
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

wonpil smiled brightly as he was walking towards their apartment door. wonpil achieved spending only 1/4 of his pocket money.

'if i drop my remaining money, we would be able to travel to Paris in no time!'

just as he thought of this, his smile became brighter and his smile reached ear to ear!


"woonie, i'm back!"

wonpil called out, slipping off his shoes. he didn't hear a reply so he suspected that dowoon went out to jog.

he stood up and was flabbergasted to the new items in his surrounding. he noticed the new light bulbs and new fridge. he went to their room to see a new computer and an unopened phone box on the desk. he went up to the computer and phone to see his name written on them.

he went up to the closet to drop his money but,

the other coin bank was missing.

he rummaged through the cabinet, throwing all things everywhere just to find the other coin bank. he panicked but then relaxed when he saw a note on the desk.

"phew, maybe he hid it somewhere."

he read the note with a small smile but faltered when he finished reading. his face, red with anger. He crumpled the paper and ran outside to find dowoon.

'i'm sorry, sunshine'


yEET. What do you guys
think'll happen next? Also
Whatdya think of the story so
far. I promise to update within
this week again !! Wait for
It~~ and there's a spoiler
to another book I'm publishing
after this one so uwu↫

