Chapter 8

Josh was pacing the hotel room. He had talked to the manager about Tyler's disappearance. The manager had told him that he would be there with someone. Josh was waiting for them to come. Then they came in.

"Hi, Josh," the manager said. "This is a person who works with the people who are going crazy."

"Are you calling me crazy? I'm not crazy. I haven't seen Tyler all day," Josh said.

"I'm not calling you anything Josh. He's just here so we might be able to find out where Tyler is."

"Just tell me what you know. I'll try to help as much as I can," the person said. "When was the last time you saw Tyler?"

"The last time I saw Tyler we were in bed. He fell asleep on my chest."

"Does that happen a lot?"

"Yeah. But I usually fall asleep on him."

"Do you think you might know who took him?"

"See I'm not crazy. Tyler was taken by Elizabeth."

Tyler's strength was coming back fast. He wanted to see Josh more than anything in the world. He was sitting in a windowless room. 

"Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days, when the mamas sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out," Tyler quietly sang in a depressed way. Then Elizabeth appeared at the door. Tyler looked up. Elizabeth came in.

"Tyler, Abigail is sending me to Camden, New Jersey. But what she doesn't know is that I'm gonna get you out. She told me don't get caught. I'm gonna get caught so you can go back to Josh," she said kneeling down to Tyler.

"Just go. I don't think they'll find you anyway," Tyler said.

"I hope get another chance to break out. There are woods by here you could hide in," Elizabeth said as she got up and left the room.
