One night study

China x Philippines, BxB, CH.

SMUT CHAPTER! I calmly repeat this is a




China POV,

Another boring day at the University of World Politic Countries or also called UWPC for short.

I sighed as I listened to professor JE or aka Japan Empire, Japan's mother.

Tell me why I'm studying here again? Oh right because of the new law that United Nations have approved of.

We can't rule our country without the proof of us countries studying stuff we won't probably need all the time in the future. Worst of all we have to study for 5 years...

I mean what's the point of studying for 5 years just for a handshake and damn piece of paper? Ugh luckily I'm one of the top students of this school so this should be an easy way out soon enough.

The morning period finally finished and it's now time for lunch, when I just stepped out of that damn classroom I got called by the principal, United Nations himself is the goddamn principal of this shitty hell-hole called school named UWPC.

Since I have nothing to do and the office of his is near. I started walking on the corridors leading to an elevator, it took me 3 minutes to face his door of his office. I knocked for confirmation to come in or not.

United Nations, "come in!"

I relieved a sigh and plastered a fake smile, my signature one where I'm a stereotype Chinese where they can't see my eyes. Bruh.

I walked in but the second I stepped foot on his office, a book was flown in the air and it perfectly landed on my beautiful perfectly sculptured handsome face.

[China,"do not attack me with ridiculous comments, it was on my script given by the author"]

[Ishin, "I did not write such things! Anyway continue and don't cross the fourth wall Ching Chong!"]

The book fell in front of me and I can still feel the sting on my nose as I rubbed it to ease the pain, I groaned when I heard a sarcastic apology, I always recognize that tone of voice anywhere around me, Philippines. He looked at me with such hatred as if I killed his pet hamster, which I did, accidentally one time on our childhood.

China, "well hello there ma-i~"

I smirked when I saw a tiny tint of blush on his smooth cheeks, even if he hates me he always blushes when I call him that, hmm maybe it's because of last time~.

I still rub my nose cause the pain won't go away, Philippines sat down and I walked in front of United Nation's desk and sat in front of Philippines.

United Nations, "good afternoon Mr. China, I apologize for the rude actions of Mr. Philippines over here but I have a favor to ask you"

I sighed and took a glance of look to Philippines before looking directly at United Nations in the eyes. I replied back.

China, "and what will be the favor be?"

United Nations, "I want you to be Mr. Philippines's tutor"

China & Philippines, "WHAT?!!"

United Nations, "I know you guys have a rough history but I know you guys can help each other out right now"

China, "I don't think Ma-i over here has something beneficial for me"

United Nations, "shut up I know what you've been doing, no scratch that, craving this days, so either accept being Mr. Philippines's tutor or else I'll assign Mr. America for the job–"

I slammed my hand on his desk and glared at his soul, I took a glance of Philippines who isn't denying help or he's just being quiet because he's been like this all the time even if we did it before.

China, "I'll be his tutor, just don't mention that name of his ever in front of me"

United Nations, "great! Mr. Philippines you won't disagree right?"

Philippines, "actua–"

United Nations, "great then it's settled! I'll leave you two to work on your schedules, bye"

China, "hey wait a d–"

United Nations, "I.Said.Bye."

I rolled my eyes and I grabbed Ma-i's wrist and took him out of United Nation's office and I let go of his arm as soon as we're outside the campus.

I looked at him waiting for any kind of response.

It has been over a few minutes and none of us exchanged any words and that got me irritated. I looked at him before saying something.

China, "Later at Night, exactly 8pm, second dormitory building, room 098 on the fourth floor, don't be late Ma-i~"

I brushed his cheeks before waving goodbye so I can attend the afternoon classes, I chuckled, I don't even need to look back to see his adorable flustered face, can't wait for tonight~ and just when I was thinking of something, I got hit on the head by a book thrown by none other than Philippines.

I looked behind myself and I saw Philippines sticking out his tongue at me before running away. I sigh and picked up the book then put it inside my slingbag.




I was inside my dorm watching TV, I heard a knock on the door and I checked the time on the TV to see it's only 7:47pm.

China's mind, "huh he's too early and knowing him and our history together, I surely know he will gonna be late today"

I shrugged it off and stood up from the couch and walked to my door and opened it to see Vietnam, ah him again? Isn't he one of Phil's ex? ... Pft- nah. I'm mistaking him for someone. Wait why is Vietnam here?

