "Mijo! Come here! We need to go back to the house! Is time for dinner!" 

And then I saw her, Leo's mom, Esperanza, he looked a lot like her, her hair was the same curly brown but more styled, her chocolate eyes filled with love and warm and her tanned skin. She had some grease on her face and clothes but still looked really nice. "Ya voy mamá! Come Neeks! I want you to meet my mom!" Leo said happily, "Ok!" I said.

We ran to Leo's mom and she looked surprised and happy to see me probably because Leo made a friend. "Leo! You finally made a friend!" She said excited. 

"Hello Mrs. Valdez, my name is Nico Di Angelo" I said respectfully.

"Oh please, just call me Esperanza, I'm not that old" Then she winked, Leo and I giggled, I really like Leo's mom. "Mamá! Mamá!" Leo exclaimed "Nico is my new best friend! He is from Italy! And moved to New York last week with his mom and sister!" 

Then he proceeded to talk about how I came to him, and become friends and the things we talked about, I got along with him and also started talking becoming almost as excited as he is. 

"Que maravilla niños! I'm really glad you became friends!" Leo and I looked at each other and smiled lovingly , clearly thinking how lucky we were for meeting each other. 

"So Nico, you want to have dinner with us?" Esperanza suggested, "Our house is four blocks from here. You can bring your mom, and sister." 

Leo got even more excited and started jumping and shouting "Si si si si si si! Come to my house Neeks! I want to show you my dog!" 

 "I would love to go Mrs. Val- I mean, Esperanza. But-" "That's a lovely idea!" A voice interrupted me, but I know that voice anywhere, is mamma! I turned around and I was right, there was mamma with Bianca, smiling at us.

"Mamma!" I screamed and ran to hug her "I missed you" I said burying my face in her stomach then I hugged Bianca, "I missed you too Bi!" 

She hugged me back "Oh mio caro, I missed you too, we went to a store to buy food while you were talking with your new friend here" Mamma said looking at Leo, "Talking about new friends, what's your name sweetie?" 

"My name is Leo Valdez, Mrs. Di Angelo" Leo answered. 

"Just call me María, Leo is ok." he nodded then she continued talking, "We would love to have dinner with you Esperanza." she smiled at her and Esperanza smiled back, "Thank you for accepting our invitation, now follow me, let's all go to my house."

Then we all started walking to Leo's and Esperanza's house.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that is not boring or anything.
Thanks for reading! Bye!

-Susy_Valdez21 (851 words)

Mijo= My son (in a more lovely way)
Ya voy mamá!= Coming mom!
Que maravilla niños!= That's wonderful kids!
Si= Yes
Mamma= Mom
Mio caro= My dear
