Tres Vampire マスターズ

Main 3 (Spain, America, and Japan) x Ph, BxB, CH, Polynomial.





Philippines' POV,

Vampires, a long time myth that has existed way long before anyone knew proper hygiene. They exist for a very very long time. People believe it's a myth, that they are just for kids. Some thinks it's a fact, that vampires are very majestic beings that can exist for how long it wants. But I personally think... This is bullshit, just pure crap.

I lay down on bed with one of my masters, Japan. Now I know you're confused. Why did I call him my master? Remember our talk about vampires? He is one. Just like any normal vampire in all books written about them. They need blood to survive. I'm a food source/slave/and somehow they also consider me their lover. Remember, I did not consent to this. However, I also don't want to escape from their warm embrace.

It's weird, I know, but I somehow, I missed this type of physical touch. Hugging is nice even if it's from your enemy, it's hard to explain.

Japan just groaned and nuzzled his head onto my chest. I just pet his head while I try to distract myself from the pain that is returning on my neck. Japan drank too much last night. Ugh, this fucking hurts.

America entered the room and carried me bridal style. Japan woke up to an empty bed after that. America carried me to one of the bedroom in the mansion. He laid me down on bed then he kissed me again and again on the lips. I reciprocated the kiss and blah blah poof, it turned into a French kiss. How surprising.

Although I enjoyed the deep and hungry kisses from America, I like it more when he goes vanilla and sweet. I looked into his eyes, the old electric blue turned into bloody red due to bloodlust.

I gulped down before looking away, giving him access to my neck. He leaned down before licking a certain area on my neck and bites it down. I gasped. The feeling was still uncomfortable, it was cold outside but extremely hot inside the bite.

He sucked it till I almost passed out. He licked the excess blood on his lips before grabbing my chin to look at him and he kissed me again. I can't kiss him back because I felt weak once again. He roamed his hands under my shirt and teased one of my nipples. I moaned quietly because of it.

He kissed me on the forehead before whispering sweet nothings in my ear. He played with my nipples before kissing me on the lips. He pulled away and successfully took off my shirt. My chest filled with hickeys was exposed yet again to one of my masters.

He chuckled before kissing me on the lips before going down to my jaw, trailing down to my neck then collarbone. He kissed all part of my collarbone till he bit one of my shoulders real hard, sucking in more blood.

I don't know if I'm seeing things but I swear I can see the silhouette of master Spain sitting on one of the couches inside the room. America continues to deepen his bite on my shoulder making me whine and whimper.

I let out a few whiney noises, I really can't handle master America's bite, his teeth are sharper than the other two. I softly tug on America's hair, signalling him to stop before I pass out. He obliged and leaned up and looked at me with loving eyes.

He kissed me on the lips before he made me sit up. He suddenly have a med kit on his arm and started treating the bite on my neck and shoulder. America knows his bite marks can lead to discomfort, all of their bites do, but he treats me well so it would less hurt than normal.


America kissed me on the cheeks before letting me lay down and telling me to sleep. He left after that and I obliged, I felt tired anyway so I slept it off.




I was running fast in the woods, running away from something, like a prey running far from it's predator. I can't even catch my breath for a second. I was soon caught off guard and was pinned on the leafy ground by something unknown. It's claws retracting from it's fingers before attacking me fast.

But the creature didn't succeed when suddenly a hand pierced through it's chest, the hand grabbing the creature's heart before crushing it, making the creature disappear into thin and small dust.

The person who saved me was faceless. But it sure wore something fancy. I looked at them trying to figure out who they are. The person helped me stand up and before I can say something, it snapped it's fingers in front of me...




I woke up at midnight suddenly due to that weird dream. Beside me was master Japan. He sure does like to cuddle huh... I hugged him back before petting his head and he nuzzled onto my chest. I looked through the window.


The moon is red.. I looked at the calendar and sure enough my suspicions was answered... The bloodmoon... Oh fuck...

