Cupcakes and Kisses

ASEAN x Philippines, BxB, CH.

FLUFF CHAPTER! I calmly repeat this is a
FLUFF CHAPTER!!! (with slight smut)





I was in my office looking at a few documents I have to sign due next week. I've been working at my office for a few days already. And I'm already fucking exhausted. Ugh.

Then my assistant Samantha came in to give me more documents to work for. Ugh

Then someone came in and it was my boyfriend, Philippines.

He looked at me with pity at first but turned to caring eyes immediately.

ASEAN, "what do you need my love?"

Philippines, "nothing I just wanna see you mahal, it's been 1 week and a day without you and I feel lonely even if you're here at the mansion"

ASEAN, "I'm sorry but you know that I cannot avoid my duty as an organization, you understand me don't you? You're a country leader"

Philippines, "yeah but I finished mine weeks ago"

ASEAN, "hours"

Philippines, "yeah sorry just sleep deprived"

I chuckle at my small lover's reply, I indeed also need to attend the dimension of dreams. But I cannot since I need to finish this goddamn 14 inch thick paperwork that needs to be signed manually by me.

Ugh I hate this.

Philippines came forward to me and stood by my side and leaned down to kiss me by the cheeks.

Philippines, "I'll come here again later mahal"

ASEAN, "alright"

I grabbed the back of his head and I leaned forward to give him a passionate kiss and he whimpered because he doesn't really like rough things like this but I know he likes this no scratch that he loves this whenever I do it to him, he always does.

I let go and a string of saliva connected both our tongues. I saw him blushing furiously.

Philippines, "I'll go now"

I gave him a quick nod as a reply and I let go of his head so he can go out of my study/office.

Once I saw him out of my room and he closed the door I continued my work for another few hours.




I was still looking at the documents, I already finished about 2 inch thick of documents but I still need to do and sign a lot more.

I saw a beam light coming from my door and it was Philippines coming in with a tray of 4 cupcakes and a small pyramid of rice cake called puto.

He smiled at me before speaking.

Philippines, "you need a short break mahal, maybe some midnight snack with me?"

I perked up when he said midnight and I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and saw it was already 12:09 at night.

He placed the tray filled with sweets on another table at the side. He went behind me and gave me a hug on my neck, I leaned back on my chair so I can embrace his warmth.

He placed his head on top of mine.

Philippines, "come on mahal, you need rest and I missed you"

It took me awhile and I thought about it. I sighed and looked up to see him face to face.

ASEAN, "alright my love, I guess I can take a break for you"

I looked at him and he was smiling at me and he kissed my forehead.

Philippines, "finally"

He sighed and let go of my neck, he took my hand and pulled me towards the couch with a coffee table where the sweets stays.

We both sat down on the couch and he leaned on my shoulder and I grabbed one puto and ate it.

He leaned forward and grabbed a cupcake and ate it. I looked at him and there was frosting on his mouth, dammit I can't with my brain.

I gave up fighting my thoughts and let my body move, I leaned forward and I licked the frosting off Phil's lips, I then kissed him on the lips, some of the cupcake bread passing to mine and it made our kiss delicious.

We let go of our kiss and a few thick and thin strings of saliva connected our tongues.

Philippines, "how's the taste mahal?"

ASEAN, "sweet and tasty"

He smiles and seriously I'll kill for that handsome smile of his.

Philippines, "I'm glad you like it"

ASEAN, "I love it"

I smiled at him and he took a puto and half bite it and leaned forward towards me. I didn't understand what he wanted me to do but after a sec I figured he wants to feed me.

I smirked at his face and took a bite of the puto he was biting, our lips almost touched and I made them collide, I can't get enough of his lips.

We continued our feast with each other's wet cavern, few of our saliva string was sliding down to Phil's chin.

We let go of each other and Phil was panting lacking oxygen while I huff in delight since it was always a pleasure when we both get intimate with each other, but unfortunately I'm too tired to make it more intimate but Phil understood that I only need rest.

We both kept eating cupcakes and putos while occasionally kissing each other. I started the conversation between me and my lover so I can catch up with topics outside my office.

We both finished the sweet pastries and me and Phil ended up hugging each other while I lay on the couch while Phil was on top of me cuddling me and laying his head on my chest while I snaked my hands around his waist and hugged him there, a blanket was covering us while we hear the fire burning on the background. Yes there is a fireplace inside my own office.

My eyelids were getting heavy and Phil looked up at me and he started to sing me a lullab.

Philip's calming voice singing me a lullaby never fails to take me to the moon and back. I let the darkness of the abyss take over my eyesight, soon I fell asleep while hugging my little lover.




Hello! This was requested by lazuli098

I am very very sorry if the chapter was kind of off the chart or something like that.

I wrote this while I was sick so I really apologize if the chapter was not to anybody's liking.

If you don't mind, can y'all dear readers follow and vote? Not forcing.

Well anyway hope you all at least have a good day!

Word Count:1097
