
Lucy- baby
Tim- Mhm
Lucy- I'm tired
Tim- come here, fall asleep
Lucy- Oki

She cuddled up to him and fell asleep

Angela- lucky her when I was pregnant it took me 2 lots of bullying Wesley to get asleep
Wesley- god it was mean
Tim- eh she's falls asleep on me all the time
Grey- don't u have like a king size bed
Tim- ye
Lucy- but i like sleeping on u
Tim- I thought u were asleep
Lucy- can't be asked
Tim- cheeky git

Lucy got up and went in the bathroom slamming the door

Angela- TIM, go help her
Tim- shit I'm dead

He gets up and knocks on the bathroom door

Tim- my love, it was a joke
Lucy- better of been

She walks out and sits down on the couch and tim- sits next to her and tries to kiss her cheek she move sout his reach

Tim- baby?
Lucy- hmm
Tim- why do u keep moving
Lucy- cus I wanna sit next to my girls not u

She places her arms around angela- and nyla

Lucy- my wife's
Angela- only yours
Nyla- Mhm

All 3 of em start laughing, lucy goes and sits on tim

Tim- my pookie
Lucy- oh fuck no
Luna- worse thing to call your spouse
Tim- pop
Lucy- no sexy time for 5 months
Nyla- uhmm

