ick do i wanna know that?

Tim- Yesss
Lucy- noooo
Tim- Luce bed time
Lucy- I'm not going bed it's too early
tim- BOOT
lucy- T.O
angela- Angela
Tim- shut up Angela
Lucy- don't tell her to shut up

Lucy lays across with head laid on his lap

Tim- see your tired
Lucy- T.I.M.O.T.H.Y
Tim- fine, chill out Luce
Lucy- on the count of 3
Tim- I'm sorry
Lucy- good now cuddle me cus your warm and I don't want a hoodie
Tim- omg whatever

He cuddles her and she gets toastie cus his body heat was warm

Angela- awhhh, Tim u better buy her valentines gifts
Tim- shhhhh she sleeping, and yes I will I already know what to get her
Angela- good cus your the only man she trusts at the moment
Tim- hold on let me put her in bed

He lays her down and covers her with the duvet and an extra blanket cus he knows that what she likes , he walks back out to Angela

Angela- u like her
Tim- doesn't matter it's not appropriate for  the moment
Angela- well if u was to date her what would u do with her
Tim- fuck her
Tim- well your my best friend so I'll tell u the truth
Lucy- ofc u would
Tim- oh I thought u were asleep
Lucy- I'm good at acting right
Tim- clearly
Lucy- so what did u tell Angela u would do to me
Tim- nothing
Angela- that he would fuck u
Tim- cut it out
Lucy- awh little softie
Tim- bruh I'm not a softie
Lucy- sure

She grabs 2 glasses of wine and a bottle of beer and hands Tim the beer and Angela 1 of the glasses of wine

Tim- don't think u should be drinking Luce
Lucy- shut up
Tim- jeez u moody
Lucy not what u said the other night
angela- what happened the other night
Lucy- so I was diagnosed with PGAD
Angela- poor u
Lucy- so u know the only way to help it is to have sex with the person that set it off
Angela- ye
Lucy- went off with him and then he says "I'll do it" so then we had like 7-8 hours of sex
Angela- dam what happened after
Lucy- he kept saying I was hot and he wanted to kiss me
Tim- FUCK your exposing me now
Lucy- good
Tim- ur lucky ur hot
Angela- Timothy?
Tim- I thought I said that in my head, my bad

Angela texts lucy saying "𝚍𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚞 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚐𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚖"Lucy replied " 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚕 ", she gets up and sits on his lap playing with his hair as she pretended to drop her phone , she stood in front of him and bent over to pick up her phone which gave Tim a good view of her ass

Tim- wow
Lucy- did u say something
Tim- me, oh no nothing
Angela- he totally did

Lucy sat back on his lap and she put his hands her her wait as she turned and looked at him, she placed her soft glossy lips against his smooth warm lips and kisses him she pulled back and looked at him

Tim- oh dang Luce
