Huddled in the back of an outrageously loud tavern, Aurelia, Emma, and Hook watched as Hook from the past sat with a few of his crewmates and women from the tavern, drinking and playing dice.

"There I am. Rather dashing, don't you think?" Hook smiled. "Is this even a good idea? What about preserving the future?" Emma asked.

"It'll be fine. Given what I'm drinking, if I remember anything, I'll simply blame the rum. Just make sure that I, he, remains occupied and doesn't return to my ship" Hook said, looking at Aurelia.

"Wait me? I thought Emma was going" she said.

"Why would I go?" Emma asked.

"Why would I go?" Aurelia asked back.

"Well, because you're...you know" Emma shrugged. "No, actually. I don't know" Aurelia huffed.

"You're his type," Emma said.

Aurelia looked at her, slightly embarrassed choosing to ignore her words. "And what exaclty am I supposed to do? Go over there and talk to him? He's drunk and surrouned by women!" she exclaimed.

"If I may," Hook said, interrupting their conversation. "All you need to do is flirt with him."

"Flirt with him?" Aurelia asked as if he just told her to grow a second head. "I don't think I need to explain to either of you that I don't know how to do that! And besides, this is after Pan had you find me. Won't you recognize me?"

"Not as a brunette," he told her. "Just be yourself, love. You'll be fine."

Aurelia sighed, giving herself a pep talk. "Just be myself. Right. I can do this. I can totally do this."

She turned as Emma pulled her coat off and undid the first few laces of her corset. "What are you doing?" Aurelia asked.

"In case being yourself doesn't work" Emma smirked. Aurelia huffed, rolling her eyes as she stood up and Hook stood with her.

"That man sitting there, you don't know him. So be careful" he said. "You're, he's, not going to hurt me," Aurelia said, taking a deep breath before walking over to him.

"You're jealous of yourself" Emma laughed, looking at Hook. He didn't say anything as he rolled his eyes, gesturing for her to follow him.

Aurelia walked over, her presence immediately getting everyone's attention. Past Hook looked right up at her as she smiled at him.

"Hi. Can I play?"

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What Emma said about Aurelia being Hook's type must've been true because the moment she walked over, he gestured for everyone to leave allowing her to sit right next to him.

"So what is someone like you doing in a place like this?" he asked.

"Someone like me?"

"Someone as innocent as you doesn't look like she spends all her free time in a place like this," he said.

"Well you're not nearly as scary and mean as people make you out to be," she told him.

"Hmm," he smirked, moving in closer, any ounce of personal space she had gone. "So you know who I am and yet you haven't even told me your name."

"I like a good mystery. Don't you?" she asked, pouring him another drink.

"That I do" he smirked. "What do you say we leave this place and head back to my ship?"

Aurelia handed him his cup, hoping it could get him to stay put. "How about a few drinks first?" she asked, smiling as he downed his right away.

She went to pour him another one, only pretending to pour herself one.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get me drunk, which is usually my tactic ," he said.

"Of course not, Captain. I'm innocent remember? And besides, I thought someone like you would be able to hold their rum" she said, hoping what she was doing with her voice didn't make her sound like an idiot but instead came across as sexy.

Apparently, it had as Hook leaned forward, his face inches from hers as he grabbed the bottle of rum from behind her.

"Not only can I hold it, but I can carry it right out the door. What do you say we set sail?" he asked, standing up. "Come back with me for a nightcap, or shall I find someone else?"

Biting her lip, Aurelia shook her head as she took his hand, letting him lead her out of the tavern. As they walked down the docks to his ship she tried to think of another way to stall him.

Pretending to trip, she let out a small yelp as he barely caught her from hitting the ground. "Oh, I should probably sit down," she said.

"No need," he said, scooping her up in his arm. "I've carried rum barrels heavier than you."

She couldn't help but let out a small laugh as he scooped her up and she turned to see Snow with her hood up, trying to hide her face as she scurried away from the ship.

"Behold! The Rolly Joger!" Hook shouted as he carried her aboard the ship, clearly wasted. "I think I feel better now," she said as he set her on her feet.

"Captain," Mr.Smee said. "I thought you were still below deck. And why does your vest keep changing?"

Panicking, she turned to Hook, hoping she could still distract him. "I think I remember a nightcap being promised. How about you go find one and I'll be waiting" she smiled, before rushing below deck.

"What are you two still doing down here?" she asked seeing Emma and Hook still downstairs. "I can ask the same of you. I thought I told you to keep him occupied" Hook said.

"I am!" she exclaimed. "By taking him back to my ship?" he asked. "His ship" she reminded him. "You know what I mean!"

"I stalled as long as I could! But I'm pretty sure now he's expecting to sleep with me!" she exclaimed.


"And you said you weren't good at flirting" Emma laughed. "Not helpful! What am I supposed to do?" Aurelia asked.

"Just keep him above deck so we can get out here," Emma said.

But it was too late for that as past Hook came down the stairs. Emma and Hook hid behind the door.

"Where are you off too? I do hope you're not having second thoughts" he said.

"No. Of course not" she said. "Just waiting on you."

She was surprised when he pulled her into a kiss but she moved along with him so that Emma and Hook could escape.

Hearing their footsteps creak by, past Hook tried to turn around but Aurelia placed a hand on his cheek forcing him to look at her.

"My apologies," he said. "A woman as beautiful as you deserves my full and prompt attention."

Aurelia gasped as Hook grabbed the one from the past and punched him in the face, knocking him out cold.

"Are you kidding? How is that not gonna have consequences?" she exclaimed. "He was asking for it," Hook said. "And like I said, he'll blame the rum. Now let's get out of here."

