Walking up to Granny's for lunch with Killian, they were supposed to meet with Emma, David, and Mary Margaret since they didn't show up for dinner the other night.

Seeing Ursula and Cruella walk out of Granny's, Aurelia tried to be nice. "Goodmorning!" she smiled. But the two just completely ignored her. Instead, Ursula glared right at Killian.

"Hook" she sneered as they continued walking down the street. Aurelia looked at Killian surprised. "You know her?" she asked.

"Aye, love. I encountered many a vile creature on my voyages" he said, grateful for the distraction of David, Mary Margaret, and Emma walking outside.

"Lia. I'm glad you're here. We need you to watch Neal" David said.

"What? What happened? I thought we were having lunch, and I've been craving Granny's lasagna" Aurelia whined.

"It's gonna have to wait. You're aware we have two new friends in town? They're up to something. If we hurry, we can pick up the trail" David said as Mary Margaret handed Neal over to Aurelia.


"Everything you need is in here," Mary Margaret said, handing her the diaper bag before the three of them walked off.

"Raincheck on lasagna then?" Aurelia sighed, adjusting Neal on her hip as she looked at Killian.

"Are you going back to the loft? I'll come with you" Killian said.

"You don't have to. You'll probably be bored hanging out with me and a baby all day" she said.

"Nonsense. It'll be fun" he smiled. "We can take Granny's to go."

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Do you think he knows what we're talking about? Or does it just all sound like gibberish?" Aurelia asked as she looked at Neal sitting on her lap, smiling up at her.

"I assume he understands somethings," Killian said, watching how comfortable she was with Neal.

"You have no idea what we're saying do you?" Aurelia laughed, tickling Neal's side. He only babbled in response, reaching toward her so he could lay on her chest.

"He really likes you" Killian noted. "I think it's just all the sun magic. I run pretty warm. Probably feel like a blanket" she said.

"Or he's just a really good judge of character," Killian said.

"Do you want to hold him?" she asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea, love," he told her, shaking his head.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Just don't think I'll be good with kids," he told her. "Henry really likes you" she pointed out.

"Henry's not a baby" he pointed out.

"Oh come on. You'll be fine. He doesn't bite. He does pull hair though but yours in pretty short so I think you'll be okay" she told him, holding Neal out for him to take.

He was hesitant but pulled him onto his lap genuinely shocked that the baby didn't burst into tears immediately.

"See? I told you. He likes you" Aurelia smiled. "Or he just hasn't realized it's not you holding him yet," he said.

Aurelia let out a small laugh, slightly shaking her head. "Oh, I wanted to ask you. How do you know Ursula?" she asked, gently running a finger over Neal's cheek.

"I already told you, love. She's just one of the many sea monsters who crossed my path in my pirating days" he said.

"I know. I just thought maybe there'd be an intresting story there. Like she tried to lure you to steer your ships into the rocks or something" she said, waving her fingers around like she was telling a scary story.

But Killian just shook his head, insisting there wasn't a story. "Honestly, I don't recall," he said. But Aurelia could tell he was hiding something.

"Yeah you do" she laughed. "I can tell. Come on, what is it?"

"Honestly, Goldie, that's all there is to know," he said. Aurelia was going to let it go if he just didn't want to tell her but his insistence that he just didn't remember was getting to her.

He was lying to her. Again. After everything that happened with Ariel, and Gothel pretending to be Ariel and the missing year in the enchanted forest he swore he wouldn't lie to her again.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," she said, thinking that maybe like with Ariel he was just scared to tell her.

"I don't know what else to say" he shrugged. And neither did Aurelia. But Neal starting to cry ended whatever conversation they were having or weren't having.

"Told you, bad with kids," he said as she took Neal from him. Or he's just a good judge of character is what she wanted to say. But she didn't. Because Killian wasn't a bad person. Even if he was lying.

"It's not you. I think he's just tired" she said, as she stood up. "I should go put him down for a nap."

Killian nodded as he stood up and grabbed his coat. "I should let you two be alone," he said. Aurelia just nodded, not knowing what to say to him anymore. Which was a first since usually, her problem was to stop talking.

