Aaron is back!!!

Vanessa's POV:

Zayn took the place of Niall and Liam to accompany Ashley. My heart is beating so fast when I am looking at his sleeping body. I want to touch him. I want him. As I was staring to my mate Zayn I remember the conversation we had.

Aaron Smith is back. How come? He likes Ashley and Harry is hurting her. What will gonna happen if Harry will know Aaron has a huge crush to Ashley. I guess he don't care?

I am staring at Zayn when someone opens the door. I act asleep so he or she wouldn't notice me.

"Ashley... I missed you. And I am going to kill that alpha who hurt you and made this to you. The one who let your tears flow. I promise." the boy said.

What? He'll gonna kill Harry?! And that voice. That voice belongs to Aaron. He comes back.

"I know your up Vanessa Michaels." he said.

"You knew I was up. Haha. I heard all your plans. Your done Aaron." I said.

I look at him and he step in front of me and leaned to whisper...

"Then, I'll take you first." he said.

He took a knife and point it to my throat. My heart is beating so fast. I can't mind communicate Zayn because we haven't mated yet.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you come back? Where is April?" I ask.

"First, because I want Ashley and that alpha, they and you hurt her and make her fucking cry. Second, I come back to get Ashley, to have her mine. Third, she's gone. You'll see her in a while." he said.

I can't die now. I started crying. I want to sceam but if I did he'll kill me. No. I can't be affraid. They should know this.

"Zayn! Zayn! ZAYN!!!" I shout.

He look at me in horror then ready to lunge the knife. I close my eyes but someone got his hands. I open my eyes and see Zayn. I relaxed a little bit.

"Don't you ever touch my mate." Zayn said.

Aaron's face is pale. I can see he's affraid. He punched Zayn and ran away. Zayn did not follow him instead he hugs me. I leaned to his hug and start crying.

"Shh... He won't touch you." Zayn said.

"H-He is Aaron. He h-has a plan to k-kill Harry and h-he'll get Ashley." I said while sobing.

Zayn is silent. I look up at him and see he was holding his phone. He called Louis to tell what happened. Louis told Niall and Liam to come. He'll let Harry know things.

We waited for the two come. But I fell asleep in Zayn's arms.
