Chapter 13: Hello, Cousin Sophie

I had forgotten about that day until the dream. Everything was so different even though it was less than six months ago. Ryan was horrible at driving and now he's pretty good. I had awful layers and I got rid of those. I didn't like Ryan and unfortunately, that changed because lucky me. Sam and Evan just met and now they're practically in love. It was so weird to think where the time had gone.

I could smell the ocean coming through my window and I kept my eyes shut while I stretched my arms out above me. I didn't want to go to training so I was hoping as long as I didn't open my eyes I wouldn't have to go. I realized it wasn't going to work. I'd have to force myself to go because it was important.

"You're so weird when you sleep," a voice commented. "You just smiled, stretched, and laid back down."

"Ah!" I screamed, opening my eyes. It was Ryan who started laughing. "I'm sorry that I don't usually have someone in my room when I wake up in the morning."

I was surprised he hadn't woken me up. I looked at the clock. It was 7:30. I must've been really tired. I jumped out of bed annoyed that no one had woken me up. I started digging through piles of clothes for something to wear.

"Ryan, what are you doing? Don't I have training?"

"You know, you have a very interesting journal," he remarked, swiveling around in my desk chair.

My mouth dropped. How had he found it? I kept it hidden in the lowest drawer of my desk under loads of stuff that no one in their right mind would ever want to sort through. I had so much personal stuff in that journal. Every secret I knew, every thought or opinion I had, everything! There was a lot about Ryan too. My heart was beginning to beat so fast, I thought I was starting to have a heart attack.

"Don't worry I didn't look through it, but now I know you have one so I'll keep that into consideration," he said smirking. I slapped his arm so hard. I was so freaked out. "You must have some pretty interesting stuff in there then?"

I glared at him. "Anyways, don't I have training?"

"You don't have normal training today."

"What do you mean?" I asked with a stink face.

"I let everyone go off and do whatever they wanted."

"Wasn't Blake the leader?"

"Yes. You're not getting the point," he said, annoyed with my I was awoken to my best friend who I have a crush on holding my journal morning attitude. "I'm in charge of your training today and want to know what we're doing?"

I was not ready for this.

"What?" I gritted through my teeth.

"We're going hiking."

He knew that was the one thing I never wanted to do again. My mouth just hung open.


Bethany's POV

I had just come back from my run and was pretty sweaty. My breathing was slowing down to its normal pace but I wasn't sure how much my muscles would like it if I went out surfing later. The waves looked nice today and way better than yesterday but that was good for Hannah at least. I missed her and Alana when I went out surfing with just the guys. Sometimes it was fun to be with a bunch of goofy and laid-back guys where I didn't have to think.

I turned the knob to the front door of our house and walked in. I balanced on the wall with the tips of my fingers because my mom didn't like marks on the white walls and took off my shoes. I placed them under the bench and walked down the hall with my ponytail swaying behind me. As I got closer, I heard laughter. I stopped dead in my tracks. Obnoxious, loud laughter, one distinctively my mom, and coming from the family room meant one thing: relatives.

It wasn't that I didn't like my relatives. I loved them but they were all so loud, a bit like myself ahem. My mom was half Greek, half American and my grandfather wanted her to be raised in the United States. We all visited Greece once and it was beautiful.

My mom's Greek side of the family visited every so often without notice or warning, and let's just say it was a tiring experience. My mom seemed energized by it while my dad and I got exhausted. We would always run into each other by the garbage cans at the side of the house trying to get some alone time. I wasn't sure if my dad had met my mom's family before they got married because it was quite a family.

I attempted to tiptoe my way up the stairs because I actually wanted to be with my friends instead of getting stuck inside for a couple of days. I was so quiet but my mom still heard me with her radar ears.

"Bethany, is that you? Come! Come!" she exclaimed. "She's gotten more beautiful since the last time you saw her."

"Oh Selena, she's gorgeous!" my aunt exclaimed while holding her arms out to hug me. I was surprised only two people could make so much noise because usually there were at least six family members who showed up on one occasion. "Your hair has gotten so long!"

"Thank you, Aunt Iris," I said, hugging her. I didn't think she realized I had just gone running or she probably wouldn't have wanted to hug me.