"I'll see you later," he said, going in for a kiss but she turned her head at the last minute and he only pressed his lips to her cheek.

"Yep. See you later" she said, rushing off to set Neal down, hoping that Killian would see himself out. And after a moment, he did. He knew she was upset about the Ursula situation but just like with Ariel, he couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Turns out babies were really good listeners. Especially sleeping babies. And Neal had been asleep for a few hours.

"I mean, he woudn't lie unless he had a good reason, right? I know there should never be a good reason for lying but I'm sure he has one. He had a good reason with Ariel. Or fake Ariel. Well both I guess. So I shouldn't be mad right?" she asked, taking a pause as if she was waiting for Neal to answer.

"I shouldn't. But it's still not okay for him to lie. Then again, he doesn't have to tell me if he doesn't want to. But he could've told me he didn't want to talk about it instead of lying. Maybe I should talk to him. I should call him shouldn't I?" she asked, again pausing like he was going to answer.

"I'm gonna call him" she decided, going to reach for her phone but stopped when someone knocked at the door. Pulling it open she was surprised to see Killian standing on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I wanted to talk to you. About eariler" he said.

"Wait! Let me go first!" she exclaimed, noticing how startled he was by her outburst. "Sorry. But it my defense I was just about to call you. Um, do you want to come in?"

Killian nodded as he walked in and waited for her to close the door before he followed her over to the couch.

"I know that something happened between you and Ursula. I know that it's probably something bad and I know you don't want to tell me. And it's okay" she said, catching him off guard. "I just don't like that you lied to me about it. You said you wouldn't lie to me again."

Killian sighed, remembering that very promise he made to her. He also remembered how well she'd taken the news of what happened with Ariel when he thought she'd hate him.

"Aye, love. You're right. I haven't been entirely forthright with you. Truth is, I remember my history with Ursula and it was ugly" he told her.

"We're you two together? Because if that's the case then you definitely don't have to tell me about it" she said, shaking her head.

"No, nothing like that. But you're right. It was bad" he said.

"Killian, whatever happened. Whatever you did, that's not you anymore. I don't want you to think I'll run away from you the moment something from your past comes up. If I make you feel like I would do that I'm-"

"No, please don't apologize. You didn't do anything. You're perfect, really. I'm just so scared of losing you" he sighed.

"I'm not perfect. And you're not going to lose me. I spent so long on Neverland, time just standing still on a loop with no option of a future and it didn't even feel like being in the present. I don't want that anymore. I want to keep moving forward and not worry about the past. Mine or yours. And whatever happened with Ursula, you can tell me whenever. Or never tell me. I mean the curiosity would absolutely kill me but I wouldn't be upset."

Killian smiled as he reached out for her hand. "See what I mean? Perfect" he said, wanting to lean over and kiss her but stopped when David called his name.

"Hook? What are you doing here?" he asked.

Aurelia shifted away, awkwardly looking around at Emma and Mary Margaret who had also walked in.

"Where's Neal?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Sleeping," Aurelia told her, pointing at his crib.

"So this what the babysitters get up to when the baby's asleep" Emma laughed.

Aurelia blushed as David cleared his throat, not wanting to think about his sister getting up to anything.

"We, uh, have some bad news. Turns out Cruella and Ursula were up to something" he said.

"They resurrected Maleficent," Mary Margaret said.

"Who's that?" Aurelia asked.

"The dragon that I slayed in the clock tower?" Emma asked.

"Wait you slayed a dragon? Maleficent is a dragon?" Aurelia asked.

"Dragon? I thought she was some sort of mummified beast" Killian said.

"I am very confused," Aurelia said.

"Whatever she was, she's back to her old self now. A very powerful and evil witch" David said.

"And as long as she's in town, no one is safe," Mary Margaret said.

"I don't get it. Why are these witches waging war against us?" Emma asked.

David and Mary Margaret glanced at each other as if they were trying to come up with a good answer.

"Because they're villains. And we're heroes" Mary Margaret said, trying to make it as black and white as possible.

But Aurelia had a feeling it wasn't going to be that simple.

thank you for all the birthday wishes!

happy friday!
