Chapter 5

Tyler's phone buzzed. Josh got up from the corner and checked the phone. It was a picture sent by an unknown number. It was a picture of Tyler. There was a caption.

"This could've been you," Josh read out loud sucking back tears. He put the phone down and sat next to the bed. Josh brought his knees up to his chest. He put his head on his knees and cried.

Tyler was lying on the floor of the cell. He could feel blood coming out of his nose. His ribs hurt with each breath he took. His arm felt like it was broken. His leg felt the same way. Tyler felt like he was dying. He tried to pray, but the pain from his ribs kept his mind off of his religion. He could only wish that help would come really soon. Then a song popped into his head. He had sung it as the last song at the show the other night. "Wish we could turn back time. To the good old days. When the mamas sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out." his mind sang. Then Elizabeth came in. Tyler knew that this was Elizabeth. He didn't know what she was carrying though. She set it down on the floor next to him. His vision was going weird. He couldn't make out the words. She lightly touched one of his wounds. Tyler flinched and then the only thing he saw was blackness.
