Chapter 12: Dreaming of the Past

I spent the whole day sitting on the couch watching television since I had nothing better to do. It was something I never did and it was a nice change of pace. I could have read a book but yeah right. I was happy because the waves were no better than yesterday so the weather was working in my favor.

It was Sunday and pretty much everyone had something to do. My parents had their weekly hike. My brothers were out with their friends. Ryan was surfing with Johnny, Bethany, and Brody. Alana had some family stuff. Sam was probably with Evan because he was her boyfriend.

My mom came back periodically throughout the day because she "forgot her phone" or "forgot the shopping list" when I knew she was checking to make sure I was still at home. I was treating this like a vacation because it would be the last day off I would give myself until the competition, so she had nothing to worry about.

It was five o'clock and I was watching another episode of New Girl when my mom came home carrying a couple of grocery bags. I looked over from the couch and she waved. I felt so lazy and was so ready to go surfing, but tomorrow was land training.

After she put the groceries away, my mom sat next to me at the end of the couch. She didn't say anything for a while. I broke the silence and asked, "Yes?"

"How was your day?" she inquired cheerfully.

"Seriously?" I asked, still slightly mad.

"Okay, fine. Did you learn your lesson?"

"Yes I did, mother. I will never sneak out ever ever again," I replied, adding a hint of sarcasm.

"Good," she said, patting my shoulder and walking away.

I returned to my show and after a minute, I heard a loud noise approaching from outside. I sighed. My moment of tranquility was going to end.

"Hey Hannah," Spencer said, scooting his way onto one side of the couch.

"Yay New Girl's on," Blake said, going to the other side of the couch by my feet, which left me squished between them.

Spencer and I both raised our eyebrows at Blake. I was impressed he knew the show. I had just started watching it but after he had left and Spencer looked as confused as me.

"She's hot and all the girls in our dorm hog the only television to watch it," Blake explained. I had missed this, even though my brothers annoyed me to no end.


It had been a week of land, water, land, water, land, water and land, land and water training, but my body was starting to get into a schedule. I didn't have to be woken up by squirt guns anymore because my body would naturally get up at six. I could feel myself getting stronger and better with each passing day.

It was starting to scare me how close to the competition we were. My last day of training was the following day and I usually didn't get that scared before competitions. However, this was so important and everything was on the line, not just my pride and dignity, but our favorite surfing spot. I hadn't been to ANS in almost two weeks as we promised and I had to force myself not to go anyway. Not being there made it feel like it wasn't summer.

It was 10:30 p.m. when I decided to call it a night. My muscles ached from a long day of training and I was not ready for what they were going to make me do for the last day. I figured sleep would probably be the best thing for me.

As soon as I crawled into my nice warm bed and heard the ocean waves crashing against the shore from my open window, my eyes closed shut and I floated off to dreamland.


I was brought back to January when we were sophomores and Ryan had just gotten his driver's license and could finally drive us around. The time of me bugging my older brothers for rides everywhere was no longer. Ryan's hair was shorter and darker back then and his eyes were still gorgeous but it was back when I didn't have a crush on him. My hair was cut at my shoulders and I had bad layers. Oh, they were so bad.

"Are you sure we should do this?" I asked Ryan. We were both sitting in the car and he was turning the key in the ignition.

"Yeah, it's fine. My dad comes home from New York in..." he said checking his watch, "three and a half hours. We have plenty of time."

I was surprised Sam was okay with this, but she didn't seem to care because she was out on a date with a hot senior from school.

"Okay, let's see if you really are the better driver," I said.

Ryan started the car and even though I was nervous, I had faith in him. Ryan backed out of the garage but we hadn't made it too far when we heard a big smash. My faith in Ryan immediately vanished, he reversed forward and stopped.

"Shit!" Ryan yelled getting out of the car. I gasped and followed.

We went to the left side of the car where Ryan had obviously hit the mailbox. He tried to rub at the mark with his finger but it wouldn't come out. The spot wasn't horrible but it would have been noticeable to anyone with eyes, especially to Mr. Jensen who loved that car. He wouldn't even let Sam drive it and she was a certifiably good driver.

"Shit Hannah, what am I going to do?" Ryan asked, the panic in his voice rising. "If my dad sees this, I'll be screwed for the rest of eternity and he'll never trust me to drive again."

"It's not that bad Ryan," I said trying to calm him, even though I was quite aware of how screwed he would be if we didn't do anything.