Then someone turned around in one of the chairs at the counter. My face immediately turned into one of dismay, but I covered it up quickly. It was my cousin, Sophie.

"Hi Bethany," she said with fake kindness.

She gave me a light one-arm hug, but I bet my mom and aunt could feel the tension coming off of us. She flashed a wide grin and our moms went back to their conversation.

I went upstairs and jumped in the shower. What the hell was Sophie doing here? I hated her even though "she was family and we loved our family," according to my mom. Sophie was bossy and mean and frankly, kind of a bitch. She always felt like she had some kind of authority over me just because she was one year older and prettier. The last time she visited was when I was a freshman and I was confused about why she was here now. She knew I didn't like her.

I took an extra long shower so I could avoid any extra time I'd have to spend with her. I changed into some white jean shorts that made my legs look super tan and a peach t-shirt that looked good with my brown hair over my black bikini. I started to head down the stairs when I bumped into my dad.

"Dad, what is Sophie doing here?" I hissed.

My dad knew I hated her, but we didn't tell my mom the extent of this because it would be appalling for her to hear that I didn't like my own cousin. She thought we "had our differences."

"I don't know. I'm sorry honey, you know how they are. They don't give us any warning," he said, putting an arm around my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me a little.

"You're right about that," I said rolling my eyes.

"You just have to tough it out. I'm sure they won't be here more than a couple of days," he reassured.

"Yeah right," I replied. The last time one of our relatives had visited they stayed at our house for almost two weeks.

We both walked downstairs and engaged in light small talk while I pretended not to hate my cousin's guts. My phone went off in my pocket with a new message.

Surfing today? -J

I'll have to see. Family is here. -Bethany

Haha have fun with that. -J

My friends always made fun of me whenever one of my one million family members visited, which was quite often because they always had a blast when they came over to our house. I sure did not.

"Mom, can I hang out with my friends today?" I asked.

"Hm, I don't know." She was thinking about it. I started to make a pleading face. "Okay—"

"Yay!" I said, pulling out my phone.

"Let me finish," she said. I dropped my phone at my side. "You can go as long as you bring Sophie."

I tried not to look bummed but couldn't hide it this time. Sophie gave me a devious grin.

"Honey, it would be good for you and Sophie to spend some time together. You haven't seen her in such a long time," my mom said encouragingly. "I think your friends would love to see her again!"

My mom should have thought again. Alana and Hannah thought she was rude and pushy. All the guys thought she was hot but none of them liked her as a person and found her braggy.

"Yeah cuzzy, I want to see your cute little group of surfer friends again," Sophie said with fake excitement while putting her arm around my shoulders. I wanted to slap it off but fought the urge.

"Fine, let's go," I groaned, moving to the door with her trailing behind. I looked back and my dad shot me a be good look.

We both slipped on our shoes and I texted Johnny.

Coming but with cousin. -Bethany

Sophie?? -J

Yes don't be weird. -Bethany

Weird? Do you not know me? -J

I do know you and you will be weird. -Bethany

We have different definitions then. -J

Really, you have to do that now? She's seriously pissing me off. -Bethany

Fine I won't be "weird". FYI Han and Ry aren't coming. -J

Why? -Bethany

He's taking her hiking for the last day of training. -J

Oh cool. She hates hiking though. -Bethany

I know. Do you think there's something up with them? -J

No. Don't read into stuff. -Bethany

Fine fine. Brody and Alana are doing stuff together too so it's just us. -J

So much fun... -Bethany

Hurts a little Bethany. -J

I laughed. I could hear his sarcasm even through the phone.

I was about to text back when Sophie interrupted, "Are we going to go?"

"Yes," I answered annoyed.

I grabbed my keys from the bowl and yelled goodbye to my parents and aunt. We made our way down to my car sitting in the driveway. Sophie got in the passenger side while I went into the garage and pulled out an extra board from the rack. I put it on the hood of the car and tied it on as Sophie sat there, not offering me any help.

When I finished, I got in the car and put the keys in the ignition.

"Are you hungry or anything because I wouldn't mind lunch?" I offered.

"I'm starved."

"Do you care where we eat?"

"No," she replied, putting on her sunglasses.

"Okay then," I said, starting the car and putting on my sunglasses as well.

