Chapter 11

Elizabeth was slightly freaking out. Abigail was coming in a few hours to take her back to Portland. She needed a plan. Elizabeth remembered that Josh was just Tyler's phone away. She picked up her phone and started to text Josh when Abigail burst in. Without saying anything Abigail went right up to her and smacked her really hard across the face.

"You exposed us," Abigail said.

"You're a psycho Abigail. You always have been," Elizabeth said. Abigail started to hit and kick Elizabeth until she was knocked out.

Josh's phone rang. He picked it up. It was a call from Portland. He answered it.

"Hello?" he said.

"Josh, it's so good to hear you're voice."



"How'd you get to a phone?"

"I escaped and two detectives found me in the woods."

"I'm so glad you're okay though."

"Josh, after this call they're gonna take me to a hospital to make sure I'm fine."

"Where in Portland are you now?"

"The police station. Why?"

"I'm on my way."

Tyler hung up the phone. 

"What did he say?" Nick asked.

"He's on his way," Tyler said.

"Are you okay?" Nick's partner asked.

"I'm fine."

"You don't look it." 

"Hank, we'll take him to the hospital when Josh comes." Nick said.