I raised one of my eyebrows and gave him a questioning look.

China, "can I help you Nam?"

He glared at me before sighing down and looking up at me and gave me a serious look.

Vietnam, "I heard you'll be Ma-i's tutor. Lay your fingers off of him and if I ever see him cry and the cause is you, I'll start a war against you, you hear me?! Don't repeat the same mistake you did like last time with Phil"

He told me in a whisper shout tone, I chuckled before leaning my shoulder on the door frame.

China, "don't worry Nam, I will keep my hands off of him"

He glared at me before scoffing knowing I lied  which I did of course. I can't let Phil get away from me now, this is an opportunity I should take so I can convince him to forgive me.

Vietnam turned to his heel and walked to the right corridor and the end of it is the elevator, I saw him get in and pressed a button and while the doors was slowly closing off he pointed two fingers at his eyes before pointing it at me signaling he is watching.

I rolled my eyes as I closed the door and locked it before going inside my living room to continue watching TV.




After some time, I heard a knock on my door and I checked the clock on the wall to see its already 8:16pm, I knew Phil would be late. I sigh then I got up and I approached my door to open it and I saw Phil on casual clothes while carrying 2 books, 3 notebooks, a pen and correction tape.

He looked at me before he raised an eyebrow at me and I just chuckled and moved to the side and extended my hand to let him know he can enter my room.

He walked in and I closed the door, he took off his shoes and set them aside, we walked to my living room and I noticed he was looking around. He turned his head to me.

Philippines, "you're alone here? You don't have a roommate?"

He fluttered his eyes while giving me a questionable look, I nodded at him.

China, "yeah, you can just sit wherever you want, I'll just bring some drinks and snacks, you wanna request something?"

Philippines, "do you have jasmine tea and biscuits?

I blinked and chuckled before nodding, he blushed lightly and looked away before he crouched down to put his stuff on the coffee table, while he rearranged his stuff I took a good look at his ass.

I shaked my head before I accidentally shared my thoughts with my member, I walked to my kitchen and brought a tray from the top shelf and set it on the counter.

I started to boil some water and I crouched down to the bottom cabinet to pick two teacups that's colored white with green designs of flowers and bamboos then I closed the cabinet door. I set it on the tray and got some tea bags of jasmine and set it in the teacups. I opened another cabinet on the top to get some biscuits then again I closed the door, I set the biscuits on the tray then I heard the water boiling so I turned off the fire and then I poured the water to the teacup.

I sighed then carried the tray to the living room where Phil is sitting on the floor and he's already studying. I smiled at Phil before approaching him and putting down the tray of food. I looked at his paper trying to answer a math problem. I sat besides him before I spoke.

China, "you're using the wrong formula to find x"

Philippines, "well it's not my problem this is confusing! I mean why are we suffering because of this subject's breakup?!"

I chuckled while I heard him groan, I placed my hand over his while I leaned on his shoulder as I start to speak.


Philippines POV,

I noticed China's hand over mine as he lead my hands to write the correct formula, I listened to every word he said while I got tickled by China's breath over my neck. Gosh..

We continued our session with a few more subjects such as politics, history, geometry, and biology. China stood up from where he sat and told me to stay and wait here since he said he prepared something for me.

I looked at the clock on the wall of his dorm to see it's already 10:43pm. Tomorrow is the weekends so I don't have to worry about getting up early.

China came back after 20 minutes while carrying a few papers.

China, "this will be your practice test, I need to know if you really listened and concentrated with what I taught you"

I got confused but nonetheless shrugged and nodded before he smiles and he placed the paper down. He took the tray with empty teacups to his kitchen, I looked at the papers to see some difficult questions and that made it imbalance with the easy questions, I sigh before I felt someone hugging me from behind and I felt their breath on my neck.

China, "you can start with your test now"

Philippines, "how can I start if you're distracting me?"

I sensed him scoffing on my neck before he carried me and re-arranged our position, he sat crisscross while I sat on top of him, my bum feeling his member. I blushed before shaking my head furiously.

China, "tell you what, if you did not get distracted and you passed that practice test I'll get you anything you want tomorrow"

Philippines, "hmm"

I thought for a moment before looking down on the papers and turning my head over my shoulders to look at him.

Philippines, "and if I got distracted?"

China, "punishment awaits you my love~"

He smirked before kissing my nape, I shuddered before looking back at my test papers and got my pen as I started to read and answer every question.


