help me

Everyone else had noticed this and one evening everyone went to grey and the next morning they all waited for her to come in but this time she was running late and when she did walk in grey called her in to his office she tried keeping her head down but knew everyone was in there

Lucy- y-yes Sarge?
Grey- lift your head up
Lucy- why... Sir
Grey- it's an order
Lucy- f-fine

She looks up at him and evegrone sees her face covered in bruises and Tim was sat right by her he jumped up

Tim- Luce?
Lucy- I'm clumsy ok
Grey- nope
Tim- Luce every since u been dating this Finley guy you've not been acting your normal self
Lucy- it's fine h-hes just really serious that's all
Angela- he hits u?
Lucy- NO I mean no..
Nolan- Bradford?
Tim- what?
Nolan- u look like your about to kill a guy
Tim- cus I am, he placed his hands on her , u ok?
Lucy- fine I'm not ok.... H-Help me
Tim- that's what were gonna do come here

Lucy and Tim hug (they decided to be best friends instead as they both knew it would be awkward at work so they just forgot about them 2 and how they use to date, they knew but decided it was something silly)

Tim- were gonna get him ok, we just need to know his full name

They were still hugging until her boyfriend stormed in

Finley- get off my girlfriend, cmon honey were going
Lucy- w-where
Finley- we're moving Rember and how  are u so clumsy u got all these bruises
Lucy- I'm not going anywhere with u
Tim- heaAnds behind your back
Finley- make me

Tim punches him and arrests him

Tim- Finley Smith your under arrest for abuse, assaulting and officer and harrasment

Finley got put in jail and Lucy went and sat in time office as she tried claiming herself down but couldn't, Tim walked in and went over to her

Tim- breathe in 1...2...3... And out 1...2...3

She finally calmed down and Tim got a notification

Tim- oh god it's thunder and lighting tonight
Lucy- o-oh
Tim- u ok?
Lucy- yep

After shift Lucy went home and ate dinner she changed into her pj's and wiped off her makeup, she done the dishes and then went to bed but the thunder and lighting was scary as she hated it , as Tim was about to get changed he remebered how much she hated thunder and lighting, he rushed his shoes and jacket on and rushed to hers he unlocked her door and locked it hanging his jacket up and tksing his shoes off he ran into her room

Lucy's POV
It's so scary the lighting striking In the sky and the thunder banging and crashing I hid under my covers crying I kept crying saying "Stop it " it was so scary

Tims POV
I get into Lucy's room and see her hid under the covers I can tell she's crying but she keeps shouting "stop it "

Normal POV
Lucy felt some strong muscular arms pulls her from under the covers and into there lap, it was Tim she was so happy he was there

Tim- luce it's ok I'm here
Lucy- u remember
Tim- ye I rushed over here as fast as I could
Lucy- I was so scared
Tim- it's ok I'm here now
Lucy- can u stay with me
Tim- ofc I will
