Take the Risk

Zayn's POV:

Niall told me everything, I was shocked and worried. I don't know what to do. Tell Harry? But he's mad. I stare to Vanessa sleeping beside me. When Vanessa moved.

"You're up?" I whispered.

"Yeah. I sense that you've got a big problem." she said.

I laugh and nod. She knows me well. I am happy she's my mate.

"May Lee is April Lee." I said looking down.

"Continue." she said.

"Aaron tried to kill her but she pretend to be dead so she can run away. She knows what Aaron is planning. She's scared like she's going to kill her self." I said.

"I knew it. S-she's alive. She d-didn't leave us. She just s-scared." she said between sobs.

I shush her and cradle her. What's up for Aaron? I'll rip him apart.

I got the message that May, I mean April Lee is the pack house with Niall and Liam. Louis is with Harry but they were on their way. So, me and Vanessa drove in the pack house.

Vanessa ran when she saw April. But, wait who is the accompany of Ashley? I forgot that thing again when I hear them cry.

"April. Oh my gosh April. I missed you. I knew it." Vanessa said.

"I missed you too. How's Ashley? And what did you knew?" April ask.

"That you are alive. Ashley got her memory lost. And that Aaron taking her away by acting her mate." Vanessa said.

"I know I can't help that much but only Harry can help Ashley remember everything." April said.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"The mate bond." April said.

"But Harry did not mark her." Liam said.

"Yes. But the bond that the gods made." April said.

"Harry...—" Niall cut by Harry.

"I did reject her. I did the stupidiest thing ever. As what you all say." Harry said. "But for me the best thing ever happened." He said.

"Where's Louis?" I ask.

"To check to my... Your step-sister." Harry said.

"Your what?" Niall tease.

"Shut up Niall." Harry said.

We gather in the living area to discuss things when Louis burst out in the doors.

"Harry!! Guys! Ashley is missing!!!" Louis shouts.

"What?!" Vanessa said.

"No way." Niall said.

"That's bullsh*t!" I said.

"Aaron." April said.

We looked at her. She's staring at the distance.

"No one can help her except for her mate. But then....." she cut off by Harry.

"That's fun. She's gone." Harry said smiling, laughing.

"You don't care?" Louis said.

"Well we cared!" Liam shout.

"He cares but doesn't want to admit it." April said.

Harry shot her a look. Harry's eyes is dark. Ready for...

"Revenge Alpha? That doesn't matter if you did get back Ashley." April said.

"April, you're creeping me out." Vanessa said.

"Oh, sorry that's my damn wolf power." April said.

"Oooh." we said.

"As my wolf said no one can help her except for Alpha Harry." April said.

"Look. Harry doesn't care. Can we do anything to save my sissy?" I ask.

"None. She lost her memory only the mate can help her." April said.

We sat in silence. Shocked? maybe. Worried? Yes. Vanessa's crying again. I hate her see like that.

"We should do something!" Vanessa said.

"Vanie, we can help but still her mate can stop this." April said.

"Anything. Anything we can do, we'll going to do." I said.

"I'm in." Louis said.

"Me too." Liam said.

"April? What yha think?" Niall said.

"Fine. Let's do this without her mate." April said.

"Thank you." I said.

We talked about what plan we should make to get back Ashley. April said Aaron lives somewhere in the dead forest. That is where Aaron's hiding Ashley. April also said that Aaron said to her some specific details about his surroundings. So we planned to meet up at the entrance of dead forest on 12mn later.