It was really awkward in the car with our silent tension. I turned on the radio and started to hum a little and tap my fingers against the steering wheel. I could tell it annoyed Sophie, but she didn't say anything so I kept going.

When we got to Seaside Grill, it was pretty crowded and the line was getting long. I checked my phone, which read 12:30. Great, we picked the busiest time to go. I was starving and the house salad with a strawberry smoothie sounded so good but I wasn't sure if I could wait this out.

"Hey Bethany!" someone said behind me. I turned around and saw Hannah's brothers.

"Hey guys!" I said waving.

I watched Sophie smile at them. I rolled my eyes. Of course, she would go there but then I remembered she probably didn't know who they were. I couldn't help but notice how good Spencer looked and Blake didn't look too bad either. However, I knew who they were and they were off-limits.

When they got to us, Blake checked out Sophie for a split second then turned away. Spencer surprisingly didn't seem to be phased by her good looks at all and went straight to hug me, which reminded me why I loved the Gold family.

"Do you guys want to sit with us since the line looks like it's getting pretty long back there," I offered.

"Yeah, that's kind of why we came over here," Spencer said.

"Oh, I totally forgot!" I said. "This is my cousin, Sophie. I don't think you guys met her the last time she visited. Sophie, that's Blake and Spencer. They're Hannah's older brothers."

Blake shook her hand and Spencer gave her a half wave.

"Nice to meet you both," Sophie said, smiling and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear trying to be cute. I wanted to barf because she was anything but.

"Bethany?" a girl's voice said behind me.

"Alana!" I yelled hugging her. "Hey Brody." I half waved to him.

Alana pulled me to the side of the deck by the railing away from them and whispered, "Cousin?"

"I know they just showed up this morning!" I whisper-yelled. "How's your day with Brody going?"

"Pretty good. Speaking of which, we gotta get going."

"Where are you guys going next?"

"Movies," she said with a smile. She walked over to Brody and told him they were going to be late.

"Bye guys," he said, holding Alana's hand as they walked away.

When they were a reasonable distance away, Sophie asked casually, "Who was that again?"


"Oh okay," she said looking out toward the water with her hands in her pockets.

Just as I was about to ask why she cared, the hostess cut me off. "Hi, how many people?"

"Uh, four," I said, almost forgetting we were with Blake and Spencer.

"Right this way."

We were seated outside on the deck on the side that hung over the water. It was pretty sunny but there was a nice breeze coming off the ocean. I wondered how Hannah and Ryan's hike was going. I was surprised he even got her to go. She hated hiking.

"Hi, do you guys know what you'd like to drink?" the waiter asked.

"Hey Will!" I greeted.

"Oh, hey Bethany," he said. "How's everything been?"

"Good, how about you?"

"It's been good. How's Hannah?" he asked, always friendly.

"She's good."

"That's great to hear."

"Can we just order?" Sophie butted in quite rudely.

"Sorry," Will said.

He took our orders and once he was far enough away Spencer, who was sitting across from me, raised his eyebrow at me. I was watching a guy surf a killer wave over his shoulder and it was a while before I noticed.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"Who was that? And why did he ask about my sister?"

"Aw, are you getting all protective?" I teased.

Blake laughed and punched him in the shoulder. "Yeah dude, isn't that my job?"

"Don't you want to make sure that he's not some kind of creep?" Spencer argued.

"He's not. He's sweet," I defended. Hannah's brothers always got extremely protective of her.

"Sure. They all start like that," he said rolling his eyes.

"Will's a nice guy. We met him at Carter's party."

"Okay, he's definitely a creep. I should talk to Hannah about this," Spencer concluded.

"You know you'd be a good boyfriend. You're really protective and caring," Sophie added in.

"Sorry, I would never go out with Bethany's cousin. I have some boundaries," Spencer said sarcastically. Blake laughed.

I forgot that Spencer dated around a lot except he had a girlfriend until April, which was unusual for him.

"That's not what I was implying," she said, sipping her water while looking at me. I shot her a confused look. What was she doing looking over at me?

"Sure sure it's okay, I know Sophie," he joked.

"Know what?" she asked obliviously.

"I just know." I couldn't help but laugh. It was so funny to see Sophie so confused and unknowing for the first time in her life.

