Chapter 4: First Mission

It was early one day when Klaus came to get Y/N, Yuno and Mimosa. Klaus told them, "Get your brooms. We're going on our first mission." Klaus opened his grimoire and created a steel chariot. Y/N asked, "What's the mission?" Klaus turned to him, "We will be guarding and transporting Salim Hapshass to the Heart Kingdom as part of the exchange agreement we have with them." Y/N was confused, "Why are we being asked to guard someone so important? It sounds like something that should be left to senior members." Klaus replied, "It seems that Salim asked for Yuno specifically for this mission. Now, enough talking. Let's go." Y/N turned to Yuno, "Do you know this Salim from somewhere?" Yuno replied, "I fought him during the entrance exam. Don't know why he asked for me though." Y/N frowned, "This doesn't seem right. Something's up."

The four of them picked up Salim and began transporting him to the Heart Kingdom. Y/N and Mimosa were riding in the front on either side with Klaus pulling the chariot with Salim in it. Yuno was flying next to Salim. It seemed that the two of them were talking about something. Y/N kept his eye on the two of them. Something still didn't feel right about the mission. Suddenly, he felt some mana coming towards them. Soon enough, a group of mages began flying down towards them. Klaus said, "Mimosa, Y/N, Yuno, protect Salim. I'll take care of them." Klaus began attacking the bandits, but they seemed to be aiming for Yuno. Y/N watched as Yuno managed to ward them all off. The bandits fled once they realized that Yuno was too strong for them. Y/N furrowed his brows, "Why were they aiming for Yuno if their target was Salim? This feels wrong. I better talk to Klaus about this."

They were passing through the Forsaken Realm when Salim spoke up, "Hey, aren't we near Hage Village, the place you grew up Yuno?" Yuno nodded, "Yeah, it's not far from here." Salim smiled, "Well, isn't that nice. Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't we stop by and see your family? That'd be nice." Klaus said, "That isn't advisable. We were just attacked and they might regroup and try again." Salim said, "Come now. Don't be such a spoiled sport. Just a quick trip to visit. It won't take long. Besides, I have no doubt that the Golden Dawn will be able to protect me in case anything happens." Klaus frowned but seemed to understand that he couldn't win, "Fine. We can stop by just for a few minutes. Let's go." The four of them flew down to the village and found the church. Yuno was greeted by the children and Sister Lily. They invited them all in for a quick meal. The five of them sat down at the table and started eating. Y/N chomped on the nomotatoes, 'These are delicious.' "My, what a unique taste these have." Y/N narrowed his eyes and stared at Salim. It was obvious that the noble was lying about liking the food. It wouldn't make sense for a noble to like a commoner's food.

Once dinner was finished, the Golden Dawn members prepared to leave. Mimosa said, "It looks like the bandits haven't come to attack us." Klaus said, "Yes, it seems so." Y/N said, "I get the feeling that there's something else going on here." Suddenly, a scream came from inside. They rushed in to see the children holding a note. One of them gave it to Yuno, who rushed outside as soon as he finished reading. Klaus called out for him, "Yuno! Where are you going?!?!" Y/N picked up the note, "It seems that the bandits kidnapped Sister Lily and said that they would be waiting for Yuno at the skeleton of the demon." Mimosa gasped, "That's terrible!" Klaus frowned, "Yes, but why did they target the sister instead of Salim?" Y/N said, "It's because their target was never really Salim, but I get the feeling that he's the one behind all this." The three of them went to where Salim was waiting. He said, "Well it's about time. We should get going." As he walked towards them, Y/N summoned his broadsword and pointed it at Salim's neck, "Start talking or you won't talk at all." Salim began sweating, "What? I don't know what you're talking about." Y/N glared at him. Mimosa said, "Y/N, let me take care of this. I happen to have a spell to get people to tell the truth." Y/N looked at Mimosa and removed his broadsword.

"That idiot. He rushed into things." Klaus mumbled as the three of them were flying to the skeleton to help Yuno. Y/N said, "Stop complaining. There's no way that he could've known that Salim was behind anything. Just shut up and get ready for battle." They managed to catch up to Yuno and saw him fighting with a bandit. Klaus used his steel magic to defeat the bandit. Yuno was surprised to see them, "What are you all doing here?" Klaus raised his glasses, "We found out that these bandits are actually hired thugs that Salim sent to get revenge on you." Y/N said, "Apparently, he wasn't as fine with you defeating him at the exam as he said he was. Mimosa used a spell to get him to spill everything." Mimosa chuckled happily. Yuno said, "Thank you." They proceeded to free Sister Lily and lined up the bandits. Klaus took out his grimoire, "Now, time to restrain these criminals and take them back to the capital." Salim yelled out in anger and prepared to launch an attack at them. Y/N pulled out his grimoire, but before he could do anything, Sister Lily stopped Salim, "Water Creation Magic: Holy Fist of Love!" The water fist punched Salim into the ground and knocked him unconscious. Y/N gave a deadpanned stare, "'Holy' Fist 'of Love'? What kind of weirdo would love that?" Mimosa said, "That was really impressive." Klaus fixed his glasses, "Indeed. We should see about recruiting Sister Lily into the Golden Dawn." Mimosa started laughing.

The next day, Klaus, Mimosa, Yuno, and Y/N were summoned to Captain Vengeance. He thanked them for their hard work and explained that it seemed that Salim's family was responsible for many crimes and would all be arrested. Klaus asked, "Captain Vangeance, did you know it would turn out this way?" Vangeance smiled, "All I do is for the sake of the Clover Kingdom. That's all you need to know. Dismissed." The four of them walked out. Y/N frowned. Mimosa asked, "Is there something wrong?" Y/N said, "I've got a bad feeling about the captain. I feel like he's hiding something from us." Klaus lashed out at him, "How dare you accuse Captain Vangeance of keeping secrets from us?" Y/N said, "It's just a feeling. Well, I'm sure that he has his reasons for keeping a secret. He's only human. i just hope it doesn't bite him in the but one day." 