I'm guessing that you don't know what's going to happen. Well bloodmoon is an energy giver to Vampires... More like adrenaline to be specific.

They use their time in the bloodmoon to either hunt food, kill one another to prove who's more a stronger vampire, but it's different with my masters. Sure they still do those stuff like how I see Japan, Spain, and America on top of me with bloody heck of clothes with intense glaring towards my body... Wait-

Before I get ravaged I just wanna tell you- they just fuck me afterwards their work-




-Author's/Reader's POV-

Philippines kept getting fucked continuously by his master Japan, they agreed to go one by one before railing their Pip altogether at once on the end.

Japan kept thrusting into Phil's hole, biting onto his flesh as he sucks out blood while he continues making the vigorous sound of hip to hip sounds.

Philippines whimpers as he cannot handle everything that is happening, his hole burning as it stretched to perfectly fit Japan's dick. He scratched Japan's back as Japan groaned from it.

He kissed Philippines, he slipped his tongue in, making both their wet appendages danced. Once Japan pulled out from the kiss, Philippines was panting hard, letting out his tongue as he looks at Japan in a sinful way. Wanting more despite his hole already destroyed just from one round.

Japan chuckled as he obliged to their sub's needy pleas. Japan pulled out from Phil and took out his used condom, tying it before throwing it into the trashcan, he pulled out another sachet from his pants on the edge of the bed before ripping it out and putting it on. After that he immediately slammed in, eliciting a scream from Phil.

He continued his fast and hard thrust. Meanwhile Spain and America on the side are jerking off with their meat, obviously jealous that Japan got to ravage Phil's ass first. But they entertain themselves with their so called 'music to the ears'.

Philippines already cummed for the 5th time, while Japan only got to release thrice at their 6th round. That was enough as he pulled out from Phil again and removing the condom and tying it before throwing it at the trashcan nearby again. America stood up from the couch and used a condom before flipping Philippines to make a doggy position.

He bit into Phil's nape as he sucks off his sweet blood, making Phil moan louder than usual. He inserted his dick into Phil's hole, making Phil bury his face onto the pillow as his pupils rolls up to his eyelids. America is surely bigger than Japan or Spain, that's for sure.

America continued to push his length into Phil as he still sucks off his blood. Phil cries as he really can't handle America. America shushed him by giving him a kiss on the lips.

America, "don't cry Mahal, I'm only halfway in, Japan fucked you enough to slip in easily but damn you're still tight as ever"

America chuckled as he licks off Philippines' tears off his cheeks.

America, "how was your day Mahal?"

Philippines, ". . . It was ok. . . Although I just slept most of the time"

America, "oh do you Mahal? Did you eat though?"

Philippines nods as he calls down. America smiles as he kisses Phil on the lips, nothing sexual behind the kiss, just purely out of love. America noticed that Philippines was finally calm and his hole was slightly lose. He grins before slamming in all of length, Philippines screamed as he clutches on the sheets, making his knuckles almost white as he bit onto the pillow below him. A few fat tears rolling down.

America started off fast and hard, already starting to raid Phil's hole without any remorse.

Philippines' thoughts, 'so that's why he started that small talk'

America continued to slam his big dick into Phil's hole. Almost making it bleed due to how thick it was.

Spain, "Merica, calm down or Phil's bum will internally bleed"

America, "oh shut it. You're just saying that so you can still have something to fuck after me"

Spain, "haha, mostly but a part of me cares, so slow down your thrusting"

Japan, "I agree with Spain, you're longer and thicker than us. Chill down before our poor lover won't be able to walk for a few months or perhaps permanently"

America grumbles before looking down at Phil, and having sympathy, he leans down and kissed his nape, the place where he bit earlier, he gave Phil a few minutes to adjust to his size, Phil turned around and looked at America, slightly nodding making America smile and kissing Philippines on the lips and started thrusting slowly.