Our food finally came and I hadn't realized how hungry I was until my stomach growled when I saw Will carrying the food. He conveniently served mine last. When he set it down I dug in. It was so good. The croutons were extra crunchy and the dressing gave it a nice flavor.

After we finished our food, we all talked for a while. It was actually kind of nice and I forgot Sophie was my appalling cousin. I also caught myself looking over at Spencer for a tad too long. I thought he was really attractive and had a great personality, but he was Hannah's older brother so automatically not a possibility. He was the older brother who always played pranks on us when we were little and got overly protective over Hannah when a guy even looked in her direction.

I swore I caught him looking at me a couple of times but I put those thoughts aside. No way would a good looking and popular senior have any feelings for me. It just wouldn't happen. No way would he ever go for me anyway. There was that secret code about not dating your sibling's friend, so I forced myself to not look at his nice green eyes or tan muscular arms. Every time I thought he was looking at me, I pretended he wasn't and assumed he was looking at some prettier girl behind me.

I heard my phone ring and saw a new message from Johnny.

Where are you guys? -J

So sorry we were at SSG! Leaving soon. Waves look good out here. -Bethany

Want to surf at my place then go there after a while? -J

Sounds good. -Bethany

How's your cousin? Does she still look good? -J

She's actually being okay but that just means she's hiding something bad. And seriously Johnny? I don't know. If you cut her personality, I would consider her pretty from a guy's perspective. -Bethany

Sweet. -J

Does he not realize this is my cousin?

I was going to text back when Spencer interrupted by asking, "Texting your boyfriend?"

I never realized but Johnny and I had long texting conversations. I kind of zoned out when I texted too.

"I don't have a boyfriend and it was just Johnny," I answered.

"Sure, he's not your boyfriend?" he said with a knowing grin.

"I'm sure. We're just friends."

We actually were just close friends. I never would have gone out with him because our relationship was already platonic and Hannah would have killed me. Alana and Brody were dating and she was scared if I went out with Johnny it would make things awkward for her and Ryan because they would never go out. It was a shame because they were such great friends and they had this bond with each other that most people didn't have.

"He could have some secret crush on you but hasn't gotten around to telling you yet."

" He made out with Miranda last weekend, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Kid's got game."

"Do you have game?" Sophie asked.

Spencer thought about it for a second and replied with a shrug, "I guess, sure."

"Haven't had a girlfriend in months," Blake added before taking a sip of his water.

"Yeah why's that? That's not the Spencer Gold we know," I added. "Getting tired of the game?"

"No way!" Spencer replied. "Some of the girls are getting old around here though."

"Your life is so hard," I replied sarcastically.

"It actually is!"

"Why not go for some freshman?"

"Too easy and too young. I'd look desperate."

"Okay Spencer, keep on thinking that," I laughed. Blake put out his hand and I hit it. "What about sophomores?"

"If Hannah approved but you know her."

"Oh yeah."

"So, I'm just single and mingling for a while," he said wiggling his eyebrows.

I brushed that off and looked down at my phone, realizing we should have left a while ago. As if right on cue, Will brought the check over. I took cash out of my pocket and pulled out a twenty.

"It's on us," Blake said.

"No Blake," I pushed.

"Really it's on us. You pay for all of our sister's shit so it's the least we can do."

"But—" I started.

"A guy is offering to pay, just let him do it," Sophie butted in.

"Fine," I said, putting my hands up in surrender. Blake smiled satisfied as he gave the bill to Will and we all walked to the parking lot.

"Thanks so much for lunch," I said to them.

"It's not a big deal," Blake answered.

"Go have fun surfing," Spencer said.

"Thanks," I didn't even ask but Spencer hugged me goodbye. I didn't complain and I leaned up to hug him back.

We waved goodbye as we got into the car.

"You know Brody..." Sophie started to say.

"Yeah, what about him?" I asked. It was really random of her to bring that up but I just went with it.

"I like him and want him to be mine."

"What?" I spat out. "Why can't you like someone your age?"

"Like Spencer?" she asked.

"Uh, sure."

"Spencer's good looking but Brody's hot. Not that you'd agree or anything."

My eyes widened. "What?"

"Oh, don't play dumb. It's so obvious that you like him even if it's not obvious to his sister."