"I don't have time for this comforting stuff. We need to think about what to do!" Ryan said pacing back and forth while running his hands through his hair.

I tried to think. Sam was going to be gone for a while. If we left the car in the garage, Mr. Jensen would notice and question it. If we took it to the mechanics, it would probably cost a lot and take a long time because the closest one was 20 minutes away. If we asked one of the neighbors, they would tell Mr. Jensen.

Our best option was the mechanic and I didn't even know where it was but Spencer did. I forgot Spencer was still home and he knew someone who was good with cars!

"Ryan! Spencer can help. One of his friends is good with this stuff!" I practically yelled.

"Go get him," Ryan nearly pleaded while bending down and examining the mark again.

I sprinted to my house and ran through the door. I saw Spencer on the couch making out with a girl. They were really going at it so much so they hadn't even noticed me run in. I was grossed out but didn't care because it was a life or death situation.

"Spencer!" I yelled. They were both startled.

"Hannah, seriously?" he gritted through his teeth, giving me a glare that normally would have made me want to crawl under a rock.

"Ryan crashed Mr. Jensen's BMW into the mailbox and we need your mechanic friend to come and fix it before he comes home in...three hours!" I spilled out.

Spencer's eyes widened at the importance of the situation. We all knew how Mr. Jensen would react.

Spencer jumped over the back of the couch and asked, "How bad is it?"

"It's not awful but it's noticeable."

"I'll call my friend now," he said, running to get his phone. I stood there and started pacing.

I hadn't even realized the girl Spencer was making out with was still there until she unhelpfully asked, "What is going on?"

My brother just really knew how to choose them well.

"Okay, he'll be over in five minutes!" Spencer yelled running back down the hall.

"What's going on babe?" the girl whined.

"Is she like some other girl or something?" she asked, starting to get angry. How could she even come to some kind of conclusion like that?

"That's my sister," he said annoyed.

I didn't get how she couldn't see the resemblance. All three of us had different hair colors and were different heights but Blake and I both had brown eyes while Spencer had green. We all had the same eye shape and noses. Blake looked like the spitting image of my dad while Spencer and I resembled my mom.

"I'm sorry Tiffany and I don't mean to be rude, but you have to go," he said, pushing her to the door.

"Spencer, I don't get what is going on," she said over her shoulder.

"I'll tell you later," Spencer said, giving her a quick peck on the mouth and closing the door.

"Okay bye! Love you! Bye Spencer's sister!" she yelled before the door closed. Spencer let out a relieved sigh.

"You really know how to pick them don't you?" I smirked, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed.

"Don't even start."

"I'm just stating facts," I said putting my hands up as he looked for his shoes. "Why are you even with her when she's such an..."

I couldn't think of the proper word that encapsulated all of what I just saw.

"She's a good kisser. I'll give her that," he said looking up, half-smiling. He finally found his shoes and put them on. "She can do this thing—" he started to say.

"Don't want to know," I interrupted putting up my hand.

We both went outside and waited for Spencer's friend to show up. We saw a car pull up and assumed it was him.

"Airhead!" I burst out finally thinking of the word.

"What?" Spencer asked looking at me like I was a complete weirdo.

"Tiffany's an airhead."

"Damn straight," the guy agreed.

I laughed nervously. He was really good looking. I had seen him around in the hallways at school. He was one of the really popular juniors. This was one of the perks of having an older brother, he brought home hot friends who were totally out of my league but at least knew me as Spencer's sister.

Spencer sensed I was nervous and punched my arm. He gave me a don't even think about it look — somehow equally wanting to keep his friends at a distance from me and shutting down any possibility of me dating someone in his year.

"Ow!" I reacted.

"I can't believe you're even with her. She's crazy—" the guy said to Spencer.

"Hot," Spencer finished.

The guy shook his head and said, "That's true but she's such a clingy girlfriend. If I ever have a girlfriend, she's never going to be like that."

"That is if you ever get a girlfriend," Spencer teased.

"I've never really wanted a girlfriend. I like to just float around and see who I meet without making it official like you did. Big mistake man," the guy said punching him lightly in the arm.

"You're saying that's the only reason you've never had a girlfriend. Alright..." Spencer said.

"I'm serious. Girls get all attached if you do the whole relationship thing."

"Hey, we still have a little sophomore here who has yet to learn that realization on her own," Spencer said covering my ears. I wiggled out of his grasp.