But after each thrust, he makes it faster and harder, always hitting Phil's prostate accurately. After a few minutes or hours, it has been 6 rounds with America, he finished railing Philippines and now it is Spain's turn.

Just like the other two, he used a condom, he cuddled with Phil for the first few minutes, giving Phil a good small amount of minutes to rest. Letting him sit on his lap as he kisses Phil on his chest, collarbone, neck, and especially his face.

He first surely peppered Phil with sweet kisses, comforting him for surviving two stubborn dickheads who doesn't know self-control on bed. He rubs Phil's back up and down before going South and groping Phil's thick buttocks that made Phil squeak.

Spain kisses Phil on the lips before looking at him in the eye and smiling at him. Mentally asking for Phil for consent and for Phil to sit on it. Phil blushed before taking it from behind, lowering himself on the long appendage, moaning out Spain's name like a slut

[I have nothing better to put, I'm sorry]

Spain bit his lip as Phil was again tight. He helps Phil slid down on him by grabbing his waist and slowly guiding him down although it's hard when his hole was still slightly tight.

Spain, "mi Amor, why are you still so tight? Agh~ but I ain't complaining~"

He grins before noticing that Phil successfully inserted all of it. He praised their lover by kissing him on the lips. Phil kissed back while Spain's hand explored down and held Phil's waist, making him move in circular motion, then after making Phil got used to it for the third time, he lifts him up and down making him ride his bulge.

Philil moans when the tip reached his prostate, Spain moaned when he felt Phil tightened around him when he hit that spot, he continued to abuse it with his tip, making sure that Phil won't be able to walk the next day, or weeks.

After some time, it's already 7 in the morning, they started at 9 in the evening, Spain stopped when he released for the 5th time, he pulled out from the unconscious Filipino. He sighed before apologizing to their sleeping lover.

But who said this will be the end? They need the whole main course. They slept the rest of the day, sharing a bed in another room since the maids are cleaning the bedroom they just used last night.

America snuggled behind Phil's back, while Spain snuggles with Philippines, and Japan simply nuzzling on Phil's stomach and hugging his waist. On a stranger's POV, this is fucked up bromance. . . It is. But more romance, gay romance. What am I saying? I'm failing as a narrator, anyway.

It's night time again and Phil woke up, he can't move and realized that his three masters slept with him. Phil didn't move around, not wanting to wake them up. But in contrast of what he thought, they were already awake.

The first country to advance a move was America, kissing Phil on his neck and biting it without drawing out blood, not wanting their lover to have anemia.

[I know what you're gonna say, keep it to yourself if it's rude, please]

Phil moaned again, making Spain do the next move and kissed him, then lastly Japan, giving him a blowjob. Everything was overwhelming with Philippines, America continued to leave more hickies and love bites, as if Philippines doesn't have enough on his body. Spain making out with Phil, concealing his moans as Japan continues to suck him off dry.




They agreed on a position, Philippines on a doggy/? position, Spain taking his mouth, while America is beneath Phil as he entered in his hole that was unprepared, they thought since they fucked him hard, he's slightly lose, then next was Japan who was behind and also inserted his dick while America is still in. Phil moaned into the dick he was sucking when Japan pushes in, the moans sending vibrations to Spain as he moans.

[I know, I know]

Japan and America started thrusting, they weren't in rhythm at first, wanting to go at their own different pace, Japan wanting to go fast and America wanting to go slow. Meanwhile Spain is just enjoying Phil choke on his dick.

The two who's both in Phil's hole started to thrust in rhythm, creating Phil to moan loudly but his voice was shut off by Spain's dick inside his mouth. They continued to ravage Phil in that position, changing positions in each round.

After 2 days of sexual intercourse, the bloodmoon effect on the 3 finally disappeared, they did aftercare obviously, washing Philippines, taking off the cum on and in his body. They didn't wore any protection when they had foursome. They (purposely) forgot.

After changing Phil to a comfortable pajama, they laid him down on another bed, in another bedroom since the last one was *ehem* broken in half.