"I don't like Spencer because he's exactly that: my best friend's older brother."

"Tell me the truth or I'll tell everybody about the time in Greece," she threatened, her eyes narrowing.

When I went to Greece the summer before high school and had last seen Sophie, I met this cute guy named Adrian and we had a summer fling. Once when we were all jumping off a dock into the water, I was wearing a really cute bikini and the entire thing fell off the moment I hit the water. The only person who noticed was Sophie and she was able to distract everyone for enough time while I put it back on but it was the most mortifying thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn't believe she'd stoop so low.

"Fine! I like Spencer. Happy?" I spit out, surprising myself with the omission.

"Yes," she answered with a smile, clearly pleased with herself for getting me to admit my deep dark secret. I liked my best friend since kindergarten's ridiculously hot older brother who was totally out of my league and would never go for me!

I had developed a tiny crush on Spencer a while ago and kept it a complete secret because he was Hannah's brother. I knew it would go nowhere so what was the point? I could dream a little to myself though.

"So I'm guessing you haven't told anyone," she said.

"Yes, and I want it to stay that way."

"You can have your wish if you help me get Brody."

"He has a girlfriend."

"That's where you come in."

"I could never do that to Alana."

"Well, you know if you don't help me everyone will find out that you like Spencer and I'm not exactly sure how well Hannah will react to that," she said. Now I remembered why I hated her.

I couldn't do that to Alana but Hannah would kill me if she found out I liked Spencer. It was code! I figured since Sophie never specified how I could help her "get Brody" then I could play dumb and put it off for long enough so she would eventually leave this island with my secret.

"You are such a—"

"Hold up there, I'm your cousin, remember," she said, putting up her hand to stop me. She was such a pain in my ass. I wanted to slap her so badly. "If you help me get Brody, your little crush on Spencer will stay a secret. Do we have a deal?" she asked, holding out her hand.


Hannah's POV

"Ryan, are we almost to the top yet?" I groaned.

Hiking during a nice day was as bad as hiking during a bad day. Of course, Ryan had picked a hike with an extremely steep hill near the end.

"We're close. It will be totally worth it once we get to the top," he said ahead of me. I wasn't even sure what would be worth it. A nice waterfall, a gorgeous view, a diving cliff — he gave no hints. Now I saw why he planned the surprise birthday party; he was good at this stuff.

Ryan was making it hard for me to get excited about whatever was at the top of the hill when he was enjoying this way more than I was and hiking ten feet in front of me the whole time.

"Ugh," I said trekking on.

After five minutes, it got even steeper and I got really tired. I stopped and pulled out my water bottle. I hadn't realized how long I had rested until I couldn't see Ryan anymore.

"Ryan!" I yelled but he didn't answer. I ran up the hill as fast as I could. If I got lost, I'd be screwed. I ran past a clearing of trees and got to an open part of land and saw him standing there. "Yes, you're here."

"You walk slow," he commented.

"I stopped and you kept going," I reasoned.

"Sorry," he said then he looked away. "So, was this worth it?"

It was but I didn't want to admit that to my parents ever. It was a gorgeous view. We were up so high, at least 100 feet, and I could see the waves below. I wanted to ride them so badly. The water was so blue it glistened off the bright afternoon sun. I could see the mountains and all the green land. There was a breeze coming in and my hair flowed in the wind. I could smell the salt from the ocean and hear the birds in the distance.

I closed my eyes and embraced it all. It was the perfect day. I loved it even though it was such a pain to get up there. I was surprised I had never been up to this spectacular place before then I remembered I hated hiking.

"Ryan it's beautiful," I said, looping my arms around him.

"Glad you like it," he said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I love it. Thanks for not giving up on me." I pretty much threatened him but he somehow got me out of the house and made me climb up the hill anyway. He somehow knew that I would love it and it would all be worth it in the end. "You're such a good best friend. Definitely going to keep you around for a long time."

I could feel him laugh.

"Thanks, Hannah. You're an okay best friend too," he teased. I shot him a glare. "I'm just kidding you're an amazing best friend too."

I smiled and looked out at the gorgeous view in front of me with my arms around the best friend a girl could have ever had. It was perfect and I knew that I was ready for the competition the next day.
