Little did we know

Warning: Child abuse (Also writing this chapter hurted me too much)

Leo's POV

The car ride was silent, and I was terrified. I was terrified of what Tereza would do to me.

She stopped the car in front of the house, "Get out." She spat. I nodded and quickly got out of the car, she got out of the car and went beside me to firmly place her hand on her shoulder, I flinched and she tightened her hand, making me wince slightly.

As soon as we entered the house and she locked the door she slapped me, "Who was that boy?" She asked.

I stayed quiet, she slapped me harder, tears formed in the corner of my eyes, "Answer me when I speak to you!" She yelled.

"H-His name i-is N-Nico Di A-Angelo, ma'am" I muttered, too scared to say anything else.

She kicked my legs, making me fall to my knees, "Is it true you tell each other everything?" She roughly grabbed my hair to make me look up at her, "Is it?" She spat. I couldn't lie to her, she always knows when I do. So I nodded my head.

She kicked me in my stomach and I fell down, "Oh? So you immediately started complaining about this place! You ungrateful child!" She yelled at me.

I shook my head, "I-I d-didn't! I s-swear I d-didn't!" I exclaimed, trying to stand up but she kicked my stomach again, making me gasp in pain.

"I know you were lying when you said he's your best friend. So who is he to you?!" She demanded kicking me again.

"H-He's o-only my b-b-best friend!" I tried to lie, but of course, it didn't work. She quickly grabbed a belt and swung it to hit me, I cried out.

"Don't lie! Liars deserve a punishment! Do you want that?!" She yelled, I shook my head, "So talk! Who is he to you!"

"M-My b-boyfriend! He's my boyfriend!" I yelled.

She hit me with the belt again, "You are disgusting! Liking boys!" She hitted me again, and again, and again, until she suddenly stopped, "Hm, maybe we should pay him a visit." She laughed and my eyes widened.

"Don't touch him!" I yelled at her, I don't care that it would get me in more trouble, I won't let her touch my Angel.

She hitted me again harder, "How dare you speak to me like that!" She roughly grabbed my chin, making me look at her, "Tomorrow, you'll go with him and tell him to stay away from you, your relationship is over, unless you want me to make sure, understand?"

My vision got blurry with tears, but I nodded. She dragged me to the basement, the place where I sleep and locked the door.

As she left, I started sobbing. I just got Nico back, and I'll have to let him go again, but is for his safety. And cried myself to sleep.

(The next day. It was Saturday btw.)

Teresa lent me her phone so I could call Nico and tell him to meet up. I was heartbroken, I would probably never see my Angel again. The worst part? We were meeting at the park when we first met.

"Y-Yeah, see you there Neeks," I muttered and hung up.

"Good, now go and tell him what we agreed, or I do it" Teresa said.

I choked back a sob and nodded, "Y-Yes ma'am."

When I arrived at the park, Nico was already there. He looked beautiful, he was wearing a simple black sweater, jeans and around his neck was the necklace I gave him for his 10th birthday. It broke my heart more seeing him so happy to see me.

I finally approached, my head down. Tears were appearing again, I blinked furiously to prevent them from falling, "Hey N-Neeks."

Nico hugged me, "Hey Lee-lee" I choked back a sob, "I-I need to t-tell you s-s-something."

He broke the hug and looked at me with concern, "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?," he said, trying to lighten the mood, knowing full well I wasn't gonna do it.

I took a deep breath, Ok Leo, you can do this. If you don't Teresa would do something to him. You can't allow that, I encourage myself, trying really hard not to cry.

"Nico I-.....I can't continue b-being with you," My voice cracked, but it was already said.

Nico grabbed me by the chin softly, and made me look at him. But I couldn't meet his eyes, "Leo.. I want you to look at me in the eye, and repeat it"

Our eyes met and that was it, that was the last straw. His eyes were full of pain. I burst out crying and grabbed his face with my hands.

"Nico, Nico, listen to me please, I can't be with you anymore. Teresa-" I let out a sob, "Teresa will do s-something to you if we keep being together. So please, please, I'm begging you. Don't come near me, not while I live with her. I beg you Nico, please." I kept muttering and crying, "Please please please please, Nico please"

Nico kissed me, making me shut up,"It's ok Lee-lee, I love you but I won't stay away from you." then he grabbed my face with his hands, "I lost you once, I can't lose you again."

I shook my head, crying harder, "Please Nico, don't, please. I-I'll tell you what h-happened is it's necessary just please, don't come near. Please, I can't lose you too."

He got tears in his eyes, "You won't lose me Leo, I promise. It's ok, I won't stay near, but you need to tell me what happened, so I can understand and try to help you" he softly said, wiping my tears with his thumbs.

I tried to calm down, I really did but the tears just kept falling, a sob escape from my mouth, "I-I can't r-right now, b-but on Monday, at l-lunch. Meet me in the bathroom, ok A-Angel?" I said.

His eyes softened with the nickname and nodded. He leaned and kissed me, and I happily kissed back. Seconds later Nico broke the kiss, "I don't blame you for anything, you shouldn't too. I'll see you on Monday. I love you"

"I love you too."

"Goodbye Leo"

"Goodbye Nico.." I gave him one last kiss and left to Teresa's house, and Nico to his.

Little did we know, Teresa saw and heard the whole thing.

She smirked evilly, "Ok Leo Valdez, be happy with that Nico, because that happiness won't last for long. I'll be tolerant, I'll give you two weeks and then say goodbye to your little boyfriend"


Well that was sad wasn't it? It hurt me to write this chapter but it had to be done. I hope you like it. Bye!

-Susy_Valdez21 (1178 words)