-Philippines' POV-

My internal organs have probably been rearranged when their own large and thick organs entered me. All my body parts hurts, especially my back, ass, and thighs. I'll surely won't be able to walk for a few weeks after this.

We're all currently laying down on bed, letting me rest since they finally regained their sanity and self-control back. America looked at me and chuckled.

America, "don't worry about going anywhere sunshine, we can always carry you"

Philippines, "I don't want to"

Japan, "why not? You don't want any of us to carry you around? We're all reasonably handsome and strong"

Philippines, "I just don't want to"

Spain, "well we would want to carry you"

Philippines, ". . ."

Spain, "it's three against one, mi Amor"

Philippines, "no"

America, "alright, but don't think we're gonna stop wanting your blood after this, but we'll let you recover first"

Philippines, "thank you"

America, "you're welcome Mahal~"

America sat up and kissed me on the lips, me and America are sitting on bed and laying our back on the headboard while Japan laid his head down on my lap while Spain is in bed but laying down. I chuckled while looking at them.

Japan, "why are you laughing darling?"

Philippines, "I just find this hilarious"

Spain, "what do you find hilarious?"

Philippines, "this"

I pointed at our position. Making them all confused and I laughed at their reaction, I guess my laugh is contagious because they also started laughing.

America, "I guess it is funny, just a few years back, we were all bloodthirsty mutts who will literally shred each other's skin on whoever had the prey first"

America looked at me when he said the word 'prey'. I just sighed before petting Japan's head.

Japan, "yeah, we always kidnap Phil from whoever have had him first"

Spain, "but we stopped and shared him when we all experienced the bloodmoon altogether"

Philippines, "I was horrified by seeing all of your eyes, I thought it was the day I died. . . Technically my ass only died that unfortunate night, and the following bloodmoon and until now"

America, "which makes us wonder, how are you still tight after we've all entered you for how many years have already passed?"

Philippines, "I don't know, I don't understand my body also"

Spain, "it's quite cute tho, like the way he clenched on our dicks whenever we hit his prostate-"

I threw a pillow or two at Spain, making him shut up but he giggled it off. America kissed me on the lips, Japan kissed my hand, then Spain also kissed me but on the cheeks.

America, "I love you"

Spain, "Te amo"

Japan, "愛してます"

I was taken aback, I thought they only saw me as a slave, a few tears fell off and stained my cheeks, why am I suddenly turning a crybaby? Spain wiped it off. I chuckled at all of their reactions.

Philippines, "you three don't see me as your slave?"

Japan, "slave? Aren't we all dating you?"

Spain, "yeah, we agreed on a foursome, after all this time you thought you were our slave?"

Philippines, "yeah-"

America, "oh goodness no Mahal, we'll never think of you like that. . . Except in bed, but aside from our horny thoughts, we always acknowledged you as our lover, not a slave"

I wiped off the threatening tears as I laughed again at their words. I just looked at them one by one, my thoughts about them confirmed on this night, I'm in love with them.

Philippines, "Mahal ko rin kayong mga tanga-tanga"






















Clothes they wore btw:








Ishin, "the end was sweet right? Let's ignore the smut part, I ain't rereading all that but if I got some misspelling, please tell me, whether it's a huge thing or a minor thing"


To the one who requested this:
I'm sorry if I took so long to do your request. And I probably dissapointed you, I apologize again.

I hope you all readers enjoyed this chapter, all the CH authors are quitting but I ain't leaving, if I never updated after a year, I'm probably dead, but until then, nothing will stop me from leaving this fandom, either my friends leaving it cause they found it boring or my foes discriminating me for it. Idc. Nothing will make me leave this fandom. I'm too addicted here, this is my safe haven.

I'm ranting too much, I should create a new chapter already. But again, tell me if I had some misspelling or wrong grammar. Till then, buh-bye!!!

[I'll 'probably' fix this in the future]

Word count:3290😘