Aurelia turned and spared another glance at the man lying on the ground before she followed them out and they headed towards Midas' castle.

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Standing across the moat that separated Midas' castle from the rest of his land, Hook couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"A predictable excess of pomp and grandeur. Snow should have no trouble sneaking inside" he said.

"And it has a moat! I knew castles were supposed to have a moat" Aurelia said.

"What about us? We're supposed to just sit here and hope that she pulls it off? I don't like leaving things to chance" Emma said.

"I feel the same way" Rumple laughed as he appeared behind them. "Which is why I never do. See, an inviation to the ball."

"So you'll be inside to watch out for her?" Emma asked as they looked at the invitation that appeared in his hand.

"No, no. I'll be far too busy sorting out how to get you home" Rumple said.

"Well, who's the invitation for?" Hook asked.

"Well, isn't it obvious? The two of you" Rumple said. "So when we're done inside, you can open our portal?" Hook asked.

"There's a powerful wand, which....I came to possess. Anyway, legend says it can recreate any magic that's ever been wielded. Now, with a little work I can use it to recreate whatever portal brought you here" Rumple said, giving them the invitation.

"Please do it quickly. We'll be in and out before you know it. I want to get out of here" Emma said.

"Oh, confidence. I like it" Rumple said, calling them back before they left. "Wait! Not like that."

He waved his hand and Aurelia looked down at the bright yellow ball gown she was wearing. Both Emma and Killian had also been given, new ball-appropriate attire.

"The savior can't come this far and not play princess for a day," Rumple said. "I thought we weren't supposed to stick out?" Aurelia asked.

"Because what you had before was such an itricate disguise?" he teased. "Now, speaking of which, I've returned those stolen rags, luckily before they were missed. I mean it's a miracle the timeline hasn't imploded already. Amatures."

"What is someone rememberes us from the future?" Emma asked him.

"Allow me," Rumple said, a mirror appearing in his hand as they stared back at three completely different people.

"A glamour spell. This is how you shall appear to one and all. Now run along, and do everything you can to make sure Snow White gets that ring. Once they are back on track, everything else will be, too."

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The three of them walked inside the castle, handing their invitations to a guard at the gate.

"Just when I thought the clothes here couldn't get any worse" Emma sighed. "I love mine. I wonder if Rumple will let us keep them" Aurelia said.

Before Emma could reply the King walked up to them.

"Greetings. I am King Midas, father of the bride. Who do I have the honor to welcome into my home?" he asked.

All of them froze, not knowing what to say.

"I am...I'm Prince..." Hook stuttered. "Charles," Emma said. "Prince Charles. And I'm Princess...Leia."

Midas looked at Aurelia waiting for her introduction. "Oh, right. Uh, Princess Lia" she said, only being able to think of the nickname every called her.

"Are you two sisters?" Midas asked.

Aurelia and Emma nodded, hoping he wasn't too suspicious. "Well it's an honor to have you all," he said before walking off.

"Mary Margaret and David are always going on about this ball, and that ball. What's the big deal?" Emma asked as they walked to the back of the party.

Her answer came in the form of the crowd opening up, showing off a group of people dancing in the middle.

"Oh, absolutely not. I'm going to keep an eye out for Snow and Charming" Emma said, walking off.

Hook turned to Aurelia as he held out his hand. "May I have this dance?" he asked. "You know how to do whatever this is?" she asked, taking his hand.

"It's called a waltz. There's only rule. Pick a partner who knows what he's doing" he said.

"Well I should warn you. I've never danced like this before and I'm positive I'm completley uncoordinated" she said.

"Oh, just like you didn't think you were good at flirting?" he asked.

"I wasn't! You..or he, was just really drunk" she told him. "That may be so but what Emma said was true. You are my type" he told her.

"I am?" she asked.

"Was that not obvious?" he asked.

"No. I mean, why would I be? I'm no one special" she shrugged. He looked at her as if she was crazy but before he could respond the doors swung open as Regina sauntered in.

Midas walked up to the Queen and bowed. "Your Majesty. I thank you for honoring my daughter with your presence" he said.

"And thank you for your generous hospitality," Regina said. "I hope you don't mind, I brought some friends."

They watched as black knights walked in behind them. Emma rushed over to them in a panic. "I can't find Charming. And the guards know Snow's here" she said. Hook gestured for them to exit out a back door. It led them out to one of the castle's balconies.

"Look," Emma said, pointing to Snow scaling down the side of the building. "She did it. She must've stolen the ring" she said as they watched Snow run from the castle.

"You can't hide from me!" Charming shouted from a window up above them. "Wherever you are, I will find you!"

Suddenly a guard came rushing out, pushing them aside. "You'll find her sooner than you think my lord," he said, aiming his bow for Snow.

"No" Emma shouted, pushing the guard to the ground. Glancing up, Emma grabbed the ring that she spotted on the ground.

"Look, the ring," she said, as more guards came out.

"You two get the ring to Snow. I'll hold them off" Hook said, pulling out his sword. Emma grabbed Aurelia, pulling her back inside.

"There they are!" a guard shouted. "They helped the bandit escape!"

Aurelia and Emma looked around as they were soon, surrounded by guards.

"Going somewhere?"

They turned and stood face to face with the Queen who stood smiling at them.

"Regina, we-"

The Queen cut off Aurelia with a menacing glare. "That's a bit informal, wouldn't you say? Show some respect! It's your majesty."

Hook ran back in only to see Emma and Aurelia being grabbed by the black knights. "You're not going anywhere," the Queen said. "Snow White may have left the party early, but I suspect your night has just begun. Take them away."

Hook cursed to himself as all he could do was watch as the knights carried them away.