China POV,

I saw Phil being serious and I should take this opportunity to make Phil mine again. I snaked my hands under his shirt and started playing both of his nipples, I heard him moan but it was a faint sound.

He continued answering his test paper, I sucked on his neck creating a hickey and I licked it. I grope his chest while I continue to bite, lick and give hickeys on Philip's neck and nape.

I went south to grope Philip's dick and I heard him moan, he looked over his shoulder and I saw him glare at me. I chuckled before convincing him to continue his test.

Both my hands started to caress his big and thick thighs, I saw Phil already on question number 21,he only needs to finish 19 more.

I nuzzled on the side of his neck, inhaling his intoxicating delicious scent. My hands tried to untie his trousers knot and that's when he stop me from doing so.

Philippines, "what do you think you're doing CHING CHONG?!"

He shouted at me while his eyes looked to the side to see me. I smile and leaned down on his shoulder.

China, "I'm claiming what's mine ma-i"

Philippines, "I'm not yours–"

I shut him off with a kiss, he tried to squirm his way out but I held him still. I bit his bottom lip hard and he gasped which made an opening to my tongue as I explored every spot of his wet cavern.

He closed his eyes shutly and I looked to the side to look at Phil's test papers, I flipped the few papers and he mostly got everything right except a few.

I grin and let go of our kiss, our tongue connected by a string of saliva, he exhaled and inhaled fast trying to catch his breath.

I carried him and stood up. His legs on my waist and his arms on my neck, I hold onto his ass and I went to my bedroom.

I pinned him onto the bed and started kissing him again and again making him suffocate and moan to pain and pleasure.

Philippines, "China–"

I cut him off again with a gentle kiss and looked at him with lust, we looked at each other eye to eye before Phil looks away blushing furiously.

I leaned down and kissed his cheek before trailing down to his neck.

Philippines, "China please... Be gentle this time, please?"

I was shocked but then smiled and nodded. I kissed him again before raising his shirt and successfully removing it.

I trailed down my kisses down to his right nipple, I sucked on it while playing on his left nipple. I heard him moan and dammit that turned me on.


Author/Reader POV,

China enjoyed sucking on Philip's nipple, his hands trailed south to Phil's trousers, he removed them along with his underwear making Phil completely vulnerable and delicious to the Chinese's eyes and presence.

He took off his belt then his pants along with his underwear, completely removing his undergarments.

Phil saw China's hard cock and he blushes even more, China forcibly spreads Phil's legs, he grabbed lube from the side drawer and pour some decent amount on his hands.

China, "may I?"

He asked Phil for his consent and Phil nodded hesitantly, China inserted a finger on Phil's anus and Phil arch his back a nd moaned.

China added another finger before scissoring Phil, he thrust his fingers in and out making Phil drool and moan in each hit.

After searching and scissoring Phil, He finally found Phil's prostate and that made his sub whimper and moan loudly and after a few thrust, Phil cummed between breaths.

He took out his fingers from Phil's hole then he freed his erection from it's clothed prison. Without any warning China immediately thrust himself to Phil making the poor archipelago feel the pain and pleasure.

China kept hitting Phil's prostate and within seconds Phil already had his second release. China then repeatedly hitting his prostate, wanting his release also.

Philippines, "Chi-China– Aah~! S-slow down~~ ahh~ ngh~ pa-lease~ ahh~!"

China did not comply and instead get more faster and harder in each thrust he did, his sub didn't do anything other than moan in pain and pleasure.

After a few more thrust he finally cummed. He kissed Philip on the forehead and whispered something to the uke's ear.

Philip was about to sleep but was shocked again by a sudden thrust making him moan very loudly and immediately looked at China.

China, "don't pass out on me now Ma-i~ we will have so much fun all night~"

China seductively said before thrusting suddenly making Phil moan. Let's pray for Philip shall we?




Hello! This was requested by _yeah_itz_me_

Hello! I am very very sorry if I took so long to update, I am very sorry if somehow the storyline gets confusing, and I apologize for the wrong grammars and spellings.

I also apologize for the smut part, I am inexperienced with writing things like this so I really apologize for that

If you don't mind, can y'all dear readers follow and vote? Not forcing.

Well anyway hope you all at least have a good day!

Also if y'all have more request just go to the first chapter and comment what chxph ship is next.

Word Count:2875