"Sorry, I completely forgot that you were here," he said to me.

"It's okay," I replied.

"Spence, what's her name again?" he asked. "You've mentioned it before."

"Hannah," Spencer replied like I couldn't answer for myself.

"Well, Hannah—" the guy started.

"Not my sister!" Spencer butted in.

"I wasn't even going there!" he yelled in defense. "Hannah's going to have to learn about the facts of high school dating one day."

"Yeah one day, not today. She's not going to have a boyfriend until she's at least a senior, maybe even older," Spencer said hitting my arm. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "And if she's going to learn about the facts of high school, she's definitely not going to learn them from you."

"But I'm the master!" he defended.

"Shut up!" Spencer said, waving him off.

"You wanna go there, Gold?" he taunted.

I sighed then my eyes widened. We were going to die a slow death by Mr. Jensen if we didn't get our butts moving. I had completely forgotten about it. That's the reason this hot guy was even here.

"Stop!" I yelled. They both stopped talking and looked at me. "We have to fix the car, that's the reason you're here!"

I pointed to Spencer's friend.

"Shit I forgot," Spencer answered and started to walk to the Jensen's. "Do you have the stuff?"

"Yeah. Let's see how bad this sophomore messed up," the friend said following behind. I rolled my eyes. We were only a year younger but they were upperclassmen so they had more merit.

"Thank you so much, Spencer," Ryan said as we approached.

"Hi," he greeted the friend who's name I still didn't know.

He went to the car and examined the mark then said, "You're lucky kid, there's no dent."

Ryan sighed in relief.

"Let me finish," he said. "I'm going to have to get the scratch out and paint over it. It's probably going to cost a hundred."

"What?" Ryan gasped.

"Do you not see how big that scratch is?"

"Fine. Can you just do it in less than three hours?"

"Yeah I'll try my best, but we'll be cutting it close."

"Thank you so much," Ryan said.

"Did you call your sister?" I asked Ryan.

"Yeah, she'll be home soon," he grumbled.

A few hours passed while we sat in the driveway waiting for the hot friend to fix the car. We were all panicking and hoping Mr. Jensen wasn't on his way home yet. I heard a noise and Ryan took his phone out of his pocket.

"My dad will be home in 10 minutes!" Ryan jumped up. "Are you almost done?"

"Yeah, I'm close. It's just gotta dry then I'll put a coating over it," he replied.

We were all on edge. Someone's car pulled up and we all had mini heart attacks but realized it was Sam as Spencer's friend parked the car back in the garage.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Sam asked, running up to Ryan and hugging him.

"Yeah I'm fine," he replied but looking comforted that she was there.

"Then you're such an idiot," she said, releasing him and slapping his arm. She started whispering older sisterly advice that Spencer and I couldn't hear from the distance.

"Who's the blonde?" the friend asked, walking out of the garage with his hands in his pockets.

"Ryan's sister," Spencer replied. "Thanks so much, man. We should get going before their dad suspects anything."

Spencer and the guy started to walk away when Sam saw them and called, "Spencer!"

"His sister is Sam Jensen?!" I could hear him whisper.

"Did I forget to mention that?" Spencer said acting as if he had completely forgotten we had grown up with them.

"Uh, yeah," he said baffled.

"Now you get nervous? It's just Sam."

Spencer rolled his eyes.

"Oh, it's just Sam," the friend mocked. "I'm not the one who sees her like every day."

"I don't see her every day."

"Thanks so much for fixing the car," Sam said, walking over to them.

She smiled softly at the guy and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. I could tell she found him attractive and I guessed her date hadn't gone so well.

"It was no problem," he replied smiling.

"I don't think we've met. I'm Evan," he said holding out his hand.

She smiled and shook it. "Sam."

They stood there smiling at each other for a while until Spencer broke the silence by saying, "Okay, well we should get going."

"I'll see you around," Evan said smoothly, a big boyish grin on his face as Spencer shoved him toward our house. Sam smiled and waved down the street.

"He was cute," Sam said, standing next to us. Ryan rolled his eyes.

"He totally liked you," I remarked.

"You think?" she asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I wish a guy liked me like that."

"Trust me one day a guy will," Sam said looking me in the eyes. I smiled.

Ryan groaned and said, "I'll be inside. I've had enough of the girl talk."

We both laughed.

Mr. and Mrs. Jensen came home about a minute later and we greeted them. Mr. Jensen never suspected a thing.
